My Baby-Faced Wife (Chapter 16)

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My Baby-faced Wife (Chapter 16)

Luna's POV


OH MY GOD!!! That was the most embarassing thing ever! No!!! I've been molested people! By my husband! Luna! Calm down! Breathe in and out.

I was walking without think where I was going. I look up to see that I arrive at the kitchen. Yay! I sat on one of the stool and wait for the chef.

The kitchen and the dining room is seperated. The dining room is really big, like really big. No joke! It can fit a whole army! Just saying. The kitchen have a counter with high stools. I'm so hungry! Where can the chef be. What's that door there? I see a metal door which said 'staff only'. I walk to the door and tried to look through the round glass window. I think it's really high since I couldn't reach it, that or I'm really short. I enter and see a bigger kitchen and many chefs. Woah! They are chatting casually, not doing anything. When I entered they stop and look at me. The chef that cook for us that time, notice me and said.

"Aah, madame! What are you doing in here?" He spoke with a french accent. Woah! His french! That is cool! The chef said something to the other chefs in french and walk to me.

"I want to eat" I said.

"Oh! Ok! Let me cook for you, madame! What do you want to eat?" He ask, leading me out of the kitchen. I think about what I want to eat.

"Oh! How about that chocolate chip pancakes that you cook the other time?" My mouth start to water at just the thought of it.

"Oh! Those pancakes! You like it?"

He ask. I sit back on one of the stools.

"I don't like it! I love it!" I smile. He smile back at me.

"My grandchildrens love it too!" He said. Oh! He is already a grandpa! That is suprising.

"How old are your grandchildren?" I ask. He start mixing the batter.

"They are 4, 6, and 7 years old! Two girls and one boy! Very mischievous! Causing trouble wherever they go! But when it comes to me! They are very nice!" He smile. I laugh. Wow! He must really love them. He start to cook. We chatted while I waited for him to finish cooking. He put a plate of pancakes in front of me!

"Voila! There you go!" He said

"Woah! That was fast! How did you do it so fast?" I ask, shoving a pancake in my mouth. Mmm! The chocolate melts in my mouth.

"We chefs have to cook fast! We can't make the customer wait very long, or they will get grumpy" I nod. I love the way he speaks, so frenchy. Is that even a word? Whatever.

"What is your name?" I ask him.

"Jerome! Madame" Jerome! Nice name.

"I like your name" He chuckle.

"Thank you madame! I have to get back to the back kitchen! Call me if you need anything" I nod. He walk back to the kitchen. I continue eating. Suddenly a hand grab one of the pancakes. I look up to see Daniel, eating the pancake.

"Mmm! Yummy!" He said, with food in his mouth. Uggh! The scene that happened with him, replayed in my head. Before I know it, my face start to heat up.

He sits next to me and grab more pancakes from my plate. I refuse to look him in the eye. He is wearing his suit. I think he is going to work. It reminds me I have to start working today! OMG! I look at the time, '8.30'. I have thirty more minutes. I can relax a little. It only takes 10 minutes to arrive. I need a ride.

"C-can I have a ride to work?" I ask, not looking at his face.

"Hmmm" He said. I think that means a yes.

"Come on let's go. If you need a ride, we have to go now" He said, I nod. Finishing the pancakes. I ran upstairs to the room and grab my slingbag, I went back down. He got up and walk out of the front door. I was standing behind him the whole time. I don't want him to see me blushing. It's embarassing. He enter a black lamborghini. I followed suit. We kept silent.

"Where do you work?" He ask.

"Gem's Cafe" I said. He look suprised.

"Me and Sarah used to go there all the time"

"Really?!" He nods. I look up and see that the cafe is near. I sit up, getting ready to go out. When we reach it, I got out of the car. His hand grab mine. I look at him, questioningly. He smirk.

"No goodbye kiss?" He ask. I blush.

"N-no" He laugh and let go of my hand. I scowl at him.

"Bye! Have fun working!" He said, and drive off. He is teasing me isn't he?

I enter the cafe, the smell of pastries and coffee hit my nose. I sigh. I saw my friend, Jordan. Dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, age 21.

"Jordan! Hi!" She look up from the cashier and smile at me.

"Hey Luna!" She ran to me and hug me. She pull back.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come to your wedding! I was sick! High fever"

"It's okay! Are you still sick?"

"Nope! I'm fine! I took a sick leave for three days" I nod.

