Media & Frustration/Fainting

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As the time goes by, Felix and Hyunjin's contract were already nearing to its end. And for Hyunjin, it's not quite a big deal for him but he couldn't help but felt very anxious when the paparazzis and dispath began to envade his and Felix's privacy because of the event happened at Lee's Mansion last time. The beautiful blonde Omega who's already stress out at his work was now tripled because of the situation he's been with the media.


Hyunjin POV

After driving Seonhye to school I immediately drive to my work. Since two weeks before, I've been started feeling so stress out and sick and the reporters/paparazzis curiosity and questioning me almost every minute that they can whenever they have a chance to get near me didn't help at all. Honestly, I'm very scared right now. Felix promised me that even after our contract he would choose to stay here with me and Seonhye if I'm not willing to go with him in Australia. He's already making me sure that he will leave everything he had on Australia just in exchange of taking care of me and Seonhye which making me feel alot more guilty, right now.

Felix's career was just starting here in Korea (yet he's very fast to get famous and be well-known) and he's also trying to manage one of their family's branch company in Incheon when the stupid scandal/rumors highlighted our names, specifically HIS name since last two weeks ago. So right now I'm going to attend a conference meeting infront of those damn paparazzis including with my Mate to clear up the rumors and go on with our life again. I don't know what Felix's planning at the conference but I threatened him not to say something stupid or else he will be missed🙂.

Besides, this days I really don't trust my stupid Alpha's sunshine 'ass'  personality because I'm feeling that he will do something that making my mood dropped again. Ugh, I don't know why I'm acting this way to him since two weeks ago, well maybe because he's  just born to annoy me.

I was taken back into reality when my phone beep detecting a messaging from Taecyeon hyung telling me to hurry up because the conference meeting will start 20 minutes from now. I look at the parking area infront of the company building and a deep frustrating breath came out of my mouth  when I saw various of reporters and fans waiting just to bombarded me with so many questions about me and my Alpha's status, relationship, etc. again. I hold my breath for a moment and lean my head on the steering wheel to hide my face on the flashing camera of the reporters outside before deciding to call Taecyeon hyung to pick me up because I'm too scared to get jumped at by some crazy fans or reporters besides I'm starting to feel overwhelmed and nauseous again because of the loud crowd cramping outside my car. It takes only a few ring before Taecyeon hyung finally answers.

[Hello Jinnie ah, where are you now?]

"H-Hyung...I'm scared to be cramped to death here" I answered his question with my most tiniest voice.

[Are you okay?-Oh, never mind that I'll go there immediately. Don't go outside okay? Wait for me]

"O-Okay" I whispered before ending the call trying to control my anxiousness. And after a few moments finally someone knocked on my door but I became curious when the loud crowd suddenly became silent like they saw someone who got killed, I turned around happily thinking that Taecyeon hyung maybe got a security guards to protect me but I didn't expect to see my freckled Alpha was now looking down to me on the car window wearing an expression that's new to me but please highlight it, His expression is giving me and I'm sure everyone around us a chills because of the intimidating Pureblood Alpha aura that can surely make anyone trembled on their knees.

I was so shocked that I didn't noticed that Taecyeon hyung already open my car door (Well he also has duplicate of my every things because that's how I trusted him) before guiding me outside. I was too overwhelmed with Felix's possessive scent and figure following our every steps that I didn't even noticed that we already got inside the elevator. I'm trying to keep myself up despite of feeling so nauseous that I just ignored the looks Taecyeon hyung and the other six bodyguards throwing at me and Felix when Felix trying to make me feel safe securing my lanky body on his embrace and I lean my head on the his shoulder before closing my eyes and faintly smelling the comforting scent of sandalwood and eucalyptus on the side of his neck (where his scent gland is).

