There are only awkwardness filling inside the Audi Corporation's CEO Office while the two well known brothers are facing each other with serious face.
CEO Choi look around to see Hyunjin who's fiddling beside his manager in nervousness because of the alpha pheromones clogging inside the whole office causing for the CEO to fake a cough to shatter the silence inside the said office and decided to talk.
"Sooo...I'm glad to meet you personally Mr. Lee Juyeon" Minho gladly offer his hand on the said man and Juyeon smiled formally before shaking the other's hand.
"Good day Mr. Choi Minho, oh well I just wanted to visit Hyunjin's new contracting company for his upcoming project with yours and I just wanted to know if Hyunjin will surely be secured here but I'm quite surprised by seeing MY BROTHER here without noticing me at all" Juyeon exclaimed but Felix just laughed before answering his brother's disappointing claims.
"Oh well my dear Hyung, I wanted to let you know that I will spend a whole month here in South Korea but I also don't want to bother you because I know that Dad's always pressuring you with so many works on our company and besides its just a one month contract and I will also go home in Sydney after I finish my contract" Felix explained while looking at his brother's disappointed face who immediately changes into a sincere smile.
"Oh well congratulations to you my brother and I'm very glad that it's a very good coincidence that you will be working with Hyunjin besides he's very close to me dearly"
Hyunjin POV
My hands started shaking when I saw the emotion on Felix's face changes into a deep frown hearing Juyeon's statement about me.
I nearly wanted to choke myself infront of everyone or even wishing that If I could disappear for a moment because of the chilling situation of my bestfriend and my mate. (Heyy so you're already accepting the fact that he's your mate😏🤭)
"Don't worry brother, I would never bring any harm to MY OWN MATE and I'm sure that CEO Choi would secure Hyunjin and besides that HE IS MY MATE, I will make sure myself that he is secured while he's with me"
With those words came out from Felix's mouth, that brings so much shock to everyone especially to Juyeon who's now looking with wide eyes and shocked face to his own brother before standing up and walked infront of me, looking at me like I did a very horrible crime. This time I'm sure that I'm willing to die soon even here in this intense situation...right now please Moon Goddess Take Me!!
I was taken back from the reality when Juyeon suddenly held both of my hands with his feeling the warm gentle hands caressing softly mines sweating ones in anxiousness.
"J-Jinnie Felix's...saying the truth? Is he...I-Is he really your mate? Or he's maybe joking right, Jinnie ah? You know sometimes my brother really loves to prank often" I wanted to slap myself by just seeing the hopeful look he's giving me. How I wish it's just a prank Juyeon ah but...our inner selves already...just decided.
"I-I..." I got caught in a moment when in my lucky sides, CEO Choi noticed my anxiousness and immediately preventing me to answer by discussing our contract.
"Well it's not the case here right? Mr. Lee and Mr. Hwang are here to legally signed the full pledge contract for them to start their work tomorrow so please if it comes to personal matters, please discuss it together privately but for now we should finish this between the two parties so that we can end this early. And after you signed this pledge both of you Mr. Felix Lee" He pointed formally at Felix who's sitting silently and also point to me before continuing, "and Mr. Hyunjin Hwang will start the attend on a press conference tomorrow together for our promotion so please signed this contract..."
After he displays the pledge we both signed silently before I walk back beside to Taecyeon hyun silently.
"And that's it! Easy right? So you can now take a rest for now and have fun...together I guess? And let's meet each other again tomorrow on ABC Sports Car Collection Press Conference" He explained before we all bow to him in thank you.
I was silently hoping that Juyeon would not question me anymore about Felix, while the other latter, I hope that he will not start a scene again in God's grace my manager Taecyeon hyung speak to both of them while holding my right arm.
"Pardon my attitude Lee Brothers but I'm not going to let both of you stress Hyunjin because he does have more problems that need to attend than being stuck with your unfavorable questionings so if you have an issue with each other a talk would be likely a better way to get things out. I'm sorry Juyeon ah but I don't want you and Hyunjin get stress because of this and so to you too Mr. Felix. So please sort your misunderstanding if there is any and please excuse us because we're leaving now and Don't follow us, we all need to rest"
I sighed in relief when Taecyeon hyung grab my arms away from the two brothers and let both of us go first on the elevator to prevent any issues in the eyes of the public. Especially in this kind of time I'm very happy that Taecyeon hyung's always there for me.
I just sighed in defeat seeing the photo of my daughter on my lockscreen holding a small board written with supportive words.
"Goodluck Eomma, fighting! Always remember that everything will be okay. I love you!
- Love Seonie"
I unknowingly smiled by just seeing my daughter's smile that making me feel safe and sound as always. I couldn't help but traced the starlike freckles and small pouty lips of my growing up daughter between my eyes. Seeing the big resemblance of her second father on her, I couldn't comprehend what I'm feeling right now...fear? Maybe?
