The party that started everything

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Alana Booker Routledge was a lot of things. She was a sister, a friend, a girlfriend, an ex and, to top it all off, a Pogue. She was one through and through. Born and raised.

Her family was very small, always had been. It consisted of pretty much only her, her twin brother, and their father.

If you asked Lana B just over a year ago how she felt about her father, she would loudly exclaim that he was a dick whom she hated. Nowadays she wouldn't say anything, mostly because people stopped asking after he got lost at sea trying to find that stupid, good for nothing shipwreck.

Her and her brother resembled each other a fair bit, although her hair was lighter and her eyes greener. Lana didn't consider John b the worst company to keep around, which was pretty high praise in her books.


"How much?" Alana asked, a worried expression engraved onto her face.

"Not enough." John B replied, solemnly recounting the dollar bills that sat on the rickety table before them.

They were counting out their money from the last month, all of it. And, while you'd think that a part-time job each would be enough to pay for food, basic necessities and bills, on this island you would be wrong.

"We'll be fine, we still have like, our entire summer left, so we just need to pick up jobs. Something kooky." Alana explained with a nonchalant shrug, not really feeling much better.

John B nodded unconvincingly, leaning forwards and ruffling up his twin sister's hair, which had gotten curled and poofy from both the ocean and their mother's genes.

The front door suddenly slammed open making Alana flinch in her seat, the action practically shook the entire house with it. John B watched his sister visibly relax when JJ, Kiara and Pope shot through the door rather than an earthquake. "What's up with you guys?" Lana asked with a laugh, standing up from her chair to join them in the entery room, which doubled as the living room. And the dining room. And sometimes a bedroom.

"We're throwing a kegger in the boneyard, a real one to kick off the summer. Nunna that kook shit." Pope explained as he cracked open a coke. "Hell yeah!" John B exclaimed with a big smile as he joined them on the couch, ditching the cash in the other room and shaking the boys' shoulders enthusiastically. "You in Alana?" JJ suddenly asked for whatever reason, of course that alcoholic was going to say yes.

She faked a moment of thought. "Sure," she paused when JJ began to smile a bit too wide, "but y'all ain't getting into any fights. I swear to god if anything bad happens i'll cut off your weed supply, then—" JJ pouted at her words, leaning forwards to kiss her and put a stop to them.

"Get a room." John B yelled with a roll of his eyes as he watched his sister and best friend kiss. "Leave them be," Lana heard Kie tut at him.


Alana got to the boneyard fairly early that night, judging by the light wind and freshly set sun, it couldn't have been more than 10pm. The girl scanned the crowded area for a familiar face, smiling when she saw her best friend in the distance. "Sarah!" Lana exclaimed, rushing to her friend whom was on the other side of the fire.

"Lana B!" Sarah squealed with matching enthusiasm, wrapping her friend up into a quick hug.

"Sarah!" John B mocked the two, jokingly extending his arms out to Sarah before letting them fall again with a laugh. "Ugh, unnecessary." She tutted, slapping his arm lightly and walking up to the bonfire.

Alana rested next to JJ on one of the logs facing the warm fire, left leg resting on his right as he gently ran a hand up her thigh whilst telling her the story of how he almost lost his hand earlier trying to get the bonfire started. Sarah was sat on the other side of her, chatting to Topper about something or other.

Alana looked up when she saw Kie walking towards the bonfire with some boy or others arm around her waist. Lana recognised him, they took science together. He was nice enough but just about the slowest person she had ever had the pleasure of working with, and that was saying something.

"Hey." Kiara greeted the group of teenagers and took a seat close to the fire, warming up her hands and rubbing her legs in an attempt to stay heated.

A good while later, the group had began to drift away from each other, JJ had naturally gravitated towards the drinks while John B and Sarah snuck off somewhere.

"You want any, baby?" JJ jogged up to her, offering her his cup which she downed quickly, too unbothered to ask what was in it. "There you go, now we're gettin' started." JJ laughed as they both quickly went over to get more. Alana didn't go to parties very often— well that was a lie. But when she did go to parties, she would always get as shitfaced as possible. Otherwise, what was the point? She didn't see any.