After a few minutes of pure silence inside the elevator, the elevator door already opened signaling that we're already at the signed floor. Taecyeon hyung just decided to let Felix take care of me while we're walking towards the conference room but before we go inside Taecyeon hyung tapped my shoulder to sign me to go with his side which I definitely felt Felix's possessive scent and he silently growl but decided to stop when I gently lean my nose on the side of his left jaw as the sign of assurance before walking towards Taecyeon hyung's side before Yoona Noona (Felix's new manager and Taecyeon hyung's Omega girlfriend) arrived and we all four walk silently inside the conference room.

The whole room who's quiet earlier became full of flashes and murmuring crowds of reporters not giving a chance to missed taking photos of us while we're seating on our respective seats. I turned to look at my company's director and stepfather JYP (I'll just named JYPEE just JYP to reduced mistaken identity😅) while on my right side is Taecyeon hyung and Yoona, Felix, Mr. Choi Minho sat on rows.

  CMH   LYB   IYN        OTC   HHJ   JYP
     ●        ●        ●             ●        ●       ●


I tried ignoring the aching feeling inside my tummy and started to listen to JYP's whispering in my ears and nodding at his instructions before a staff signaled us that the conference is going to start now. I composed myself before taking a deep breath and letting out my fakest smile on the crowd of reporters who were already battling on taking film and photos of us.

"Good Day everyone, I hope that all your day will be going well today and as before we start the interviews I would just like to remind all of you some rules so that both of our respected Models and Managers will not feel uncomfortable, okay?" JYP exclaimed and the crowd immediately answered okays in their seats clearly making JYP nodded and continue to talk.

"Thank you very much. So now for the first rule, every reporters or interviewers should not asked anybody of the four a disrespectful questions. Second rule is, everyone of you could only ask a two maximum questions to avoid bombarding our Models too much. And lastly the most important thing is, we should not be rude to our Models and please accept any answers that they will reply to all of you, okay?"

I can see and sense that the crowd murmured in displeased because of the limited questions but just answered okays in respect which made me gulp in nervousness but just tried to shake everything in my thoughts before readying myself on one of the reporter noona from MBC already starting her question. She take a brief look at her notepad before looking back up to me and started asking a question.

"Good Day Hyunjin shi, this is the first question for you, I'm a bit straightforward so I'll try to say it more formally. What are your current relationship towards Lee Felix shi?"

I couldn't help but still get a little flustered thinking about me and Felix's complicated starting relationship before taking up my mic and let out a gentle smile before answering the reporter noona.

"Well good day reporter noona, for that question my answer is we're still currently now forming a full-time partnership contract with Audi as a new Partnered up Audi Brand Model and Ambassador and if you're talking about our personal life, we'll we're currently on the stage of still getting to know each other, that's it" I formally replied which she nodded in answer before speaking up again.

"Well getting to know each other like friends? As we understand about the situation happened at the Lee's Business Party, there are rumors and assumptions that you two are Destined Mate with each other and in the photos and short videos we can see that he's carrying you while you're in heat, that means the getting to know each other is not a friend right? But getting to know each other as a Destined Mate?"

I tried to control my anxiety by the doubting looks that the crowd are giving me and decided to held up the mic with my now slightly trembling hand before answering again with my most thin smile.

"N-No. Uhm...W-We're still getting to know each other just like a...a friend and work partner. Right! Yes friend as a working partner, that's understandable right?" I answered trying to convince the reporter which she just nodded before sitting back again. I let out a deep breath of relief when it's already the others turn. I just decided to ignored everyone and look at the emptiness before one of the reporter already started questioning Felix that made my ears perk up to listen.

"Good Day Felix shi, I hope that you're understanding what I'm saying right now before we start ㅋㅋㅋ"

I couldn't help but giggle a little seeing Felix's face brighten a little and chuckled softly which made me remember Seonhye's happy face. He let out a thumbs up before speaking up.

