A bit cliche, if you ask Alana

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Alana was panting while she ran down the road. It was dark and raining, a bit cliche if you asked her but that wasn't the first thing on her mind.

She held the gun that she had bought back from Rafe in a bandanna, keeping the safety on for now and trying not to leave too many finger prints in the case that it would be retrieved.

"You can't run forever!" She heard one of the folk chasing her shout. She kept running.

"Fuck." She whispered, panting heavily and resting her hands on her knees for a quick second. "Gahh." She groaned as she heard footsteps nearing, soon to turn round the corner and discover her. Discover her face, her identity.

The murderer of Brent Asher.

Brent was a wealthy man, the roaring inspiration of everyone on the island. He had a thick head of curly black hair, his skin glistened in the sun light almost as bright as his charming personality. He was an excellent influence to the children, and he had a few of his own which gained him popularity with parents. Although his love for children, in the end he was a businessman through and through. 'There ain't nothin' better than a Monday mornin.' was his favourite quote. He was a gentleman, the man that kids brought a picture of when they had to talk about their hero's in school.

Brent Asher was a murderer.

Brent Asher became the murdered.

Alana believed what she had done was fair play, at the time at least. However, right now as she continued to race down the tight streets of the outer banks, she might be having second thoughts.

Lana B ran, weaving through pathways and around cars. She was subconsciously running towards the sound of the water, noticing it a few meters away.

She was forced to a stop once reaching the ledge. The ledge that lead to a she-wasn't-sure-how-many-feet drop. But it was far, that she knew.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!" She repeated, desperately grabbing at her hair in an attempt to wake up the smart part of her brain, the one that had been collecting dust for the past year. She heard the footsteps and closed her eyes, imagining Pope's reaction to what she was about to do.

Now or never.

She jumped off the cliff, letting the gun and bandanna fall from her hands as she did.

Alana Booker Routledge jumped off a fucking cliff.


Alana screeched when her sweaty body hit the freezing ocean. She was honestly surprised to still be alive. Lana B felt tears dwell in her eyes for a second before slapping herself in the face. Physically. "Pull yourself together you baby." She whispered to herself while she bobbed above and under water due to the strong waves. She gasped at the uncomfortable feeling of breathing in water.

Lana forced her arms forward, pushing the water away from her as she attempted to swim to shore. It was basically right in front of her, kind of. She forced her legs to start kicking as her body finally began to get somewhere. Slowly, but surely, Lana had started to come closer and closer to the sand. She gasped when she remembered the gun, then reminded herself that she had thrown it down with her.

The gun was gone. No other traces of her had been left at the crime scene, that she was sure of. Now unless someone drained this entire sea she was sure that she would be safe.

Alana B's name was clear.

"Yes! Poseidon, my love." She whispered when she hit the sand, pulling herself up onto it and blowing a kiss to the sea. Alana was tired. Too tired as she lay her head down in the warm sand which probably wasn't that warm, but to a girl that had spent the last twenty minutes in a body full of ice water, it was heaven.

"Just gonna take a minute.."


"Lana!" She heard someone shouting her name, turning over and ignoring it.

"Lana B!" Another shouted, and honestly, Lana could not have cared less in that moment.

"Alana Booker Routledge!" Her brother shouted making her stir. Why was he out here looking for her? She was fine.

Lana sat up, coming face to face with her brother who was racing down towards her, Pope, JJ and Kie following him. She took in her surroundings, noticing Pope's home behind her. "Hah, what a coincidence." She chuckled to herself.

"Lana, shit, Alana." John B whispered, pulling her into his arms. The hug warmed her up, making Lana scoot closer to him. "What the hell?" Pope shouted at her, walking closer and pulling her into another hug once John B pulled away.

To be honest, she wasn't sure why everyone was hugging and shouting at her but she was worried. Pope was definitely not the type to enjoy hugs, yet here he was. Hugging her.

He was even warmer, making her hug him back too and almost whine when he pulled away. "Lana, say something." A voice filled with anxiety spoke. Alana didn't need a hug from this person, his voice was enough to warm her up. "JJ." She whispered, smiling when she finally felt his arms around her. Alana felt herself relax for the first time in what seemed like forever. And even though she was sitting there, in still half wet clothes and horrible sand hair, she felt so unbelievably safe. To be honest, it scared her how much power JJ had over her mood. She was never the type to let others dictate her choices, yet JJ was doing it unintentionally.

"Lana B, what happened?" Kiara asked, probably talking about the cuts on her face and the sand in her hair. "I know, I look pretty cool, no?" Alana smiled groggily and the others all shared a look. She frowned. They thought she was on something.

"Guys, I'm not like, high or something you know that right? I just took a late night swim." She told them, not enjoying the scepticism against her.

"A late night swim? Lana you look like someone murdered you then brought you back to life!" Pope shouted with a voice crack. "Not too far from the truth." Alana replied solemnly, making them all shut up and glance at the ground.

"I'm just glad you're okay." Kie whispered, taking Lana in her arms and joining their foreheads. "Same." Alana replied, pulling Kiara into a hug which, thankfully, no one interrupted.


Guys I'm sorry if this chapter is bad, idk how to feel about it so lmk. 🎀

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