JJ, Pope and Kiara had decided that they were going to go sewer diving for the gun that they witnessed Ward dropped a few nights ago, after he killed Gavin.
Alana had decided to stay back, after letting it be known that she was not interested in meeting penny wise in her lifetime.
She wasn't really staying home, obviously not. She was actually heading down to the police station right then to go and talk to Shoupe, to ask what he wanted from her when he called for her that night. It was fairly late, probably an hour or two after the others had left, it was dark outside.
Lana lied about her whereabouts because she knew that JJ would want to join her, and she truly didn't need him to hear whatever Shoupe was going to tell her.
"'Sup, Dance." Alana greeted the reception lady once she reached the large, concrete building. "What's new, Lana B." She replied, not even looking up from her papers, seemingly recognising Alana by her voice itself.
"Shoupe in?" The blonde asked, the old woman gave her an unimpressed look.
"Turn around."
Lana spun on her heel, smiling exaggeratedly at the cop, who she now stood face to face with. "Been a while." She tried, he shook his head lightly. "Come with me, Alana." He ordered, the girl complied easily.
Shoupe led her to his office, offering her the seat opposite from his, a small desk only separating the two. "Right." He let out a deep sigh, "there isn't an easy way to say this." He began, Alana felt her heart drop. That sentence could mean a lot of things.
"You know Brent Asher, correct?" He asked, Alana swore she could feel heart jumping out of her chest. "Sure." She replied casually, voice cracking. "Well," he cleared his throat, seeming very uncomfortable. "We recently discovered that you and Mr. Asher were having, er... sexual relations." Shoupe worded formally. Lana looked away sully, letting her eyes fall tired.
"I gave the guy a blowjob or two. So what?" She deadpanned, Shoupe gave the girl a
stern look. "And Brent payed you for those actions?" He asked. Alana squeezed her eyes shut, "yup." She emphasised the 'p'. "Alana, you do realise that this information involves you in the investigation of his murder, right?" Shoupe questioned sincerely.
"I—" Lana opened her mouth to reply, when the door suddenly burst open, JJ, Kie and Pope spilling into the room. "What the—" JJ interrupted the man by slamming a gun down onto the table.
Shoupe paused his conversation with the girl to listen to their story, Alana chose to stay as well, grateful for the distraction that it brought, but not so much so for the argument that she knew was coming with JJ after he had discovered her there.
"So y'all are telling me that this is the firearm Rafe Cameron killed Peterkin with?" Shoupe questioned, unconvinced. "That's exactly what we're telling you." JJ agreed, not detecting the cops sarcasm.
"And the exact same firearm Ward just used to kill Gavin." Pope added.
"I— where's that corpse again?" Shoupe raised his voice. "Didn't you look?" Kiara asked, she stunk like sewer. Alana was silently gagging down her throat at the stench, until the girl realised that she couldn't hold it any longer, resulting in her sprinting out of the room and down the hall towards the bathroom.
Lana opened the stall door, immediately kneeling down and unloading her lunch down into the toilet. She groaned once it was over, soaking up the instant relief that it brought her.
After a second of sitting there and catching her breath, the girl looked up to see JJ and Shoupe standing by the doorway to the room. They both watched for a second before JJ took initiative, walking towards Lana and kneeling down next to her. "You good?" He asked quietly, looking up to give the cop a cautious look.
Alana shook her head, tears brimming her eyes while some spilled down her cheeks. She could tell that he was still mad at her, but his concern overrode any other emotions right then.
"You're okay, let's go back and finished the conversation, then I'll take you home, okay?" JJ soothed, calming the rather panicked girl with just the sound of his voice. "Mhm." She hummed, nodding her head gently, hearing the sound of the toilet flushing as JJ helped her up from the floor.
"She sick or something?" Shoupe asked JJ, voice low as to not upset Alana. "Probably just the sewer smell of Kie, she's pretty sensitive to scent lately." JJ replied. He sped up before Shoupe back to the office before he could see his look of confusion morph into one of shock.
"Right kids, I checked by the hospital, I checked by his house. He was out." Shoupe continued casually, like nothing had happened. JJ stood next to Alana, holding an arm around her shoulders and keeping her nose tucked into his neck.
"He was out? Yeah no shit! Cause he's dead!" Pope complained.
"Listen to yourself," kie yelled, the two spoke over each other.
"It makes perfect sense!" They continued to shout, their loud voices were honestly too much for Alana to handle, JJ furrowed his brows when he felt tears falling onto his shirt.
"Guys, shut up." He interrupted the sound of chaos. "Just because he's not in his damn home, does not mean he was a victim of a homicide." Shoupe spoke. "Ar— are you at least gonna send it in for ballistics and shit, or are you just gonna sit on your ass?" Kie asked, referring to the gun.
"He'll sit there and wax that dann moustache! Is that even real?" JJ complained loudly.
"Shut up!" Pope urged JJ.
Shoupe suddenly stood up, walking towards the door. "Oh, did i hurt his feelings?" JJ mocked. "Just shut up, bro!"
"Get out. I got work to do." He ordered, holding open the door. "Are you serious!" Pope scoffed angrily. "Yall are stinking up my office."
Kie stood up, walking up to the man bravely. "Did Ward bribe you? This doesn't make any sense?" She questioned genuinely. "Out." Shoupe repeated finally.
Kie, Pope and Lana met up at Heywards seafood, Pope's dad's place. Kie and Lana were taking quick showers together, using the outdoor water while Pope sat on the bench next to it. "Oh my god, that was disgusting." Kiara groaned, reaching her arm over the fence barricade, signaling to Pope to pass the girls their towels.
"Thanks." Lana B thanked him quickly.
Alana quickly threw on her clothes, saying goodbye to the couple before wandering off to look for JJ.
Alana eventually found the blonde boy on a pier close to the chateau, he was sitting there smoking, probably feeling sorry for himself.
"Hey, J." Lana greeted him quietly. He just looked up at her.
Alana sat down next to him, letting her feet dangle above the water. "Thanks for helping me. At the station." She mentioned.
"Anytime." JJ blew her off slightly.
"Sorry I didn't tell you I was going down there." She apologised, JJ finally turned to face her. "It's cool. I have my secrets and you have yours." He replied, giving her a small smile. Lana returned it.
"Sixteen weeks, huh?" JJ stated randomly. Alana chuckled lowly. "Probably more like seventeen at this point." She told, admiring the way his eyes widened.
"Shits goin' by faster than I thought it would." He admitted. "Mhm." Alana agreed, "before you know it, you'll be holding a baby in your arms." She smiled at the thought of JJ holding a toddler.
"Is it bad that im excited?" He questioned, not really knowing how he was supposed to feel. "I wouldn't know. It's not like I have parents to compare to." She shrugged.
"You know, if Johnny was actually dead right now, we could've named it after him." JJ mumbled. "What if it was a girl?" Lana questioned. "Johnette?" JJ tried, slurring his words through the cigarette tucked between his lips.
"I love you." He suddenly blurted out. Alana smiled, pulling the cigarette from his lips and replacing it with her own lips on his.
She kissed him gently, making sure not to let it deepen before pulling away deftly, sitting back down calmly. "I love you too." She replied, looking up at JJ's face.
JJ looked down into her dark green eyes, silently praying that the baby would inherent them.
Little did he know, Alana was looking into his bright blue ones, making the exact same prayer in her head.
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