Bloody Memories

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I heard the gun click on the other side of the door.

" Hello Zero " I smirked

" You vampire, you toy with peoples feelings, you are not the person who I once knew anymore... Open that door and I will pull the trigger "

I leaned on the door " do you really think that you will pull the trigger Zero...." I said with a serious tone " You already know that who really can is me.. you can't destroy me.. I'm a Hunter who needs to protect.. I am a game.."

" still No matter what.. I don't care if your my best friend, my lover, my everything I'll pull it..."


Ichirus P.O.V.

I pulled the chain out as kaname told me to. I thought he was going to stop me but instead he told me to uncage the coffin of Rido Kuran.

" Your like your brother.. I can reason with you," I stopped for a sex "did I offend you just now? You see this is the first time I seen a pair of Hunter twins who are both alive and because it's so rare the hunter, when the mother is pregnant with twins, the two embryos will usually combine or else they will still be a beat, driven only by instinct. The two beings will attempt to devour each other while still in mother's wound "

I took out the last chain as I made a tch noise " shizuka told me, that the hunters deserve that punishment. For what our ancestors devoured founder of the vampire raised against power to hunt them "

" Occasionally, a twin feedest will devour for the entire life, in powers of the other twin in the wound and be born as one of the strongest and most powerful of the vampire hunters. Your other half didn't entirly devour you. Your brother was soft hearted before he was even born "

I pushed the coffin open seeing the body of Rido " there the coffin is open, I cannot stop you ... Do as you wish " I stood up
" You want to destroy Rido don't you ? Yes of course that is what you want to do. You demolish lord Rido , unable to untain his original form, you are both purebloods , if your that much stronger then surely you could of easily destroyed him completely.... And yet for some reason you chose not to...or perhaps you were just unable to ? "

" If I had chosen to destroy this beast once and for all , then shizuka fate might had of been different.." he said walking towards the body of Rido " alright Rido, the time you have waited eagerly is finally here "

Zeros P.O.V.

Vampires are selfish... It's too late....

Visions and voices started coming in my heard making my head pound  " SHUT UP!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!! STOP!!!"

... Have I truly lost her... My one only best friend..

First Yuki now _________ of course kaname and.. they took everything away from... All until I have nothing left...

I try so hard to calm down and back to  my senses but It didn't want to go away instead it woke up my hunger.... Running out window I saw Master and the headmaster

" Zero !"

I pushed myself against the wall my eyes turning crimson red... My tattoo glowing red

" So... You come to kill me... Of course you have.. I am... A vampire..." I felt my vains growing freely slowly where my tattoo is I smirked as I looked at them the pain I'm in

" come on " I grabbed my gun threw it towards master " do it !"

" Zero stop it !! "

I went out of control as my glowing tattoo started to spread all over my body, running towards master screaming.

|10 years ago Masahiko past |

" Stay away from our daughter ! " Father said

" Don't you think it's enough for you to stop this ?! " Masahiko said

" No, I need her.... Her blood her strength her powers... For me to become the most powerful vampire pureblood... " Rido said healing slowly.

The Kuran family was being targeted as the Hunter Family as well. Rido..all he wanted was her power..

" Go ahead kid do it, you won't be able to do, you are too weak to finish me off just like kaname "

It's true I couldn't do it.... I didn't have the strength.. I wanted too.. but I can't.. kaname was always there for me our family.. why does Rido have to Target us... Why can't we be in peace... But I promise that I will kill him and end him for all even if I die.. for my dear sister the Hunter Family and the Kuran Family....

|Flashback ended |

Masters P.O.V.

I threw zero in the basement where he first almost turned into a level E

" What are you getting so worked up about for? Who do you think I am anyway ? If I wanted to hunt you down I would of done it a long time ago... The hunters accociation presented, senators, are all in bed together... This academy... Tch... This whole world..rotten.. don't get me wrong I still intend to keep killing vampires just not you... Or ___________ "

" You knew didn't knew _________ was a vampire all along... You knew this day would come... Why didnt you kill her if you knew she was a vampire !" He yelled full of anger

For a second I didn't say a word " I didn't kill her because... She deserves better... She always hated herself... She knew that no matter what she has become she will be that for a life time.. but I didnt want to kill her she was my pupil she was like a daughter to me.. I love her very much... Seeing her now... Surprised I didn't think she would be a pureblood... But I never hated her.. I was always there for her.. and you should be too. zero you can't hate her for what she has become she's been in pain just like you but she tries best to hide it and smile it away. I raised her ever since the incident she was left alone in the snow lonely ,cold, emotionless, I knew she had no where to go no family nothing but I was there... And soon I won't be there long... " I pulled out Zeros gun putting it on the ground towards him " zero now it's your choice if you will stay by her no matter what the cause... Or just give everything up.. I'll give you some time to think... And one more thing zero... You are not a vampire.. nor __________ I see you as my little pupils and vampire hunters.. " I stood up walking out the door leaving zero alone with his bloody rose gun

| Flashback |

* Knock knock *

I opened the door to see __________ getting out of the bathroom seeing that she just pucked. She looked at me with shocked and  looked away upset thinking I didn't want to see her of what she has become.

" Master.... " She said with a sad tone

" I see.. you been through a lot.."

" Why are you here?" She looked at me

" I received an order to kill Zero Kiryu... He has already turned into a Level E " I sigh

I looked at her seeing sadness in her eyes and tears falling down. Never seeing a pureblood cry in front of me

" Are you surprised a beast I am could cry over little things... If only... "

" Your not a beast _________ you are a vampire hunter and my pupil always. " I looked at her serious

" I'm scared... I feel like I already lost Zero... Of who I become.... I hate myself so much... Why... Does it have to happen to me... I still haven't had the chance to tell zero.... "

She got all quite not saying a word feeling scared of saying " chance of what? ___________ what is it? What didn't you tell zero ?"

" That... I'm pregnant... And Zero is the father of this baby...."

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