58 chapter

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After Ferr left the room was silent. Neither mom nor I spoke. She was watching me carefully, and I, staring at the ceiling, was spinning Bellas and her words in my head.
If I had any doubts before, it is nothing compared to this. On the one hand, it was clear to me why Bella saw the culprit in herself, but again I was interested in why she was so shaken. And what did "you made a mess in my head and life" mean to her. Does she also feel what I...
Me: no no no no that's not possible!
I shouted realizing what I almost said. And that earned mom's questioning look. I covered my face with my fists, hiding from it.
Mom: what is impossible son?
She asked removing my hands from my face and immediately grabbed my hands making me look at her.
Me: nothing mom, it's just.. it doesn't matter, stupid things are running through my head. There's no way I'm...
Mom: in love?
She asked interrupting me and with that killed the last glimmer of hope in me that she wouldn't guess it. But unfortunately at that moment I was left without the power to defend myself against those insinuations. The words did not want to come out of my mouth. And the brain itself began to question everything. I stared at one point until my mom waved her hand in front of my eyes.
Mom: son...
She said gently and I took a deep breath.
Me: mom, this shouldn't happen to me, I can't allow this. It can't be true, it can't! Bella and I are not meant for each other. We...
Mom: don't hate eachother if that's what you wanted to say. At least not her.
She said calmly cutting me off again.
Me: but...

Mom: none, but Pedri. Admit it to yourself already. Your heart is pure and cannot hate. Believe me, as a mother, someone who carried you for nine months in her body and gave you life, I know you best. And I know that even if you want to, you can't be a bad person. It's true you made some bad choices, but we all make mistakes sometimes.
You have to accept it. Because the sooner you do it, the easier things will become.
You can't sweep everything under the rug. The truth must and will come out.
Everything happens for a reason, including this.
God willed it so and so it was.
And now stop holding yourself back because your happiness may be right there in front of you. You just don't want to take her.
She was talking and I was silent and swallowing dumplings. Even if I wanted to speak, I couldn't. Because the voice in my head that came out of nowhere teamed up with my mom.
Bella POV
My ears were buzzing and images of everything were spinning before my eyes. From the moment Pedri came up to me and hugged me to the moment Trent roughly knocked him to the ground. And instead of the sounds from the game, I heard the voices of his mother and brother in my head. They screamed at me that it was my fault.
And I was, because if I hadn't moved here, none of this would have happened. Running away from one problem, I created an even bigger one.
Natalia: no you didn't.
She said appearing next to me suddenly.
Me: but...
Natalia: shhh Bell don't do that to yourself. We all know it's not your fault. So does Pedri and his mom and even Trent. I mean it is true that you were one of the reasons for him to do that, but not because he loves you, but because he is jealous of Pedri. He realized what he lost but too late. A light bulb turned on in his head only when he saw that you could really do much better. He saw that there was a spark between you and he was overcome with anger.
And so don't blame yourself for nothing. Because your only sin is that you unknowingly fell in love with another guy whose charm is hard to resist. And he didn't fare any better either. Because, willy-nilly, you clouded the mind of Barca's magician. He forgot all his spells because of you. And no matter how much he resists, he cannot escape. Because the magic of love is much stronger than anything else. She wipes away everything, even the thickest walls you both have built to protect yourself from her.
She said and I looked at her in shock.
She surprised me so much with this that I didn't even notice that I stopped shaking and that instead of panic, my heart was pounding like crazy because of something completely different.
Isn't she really right?
Natalia: Bella hello I'm talking to you.
She said breaking into my ear after a few minutes and I only then realized that I was just staring at her sitting frozen like a petrified statue.
Me: but I... I don't know Nat all that isn't ...
Natalia: yes it is possible. Deny no more . I don't know what else needs to happen for you to realize that you are in love and accept it. Okay, I understand your fear, but Bell, you can't go on like this forever. Think if you were so fearfully hiding from everything, you wouldn't have realized your dream. You wouldn't be what you are, the best young journalist in the world and soon the most beautiful daughter-in-law of Spain and the Canary Islands. That stupid golddiger model isn't even up to your little toenail. And not only her, but any girl in the world. No one is your equal, especially not in the eyes of the guy who is lying there in that bed because of you instead of celebrating that we went trough.
She said with a bright smile on her face and I looked at her in wonder and disbelief.
Me: What?! You mean that...
Natalia: yes exactly what you think. WE ARE IN THE SEMI-FINALS BABY!
She shouted and I jumped as if scalded.
Me: I can't believe it so we...
Natalia: yes yes yes and yes. We beat them even though they took one of the best from us.
Me: correction of the best.
I said, and at that moment the sentence crossed my mind: "I will embarrass your ex-boyfriend one more time".
And the thought that he did that brought a smile to my face.

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