Revenge With Two Sides

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Gogo P.O.V
After I get out the shower I put my pajamas on and walk downstairs. I hear Honey and Hiro talking. "Oh hey Gogo. I'm sorry about what happened at the party." Hiro says to me. "Thanks Hiro they're just idiots." "Yeah well we should do something back to them!" Honey says.

"Already have a plan." I say smirking. They look at me like I'm about to do something bad. "Oh c'mon its revenge!" I say. "Alright Go, but let us in on it." Hiro says smiling. "Ok so what I had on mind was.." I began to tell the plan. "Ooh! This seems revengeful!" Honey clapped. "It is." I smile. "So tomorrow we'll do this?" Hiro asks. "Right on the beach, where everyone can see it happen!" I say.

We hear the door unlocked and we see everyone come in. "Oh Gogo are tou alright?!" Aunt Cass hugs me. "I'm fine Aunt Cass." I smile. She let's go. Tadashi looks at us then goes into his room. Later we all go to bed.

~Next morning 11:00 am~
Honey P.O.V
I was already downstairs in my clothes. White shorts, yellow tank top, and pink flip-flops. I was waiting for everyone to get ready for a second beach day.

I then see Gogo come down in her last beach outfit except she wore a purple short sleeve shirt. "Hey Gogo!" I say waving. "Hey Lemon. Ready for a second beach day?" She asks. "You know it!" I clap. I then see Baymax come out the living room. "Recharging, all done." He says. "Good because we're gonna have lots of fun." Gogo says smiling.

We then see everyone else come out their rooms in their beach clothes. "Hey guys. Where's Tadashi?" Gogo asks. I don't even care for him now. "He isn't coming." Hiro says. "Kay kay!" I say and head out the door and walk to the beach with Gogo.

"So how's avoiding Tadashi?" She asks me. "Not so good. I just feel so bad for avoiding him." I say looking down. "Tree." Gogo says. "What-?" I say but I hit a tree and hold my nose. "Thanks for the warning." I say. She laughs a little. "I'm sure if you avoid Tadashi, he'll realize he did something wrong and it's not your fault." She says to me. "Thanks Gogo." I smile and reach the beach. A lot of people were there.

We then see the boys and Baymax rush by us to the beach. Aunt Cass was talking with some people by the docks. I then see Lola and her crew of evil friends. "There they are." I point. "Alright, remember the plan." Gogo says. "Right!" I run to the ice cream parlor.

Gogo P.O.V
I run to a lady with a bunch of seagulls with her. "Hi ma'am. Do you train these birds?" I ask. "I have a very unique way of making them do things." She smiles. "Excellent." I smile. After talking with the bird lady, I run over to Hiro. "Alright it's a go buddy." I say to him. "Right." He says and runs over to Lola and Derek. I walk by him ans them looking down. I hear Hiro say, "They just don't want to hate you guys anymore." I smile and continue walking. "Hey you, Gogo!" Derek calls.

I turn around. "Hm?" "Is that true. You wanted to be our friends, even if we hurt you?" He asks. I nod. "Well we're sorry." Lola says. "Thanks guys, so friends?" I say. "Friends." They shake my hand. Inside I feel sorry for doing this. Outside I'm totally ok with it. We all walk to a bench and sit down and begin to chat.

Honey P.O.V
I walk with Wasabi with a tub of chocolate syrup. "This is going to be so awesome!" I giggle. "Yeah, revenge never felt so sticky!" Wasabi says. We walk towards under the docks and sets the tub under it. "Now we wait." I say waiting with Wasabi.

Gogo P.O.V
I was still chatting with them. Then I pretended to sneeze. That was the signal for the bird lady to make the birds circle around us. "I'm going to be right back." I say. "Kay." They all say. When I stand up, the bird poop all over the bench and them. I hold my laugh in. They gasp and look at the bird then themselves.

"Ooh my gosh! I'm going to get some towels!" I say and run under the docks. "Its a go." I say to Wasabi and Lemon. They walk over behind the bench. "Oh my gosh this is so heavy!" Honey says. "Let's set it down tight on this bench!" Wasabi says. Lola and the others look at Lemon  and Wasabi. Then Wasabi and Honey 'accidentally' spills the choco syrup all over them. "Oh my gosh!!" Lola screams. "Look what you did!" She says.

"We are so so so sorry!" Honey apologizes. Everyone on the beach looks in their direction. I run over to them with towels. "Lemon! Wasabi! What are you doing?!" I shout. "We're sorry Gogo it was an accident." They wink at me. I smile and give them towels. "Thank you!" Lola and Derek and their friends snatch a towel from my hands. They wipe themselves off with the towels then stops. "What.. Is in this towel?" Lola says glaring at me. "Nothing!" I say.

Everyone looks at their towels covered with wipe cream and then to their bodies. "Oh my gosh, that was not there!" I smile. "This was your plan! For revenge!" Lola screams. "You should think twice about dumping cold, icy water on me." I smirk and put a hand on my hip. "Well you're not the only one with this." Jessica says. "What do you mean?" Honey asks. "Yeah what do you mean?!" Wasabi freaks.

"We had a plan too. We knew you were going to do something. So my cousin, at the bakery, helped us with this." She says. Her friends and Derek jump from the bench, pulls a tub full of water balloons from the bench, and throws some at us. But it wasn't water, it was powder. Honey, Wasabi and I lookes at ourselves. Lola and the rest laughed so hard. They took their phones out and took pictures. Aunt Cass, Fred, Hiro, and Baymax looked at us. "This is a mess! I'm a mess!" Wasabi screams.

Then the breaking point. Wasabi tackled a friend of theirs and Honey did the same to Jessica. "Hey stop it!" Lola yells. I then tackle her and we do on the sand. "You little brat!" I scream and start pulling her hair. "Ouch! Stop it!" She screamed. We stopped rolling and she threw sand in my face. I gasps. "You're dead meat Lola!"

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