Pureblood Vampire

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I woke up and did my morning routine remembering that I was going to visit my parents grave coming up.

I should ask the headmaster to let me go .

I headed to the headmasters office and
knock the door

* knock knock *

" come in" he yelled out

" It's me" I said opening the door

" Oh hello is there something you need?" The headmaster questioned

I placed my hand on my neck " it's complicated, I'm going to visit my parents grave and I was hoping you would let me go."

" well are you going alone?" He said lowering his glasses

" I was afraid that you would say that." I sigh

" I'm understand it's important to you but I'm sorry you can't go."

" Please, I'll only be gone for two days, and I'll be back in no time!"

" I'm sorry but I can't let you go home alone. You know how a big risk it is, plus what if there are Level E vampires waiting to hunt you down?"

" It's only for two days, I even have my gun loaded in read, plus I will be safe I've been to that place many time. I won't ask again, just this once" I begged

the headmaster became silent as I waited for his answer hoping it was a yes

* sigh*

"alright , do what you will, but be careful out there"

I smiled and gave him a hug" thanks."

" Awww!! I wish yuuki would give me a hug like that!!"

I left the headmasters office and went back to my dorm. I grab my coat, and my gun with bullets filled.

Just two days.. make it worth it

I put on my shoes " I'll be back I said" and left the room

" where are you going?" I stop walking and turned around to see it was zero " I'm visiting my parents grave and I'll be gone for two days"

His foot steps came closer to me  giving me a hug tightly " be safe " he said

" I'll be back, I promise I said to him with a smile " I'll see you in two days"

I let go of him and wave goodbye leaving the gate and headed to visit my old home.


There was lots of people in town, full of stuff they are selling. I decide to buy some roses for my parents to give something special at least

My family's grave is pretty far so I took a short path so I don't have to be stuck in the soon for long. It started snowing and the snow slowly fell down, my memories came to me of what happen that day reaching to my parents I took out the roses out of my bag and place it on my mother and fathers grave.

"mom,dad wherever you are I want you to know that I miss you , and I was able to find.. Zero kiryu..I just wish that day, that women the incident would never had happen, but I can't change that , I just wish you were here.. I promise you I'll bring you peace and finish who ruined us.. I promise mom.. dad.."

I finished praying to them giving myself a sigh

hope they rest for a little bit

* sniff sniff *

I grabbed my gun already aiming who was watching me, I look to see who it was and it was a pureblood vampire.

" what are u doing here pureblood vampire?" I said serious

" I sensed a vampire hunter, what are you doing here?" His eyes were glowing red and his fangs showing looking like he's trying to scare me off " I see, you went to go visit your parents grave huh?" He said

I stayed quite for a while and sigh putting my gun away

"I never told you my name, it's Masahiko Hunter, what's yours ?" He asked

" I'm not telling you my name we've just met."I said

He had black hair and was Pale as snow.

" I'm sorry" he said

* growl*

"I'm starving.. you want to eat ?" He asked

" No I'm really not hu-" he stopped me and grabbed my arm " good lets go!"He said and ran off to a place that was a house and it was a small house a shelter kind of.

how odd

" Go on, make yourself at home" he said as I slowly went inside

* sigh*

" I guess" I went inside and look around the house. To be honest it's nice, there were pictures everywhere.

" foods ready"

I headed to the kitchen " you know, you didn't have to invite me"

I didn't want to be here

" I wanted to eat with someone, " he said

I sat down and picked up my chopsticks " Thank you for the food." I said And started eating my noodles .

Masahiko looking at me with a smile " haha"

" w-what?" I said as I stopped eating my noodles

" It's nothing, you just remind me of my little sister. when mom and dad are out I always make my little sister her favorite meal. But that was a long time ago.."

" what happened?" I asked nicely

" She disappeared on that incident"

" That.... Incident?" I said confused

" Ever since that day I lived alone in this place and didn't go back to my family's.. it just kept reminding me how they got.. killed"

A pureblood telling me a story? That's a first.

Masahiko grabbed my hand and looked at me " would you please be my friend."

"ehhhhhhh!!!" I stood up dropping my chopsticks

" Please!" He looked at me with puppy dog eyes

" I never made a pureblood vampire as a friend before."

" Really? I never made a vampire hunter as a friend before please!!!!"

Ugh this guy..

" Alright." I sigh

" REALLY!?! Yes!!!! let me re introduced myself, my name is Masahiko Hunter, nice to meet you." He gave a big smile

" My name is (f/n) (l/n) nice to meet you too Masahiko"

we both finish are meal " wow so delicious!!"

" haha if you want, you can stay here for a bit" he offered

" Thanks." I said kindly

I looked around the the pictures of the two adults and two kids how happy they looked

I wonder

" your interested in these pics." He said

" Yeah, are they-" I pointed it out " yea my family" he smiled " aren't they amazing"

" yeah, It must be nice to have pictures of your family." I sigh

" what about you?" He said

" No. I only remember the best time I had with my family until that incident, everything got burned and destroyed.. the vampires attack my parents and I was the only one who survived."

He grew quiet thinking to myself I probably hurt his feelings

" Oh sorry I didn't mean to." I tried to apologize

" No it's ok."

I sense something and Masahiko look at me awkwardly.

" You don't sense that?" I said

I left the house to go outside and notice there were level E vampires.


Masahiko followed me " these damn level E vampires ." I grabbed my gun and started reloading it



" there's still more keep your eyes open." I yelled out

* bang bang*

There were too many coming at once.. I guess I don't have a choice

" Masahiko!! Run!!" I yelled pulling out a bomb and set it out throwing it to the air

* BOOM *

"I-is that all" I said out of breathe

" Y-yeah I think so, you ok- _______ ! Watch out!"

I turn and a level E behind me. It pierce it's nails slicing through my left arm deeply.

" Aaaaaraaggh!!!" I yelled

Crap.. I was too slow.. I should have sensed him..

my skin ripped open and blood was spilling out falling down as I tried to cover my wound

" _______!"

" stay away from her!! " he yelled and tried to protect me using his pureblood powers. It was crystal snow covering the both of us.  I felt like I've seen that before but I feel that I can't remember.

I kept breathing heavily feeling the blood dripping in my arm and blood spilling out of my mouth

I can make it.. I can't die like my parents.. no..

"________! Hold on ! "

" Don't worry I'm alright Masahiko I'm a half vampire too" I said feel a little sharp pain as I hold onto my arm. " I just need some blood and to fix my wound"

I turned feeling the cold snow on my body seeing all the level E vanished into dust

This feels like when I was left in the cold with no one.. almost dying in the cold..

Masahiko took me inside and clean the blood off from my arm.

Great headmaster is going to kill about this

* sigh *

" You ok now?" Masahiko said worried

" Yeah I'm fine, I'm going back to the academy I think I had enough vampires for one day " I chuckled

" I'm actually surprised.. I didn't think you were a vampire, it's hardly noticeable"

" Well technically I'm also still a human too. I still have that human DNA but also the vampire too. Hardly anyone knows both" I pulled out the tablets and showed it to him " and these help me control my hunger. I just have to be careful and control myself hoping not to fall into a level E "

" Oh!! _______ you should rest here on the couch before you leave alright. You are out of stamina and you need some strength to get back " Masahiko said offering me

I smiled " thanks Masahiko I really appreciate" I laid on the couch resting myself

for some reason I felt like I met Masahiko before like when I was younger and I guess I'm slowly thinking not all vampires are bad

I closed my eyes and rested hoping to get my strength back by tomorrow

" sorry headmaster.."

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