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Arnavi's pov:-

Tks Tks! This girl what was her name yup! Ri riya yay huh she really dared to ignore me disrespect me that too in my fiance office?

Did she really thought that she will be able to seduce my babyboy nope she will not and don't she know the office dress code? Such a slut she is and my babyboy don't even know her intentions fuck!

I can't control now fuck her I will show her whom he belongs to !

She went out as soon as I started kissing him!

For the first time he kissed me back HARSHLY AND HARDLY!

I knew I hurted him Many times and now he is making me taste my own medicine by ignoring me!

He harshly bited my lower lip making it bleed soon he hungrliy started to sucking that not wanting to waste my blood!

I started to wipping his TEARS! OOH! MY BABYBOY can't even hurt me and I know that very well!

Loud Thud!

Dev stop it !

Aahh can't they leave us alone for sometime.

Dev flinched at sudden voice seeing him like this I passed them a hard glare!

Adhvaya:- Riya said you were forcibly kissing him and he was crying but coming here everything seems different?

Kartik:- are you really innocent Dev? He asked suspiciously.

Dev :- firstly thank you for your concern but next time don't you dare to brag in my office without knocking and secondly she mist have misunderstood everything he said dominatingly.

Is he really innocent?

This was The only question I had right now because he really changed fastly and...

Kartik:- princess we need to leave now! He said softly.

Hmmm! Let's go I started to leave but my right hand was suddenly held by Dev?

I looked at him confusingly and tried to free myself from his grip.

Vo.. vo you know it's almost luch time so you can have lunch before leaving! He said nervously trying to hide his concern.

I supperss my chuckles and kissed his crown!

And There he was looking a cute little blushing boy!

Oohhho! Both boys sequled teasingly making my babyboy shy.

Fuck! I really want to keep this man all for myself aahh! So cute and caring.

I hugged him and gestured Kartik and Adhvaya to leave us alone for sometime!

As soon as they went away I made Dev look at me!

He hesitantly looked at me but I don't want this hesitation in his eyes for me so, I kissed his both eyelids and then his cheeks and again this man was a blushing mess!

Who said that boys can't feel shy and all here I have a whole shy baby!

Sorry! I finally uttered after taking a deep breath and closed my eyes immediately as I was scared to see him? Am'I really Arnavi? The one who never apologized the one who never got scared of something? The one who never felt bad about something?

I'm sorry for behaving harshly towards your parents and I'm sorry for hurting you!
I swear on my Mom when I said that you are my better half, my king who can rule this whole fucking kingdom and the one whom I will happily bow down before I'm not good at expressing my emotions and all but when I canceled the wedding it was the part of plan and all I... I'm really sor..

I was Suddenly cutted off by his hands I opened my eyes only to face his teary eyes that were filled with love? Care? Something like that I can't tell!

It's okay I forgive you princess I understand that some plan is going on and all I won't ask about it ad I know when the time will come you will tell me and all remember one thing princess that I care for you and I understand you! He said sweetly and then kissed on my forehead and for I felt the ticklish feeling in my stomach ahhh! This boy is really something.

We both sat down on sofa soon Kartik and Adhvaya came with food!

When we started to eat suddenly my phone rung!

I excused myself from there and came outside towards the coffee area !

Queen! Congrats We got the deal and also Mohit said that sir is going to regain his consciousness soon nitesh spoke with respect.

Nice! But nitesh do you remember that ice cream incident I need him in my basement soon! I spoke coldly.

Yes! Queen how can I forget that I assure you that this night will be the last night of his freedom!

Hmmm! With that I cutted the call and started going back but but....

Riya:- oh! Come on this girl has no standard at all she is nothing infront of me and also Dev don't want her anywhere near him. He himself told me that and I will make sure that this bitch Arnavi don't get near him! He loves me and I love him that's all matter he just engaged with her for his dad and remember it's just engagement not the wedding girl I got to know that the wedding is canceled she said proudly.

Tsk this girl needs to know her place but not now I smirked seeing her future infront of my eyes! Hayee! My imagination power is really something.

Princess come na let's eat I'm hungry already !

I looked back only to see my babyboy pouting unknowingly I smiled but noticing that I hide that immediately!

No! I don't want to eat I said childishly and especially loudly !

But why? Don't you liked the food wait I will get you your favorite food and chocolate milkshake he said worriedly enough to catch the attention of the employees there! Well,There wasn't many employees just 5 of the employees were there maybe this floor is for specific people 🤔 do I care? Nope hell my image I'm just his fiance now not the mafia queen Hmmm!

Nah! I don't want anything and.... I kept throwing tantrums and he was listening with patience!

Ahh! My Mr.perfect 🥰

Arnavi let's go then and stop behaving like a child kartik said while scolding me and also looks like he again understood me! Aahh!

What a life I have perfect mom, fiance, best friend and bodyguard for me ahhh! So overwhelming 😢!

Kartik chuckled looking at me before pulling me towards him?

Dev:- hey! Stop pulling her she is mine! Only I have the right to touch her to pull her to call her PRINCESS HMM! He complained cutely while pouting.

Ahhh! This boy fuck he is really something.

Riya:- sir! She said irritatingly.

Dev:- yes?miss..

Riya:- vo I will get the food for her you should have your lunch she said lovingly yuck🤮 I feel like vomiting 🤢 at her tone it's looking cringe and everyone can feel that.

Dev:- no need for that and you don't have to take tension about my lunch he said coldly!

Riya :- but sir...

Dev:- shut up! And go away from here he said rudely? RUDELY? fuck he looks hot today and uufff his tone ooh! When did Arnavi become love sick?wait love?ahh! I'm losing my mind.

Riya:- Dev ...

Dev:- you are FIRED! He said angrily.

I looked at him with adoration uuff!

Riya:- Dev I'm your neighbor and you are....

Dev :- guards throw her out ! He said coldly.

Riya:- because of this cheap girl you....

Thud !

Dev :- she is much more expensive then you can ever imagine miss... oh! What was your name ohh yaa! Riya and what are you waiting for my Dear guards? THROW HER OUT!



Dev:- seriously? He looked at me while raising his left eyebrow challenging me so I kept my mouth shut!

This girl here is your QUEEN so, better respect her if you respect your life! He roared and the staff shivered!

Is he really my babyboy?

Kartik:- the drama is over so go back to work and Dev sorry but now we have to leave immediately! He said softly.

Adhvaya:- did he called ?

Dev:- who? He asked suspiciously.

Nobody! Let's go kartik I said coldly and started going towards the lift followed by Dev?

What are you doing? Ignoring my question he held my hand.

whatever huh! I rolled my eyes at him.

Dose he have multiple personality disorder?

Soon he made me sit in my car before saying something to kartik?

Bye Sweetheart ! Before peaking my forehead.

Kartik:- he said that only he can call you princess and if I again dared to call you that he will kill me! Also that I need to stay in line he said confusingly with anger!

Angel ! Is he really Dev? He isn't looking innocent anymore and also you know he never threatened anyone before kartik said worriedly.

I know what's going on kartik so don't worry about him and I gusse that it's just because of Riya!

You know he heard Riya bad mouthing about you from cctv and then he....

I know baby I have the eyes of eagle! I told him with confidence.


Enough! I said dominatingly.

Taking a deep breath he said that HE IS not ready to give in and we need to do something!

Force him! I said brutally!

Are you sure I mean FORCING HIM is ....

Just do what you are told to do kartik I said coldly.



Ice cream incident ?

Dev innocence and threatening?



Hope you liked it !

I'm uploading really early for you so this is unedited so ....

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