"Hey, JJ.." Lana muttered, climbing into JJ's - whom had taken his place at the bonfire agains'- lap. He brought his hands around the back of her thighs, helping her sit comfortably. "Hi." He slurred, lazily brushing a piece of hair out of her face, frowning when it bounced back. "You wanna go back to the chateau?" Alana mumbled as she began to leave gentle kisses up and down his neck, causing him to rub her thighs gently.


Alana couldn't remember much from that night. The most memorable bit was that it felt really, really good.



Lana B groaned at the pain in her head, holding onto it as some form of hopeful comfort. She rolled to the right, jumping back up onto her feet instinctively when she felt a body next to her.

The body was JJ. Of course it was. He was lying on his back, one arm extended to where her head had previously been lying, the other draped comfortably across his forehead, leaving a red mark when he moved it.

"G' morning ma." He mumbled, gently lifting up a finger and pointing at her while he spoke. He looked her up and down, admiring the sight of his girlfriend in just her underwear with a smirk. Alana noticed and hastily threw on his t-shirt from the night before, which had been draped over a chair in the corner, JJ frowned. "Get back in bed." He mumbled quietly, Alana complied easily, wrapping herself in the covers and his big arms.

The blonde studied him. His hair was a little greasy and his breath somehow still smelled like alcohol. "Shit, how much did we have last night?" JJ laughed loudly, Alana could only assume she wasn't in a much better state than him.

"Do you remember what we did?" Lana B asked, cautiously scanning the room for any sign of a red wrapper. JJ smirked, "I think we both know the answer to that question—" she cut him off. "Well we clearly didn't use a fucking condom. What am I gonna do?" She groaned. "Hope that I have good pullout game?" JJ offered, chuckling at his own joke.

"That's so not funny." Alana whispered with a small smile, causing his laughter to die out. "Im sure you do. Right?" She asked nervously. She already knew the answer. It wasn't like they hadn't been in this situation before, Alana could only pray every time that nothing came from it, and so far, it hadn't.

"Aren't you on birth control?" He asked with furrowed brows, her jaw dropped. "We can barely afford the food on our table and you want me to waste money on shit like birth control?" She scolded, he lowered his gaze as she continued, "how about you go get yourself a pack of rubbers instead?"

"Okay, okay." He teased, raising his arms in a mock surrender. "You stink, go shower." Lana complained jokingly, pushing his arms down.

"Only if you come with me." He countered, gently running his hands over her arms. "You wish," she scoffed, almost falling back asleep when he continued to rub her arms gently. "Kay, I'll see you ma." JJ leaned up, kissing her gently before leaving the room.


After a fair ten minutes or so, Lana threw on a pair of shorts before leaving her bedroom and wandering into the main room, where John B and Sarah were sat discussing something at the dining table that she probably didn't give two shits about.

"Morning." Her brother muttered, not looking up from the bottle of water that Sarah seemed to be coaxing him to drink. "Hey." Lana B replied in a similar tone, looking around for any other sign of life.

She grabbed a bowl and threw some random cereal in it, faintly hearing talking come from somewhere further away in the house. She furrowed her brows, "someone else here?" Lana asked John B, who finally spared her a glance and a nod.

"Pope and Kie stayed the night." Sarah further elaborated. "With their flings" John B added sourly. "Ah." Lana muttered, raising her brows in realisation. "Cute shirt." Sarah complimented teasingly, her eyes wandering down to clothing that sat on Alana. John B frowned at it and gave a disapproving look. "Oh right, I forgot. I'm not allowed to wear any of my literal boyfriend's clothes if you're around, sorry about that." Alana rolled her eyes at him.

Pope and Kie walked in just as John B was beginning to snap back at her, Kie was wearing Popes shirt whilst he only had a pair of shorts on. "What, did you two hook up?" Lana B laughed, Sarah averted her gaze quickly when Kiara walked in, "what's she doing here?" Kie spat.

"Morning guys." JJ walked in at the perfect moment, waltzing up to Alana and kissing her firmly, flipping off the others as he did so.

"'Well I should probably be home before my dad worries." Sarah spoke up, not looking at anyone except John B before she walked away to the door. "Oh yeah, Lana B, my brother wants to see you." She added, making JJ shoot her a confused look.

"Of course he does." Lana whispered, taking Sarah's hand and opening the door. "I'll come with you, might as well get it over with." She decided, leaving the boys and Kie with only a slight wave.

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