Because I don't know what will happen if my secret suddenly comes out. I can stand the hate or any malicious comments of other people to me but not to my daughter, that's why I don't want to create any issue or scandal in my life because I work in this kind of environment and thays also one of the reason why I dont agree with Juyeon's courting because he's a very well known man and especially now that I just knew that he's the biological brother of Seonhye's father and unluckily MY MATE! And for Felix, it's almost just the same with Juyeon, he's also a very well known man especially in show business but most importantly I vow myself that I will not accept a Mate in my life. It can only ruin me...It can only ruin my daughter's life...I don't want Seonhye to experience my bitter faith.
- Lee's Private Mansion in Seoul -
"Why didn't you tell me that you're coming here? And what the he'll are you talking about on that meeting earlier? Felix, answer me!"
Juyeon angrily asked while walking inside one of their ancestral mansion while Felix's just following his footsteps while still scrolling his phone with smile adoring on his small pouty lips.
Felix rolled his eyes before looking up to his older brother who's already looking at him with annoyance. He decided to seat on a big spacious sofa behind before answering his now fuming brother who's already seating in a sofa infront of him.
Juyeon POV
My blood feels like it's starting to boil by my brother's smug look while seating comfortably infront of me.
"Felix!" I hissed at my him. I just sighed in defeat knowing that sometimes my younger brother is quite very childish at his acts. He's always some kind of almost like a black sheep in the family, luckily he's a very nice person who's still not staining our family's name.
Sometimes when I look at his life I couldnt help but envy him. Even if he's younger than me he does has his own decision and power to control his own life while eldest child, I was born only to continue our family's legacy in reigning our family's businesses. But I do not...I never had tried to grudge my own brother because I love him and also my parents even if they're too strict to both of us. I never blamed Felix's decisions because it's his own life and maybe...I also don't want him to feel what I'm feeling right now...loneliness, maybe? That's why I love being with Hyunjin and Seonhye, I feel like I'm having a simple family that I've been always dreaming for...the loving family who does not judge your mistakes.
I was taken into reality when I heard my brother's voice.
"Hyung, you know that I'm not a fan of lying right? And besides I feel very lucky that I finally saw my Mate, I'm sure Dad will be happy when he sees me going to marry my own mate" Felix happily explained to me which made my heart feeling bitter at his confession.
Why does it have to be my brother Moon Goddess? Why does it have to be Felix as Hyunjin's mate? Why not me? Since I first saw Hyunjin in that laboratory I knew that I fell for him really hard but as the natural law under the Goddess of the Moon, I could never force myself as Hyunjin's mate when it's obviously not...sometimes I really hate when the law of Moon Goddess herself is the only one can judge our faith when it comes to our other half, it's quite...unfair.
I sighed in annoyance before rubbing my forehead in stress.
"Are you sure that Hyunjin's your mate?" I asked him ignoring the bitter feeling creeping inside my whole body.
Felix look at me with serious look and his Alpha scent started dominating inside the whole room.
Those Sandalwood scent...
I just hope that it's not what I'm thinking what it is...
"Hyung I'm million percent sure about Hyunjin being my mate because our soul immediately linked when our eyes met for the first time. Why are you keep asking me that? What's your relationship with my MATE? You two knew each other and its seems that both of you are...quite close"
I took a deep breath and was about to answer him when my phone rings signaling that I got a call. I took my phone and a smile started forming on my lips seeing Seonhye's name on the incoming call and immediately swipe the answer call.
"Annyeong my princess Seonnie is there something wrong? Why are you calling me this early?" I gently asked the sweet caller on the side.
"Uncle Dadda?" I couldn't help but awe on Seonhye's sweet voice whenever he keeps calling me that name.
"Yes my Princess Seonnie?"
"C-Can you...c-come here? E-Eomma..."
I couldn't help but worry starting to swirl on my mind when Seonnie's cracking voice replies me.
"What?...What's wrong baby can you please tell me what happened to Eomma?"
"H-He keeps...he keeps crying after I asked him what happened to his work earlier...and I-I...I don't know what to do Uncle Dadda I'm scared...what if...what if I hurt Eomma"
I couldn't help but felt both worry of Hyunjin's situation, it's very rare for Seonhye to Crack like this.
"Okay okay sweetheart, I'm going back there soon okay? So please look for your Eomma for a while okay? While while I'm driving there" I heard her said okay before ending the call.
I stand up and immediately took my car keys before walking towards the front door but Felix's voice immediately stopped me from walking.
"Where are you going and who's that little girl's voice? And you still didn't answer my question What's your relationship between Hyunjin?" He immediately asked while standing not far away from me. I just let out a deep sighed before an idea came out of my mind.
I look back at him before answering him, letting out an answer that I could or couldn't regret soon.
"Felix...Hyunjin's my Fiancé... And that child Seonhye...she's is our daughter"
Yey! Finally a new chapter💖
Please dont get confuse of Juyeon's last words it's part of the plan but I'm assuring you all that Seonhye's Felix daughter, well enjoy and leave a comment😊💖💖💖💖
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