"Well yes, currently I'm getting used to it now, learning my father's native language and I'm 99% sure that I can understand and answer your questions for me reporter Jung shi" the Pureblood Alpha explained formally which made everyone awe in amazement not just because of his damn sexy voice but also his unique handsome features in person. Well, I'm not against it because he's one of the reason why my Seonhye became so beautiful as she is now.

"Well thank you unfortunately that Felix shi, and now here's my real question for you. Based on a few informations that I've got on you, you're the youngest brother of Mr. Juyeon Lee right? And because of that you're the youngest Lee Heir that Mr. Davidson Lee keeps saying on his interview in New Zealand 2 years ago right?"

I saw Felix let out a silent fake cough before answering with now a more serious way.

"Well, I don't really consider myself as an heir of any of my family's business because I have my own lifestyle that I wanted to experience but as for the relatives, yes you're right. My father is Mr. Davidson Lee while my mother is Mrs. Elizabeth Elrod Lee and I am the youngest and only siblings of Juyeon shi"

I couldn't help but still felt a little amazed of how my Mate became a golden spoon since birth? Am I that lucky that my perfect Alpha have it all? Handsome, Gentle, and Rich as Fuck?! Uh oh, Nope, he's the lucky one because I'm nearly perfect, tchh🙄. (Excuse our Jinnie he's just too sassy sometimes😅🤣)

My mood suddenly dropped 360 degree and my heart tummy heart suddenly thumped harshly hearing the next question that the reporter asked Felix.

"Since we acknowledged that you're really Hyunjin shi's Destined Mate then you already know who's Hwang Seonhye right? Hyunjin shi's daughter. As for my last question, are you Seonhye's biological father? Because she looks quite similar to yours you know, I've seen her before or...Hyunjin shi is really just like what other people said who got impregnate young and was left-"

(Taecyeon who seems now furious because of what he heard and was about to confront the old reporter when Yoona prevented him)

I could feel my anxiety began to mixed up on my emotions and nausea that I felt like I'm ready to vomit any time and my hands to my toes began to trembled hearing my Mate's answer.

"With that question, I'll definitely tried to be formal as I can Mr. Jung shi, Wether Seonhye is mine or's not your damn business. And yes, Hyunjin's my Destined Mate and I'm officially courting him since two weeks ago"

I couldn't focus on everything that I'm just being clueless why I'm hearing gasps and flashing lights everywhere around me. I tried to keep still and keep trying to deceived my emotions by hearing my Alpha's voice.

"Yes, I'm courting Hyunjin shi and I would like for all of you, specially to someone as useless as your old ass hat self Mr. Jung to know that the last and very least thing that I wanted to see is seeing MY MATE being ridiculed or being look down, even my little sunshine princess Seonhye ah, specially infront of me. That's why do one favor for me Mr. Jung, shut your fucking old mouth or you'll not only know that you already don't have a job but if I'd be more glad for you to know that I will not hesitate to end your pitiful life. Remind yourselves that, not just Mr. Jung but whoever the fucking bastards who wanted to ruin my Mate, my daughter or any of my precious people's lives"

With my Mate's answer, it immediately triggered my anxiety and nausea to rose up to the point that I couldn't hold it anymore. I rose on my seat and decided to throw up from wherever I'm standing up not noticing the panicked expressions and voices around me. All I see is everyone around me is blurred and swirling and the cramp on my stomach and the headache I'm feeling worsen to the highest level that made me throw up like a fucking hangover teen who drunk overnight and my whole body from my shoulder to my toes began to trembled when I felt cold sweats began to form on my forehead and my body suddenly gives up luckily someone catched me before I fell hardly on the cold stage floor. The last thing that I've heard is my Mate's distressed and panicking voice calling me before my body began to convulse and everything suddenly went black for me.

This time I never wanted to wake up because I sense that after I woke up everything will change drastically in my life...

And maybe, I'm pretty sure that...

I'm really screwed up...

Yey! Finally, I finished this chapter! Please vote and comment and please enjoy my new update!🤗💖💖💖

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