"I'm gonna change first" She nods and continue to work. I went to the staff changing room and went to my locker. I open it and see my long sleeve red and maroon colour shirt. I put it on and luckily I wear my grey skinny jeans. I took my black apron and put it on. I went out of the room and start working.

I went to a table with three teenage girls, to take their orders.

"Hi! I'm Luna. Can I take your order?" I ask.

"Um... I'll have a cappucino with a piece of the cheesecake" One of them ordered.

"I'll have the same" Another one said.

"I want a caramel latte and a shepherd pie" I nod, writing it down.

"Anything else?" I ask. They shook their heads. I nod and walk away, smiling at them.

I give the orders to Jordan.

"Luna. We need someone to serve upstairs" Jordan said. I nod and went upstairs. Yup! This cafe is a two-story cafe. I start to work.


After a few hours, my back and feet start to be sore. I went back to the ground floor.

"Luna! You can have a ten minute break!" Jordan said. I sigh, relief.

"Thanks!" I said to her. I went to the staff changing room and went to the relaxing corner. Which has two couch. I lay down on one of the couch. After ten minutes of break, I got up and went out of the room, to start working. I look at the time and see that I have an hour left. Yay! I went back to work. I went to a table, with a man in a suit.

"Hi! I'm Luna. Can I take your order?" I ask, not looking up from my notepad.

"I want one ice blended caramel" A low and husky voice said. I wrote it down and look up.

"Will that be all?" I froze looking at him. Daniel.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"What? Can't I have a drink?" He ask. I was about to reply when someone interupt me.

"Luna? Is that you?" I look at where the voice came from. My eyes widen.

"M-Mason?" I ask. Oh snap! I really wish that the ground would swallow me whole. Ground please! I'm begging you!

"How are you? I really missed you" Mason said. Daniel is just sitting there, looking at the both of us, confused.

"I'm doing great! I-I have to take this order! So, bye!" I said and walk away. I give the order to Jordan. I look back at Daniel to see him and Mason, sitting together. Oh snap! It's getting more awkward. What do you do when your ex-boyfriend and husband is sitting at the same table. I grab the tray with Daniel's food. I walk slowly and put the tray gently down on the table. I start to walk away, when an arm grab mine. I look up to see Mason. I jerk my hand back.

"Luna! We need to talk" He said.

"There is nothing to talk about" I replied, with a cold tone. He look at me, pleadingly. Oh god! Whatever!

I went to the changing room and change back to my normal clothes. Jordan enter the room.

"What's going on out there?" She ask. I sigh.

"Out there is my husband and my ex" She gape at me. I bit my lip.

"Oh shit! No way!" She shout. I shush her.

"I'm going home first" She nods. I walk out.

"Luna! Please!" Mason begged. Daniel put my hand in his.

"What are you doing with my girlfriend? Don't touch her!" Excuse moi! Hello! Wake up! I'm not your girlfriend! I was about to reply.

"She's my wife!" Daniel said, showing our fingers that had our rings. Woah! I gape at him Yeah! You tell him! Mason gape at us.

"What the hell is going on? Luna! Explain!" Mason said.

"There is nothing to explain! She's my wife and that's it!" Daniel said and walk out of the cafe, dragging me with him. I blush when he said that. Yeah! We enter his car. He drive off. I smile at him, without him noticing. We drive in a comfortable silence. When we arrive to the house, we went straight to the room. Tired, I went and shower. After shower, I put on my yoga pants and long sleeve shirt.

I sat on the bed and watch tv. Daniel went out of the bathroom with a towel wrap around his waist and neck. Woah! I look at his eight pack. A throat clear. I shake my head out of my trance.

"What did you say?" I ask, blushing. He shook his head and walk in the closet. I blush and smile, I lean on the head board. He walk out of the closet, wearing only pajama pants. He got into the bed. He snatch the tv remote from me, I snatch it back.

"Give me the remote!" We were fighting for it.

"No! Law And Order is on!" We fought till we fell of the bed.

"I said give me the remote!" He demand. I block his hand with my body.

"No!" I show my tongue at him. He grab my waist and reach for it.

"Nooo!" He got the remote. I jump on him and bite his arm.

"Ah! You bit me!" He shout. I grab the remote and ran out of the room. I heard his heavy footsteps behind me.

"Aaaahhh!!! Help me! Nancy! Jerome! Joe! Heeelp!" I start to pant.

"No! I want the remote!" I shout at him. I look back at him and see that he is gaining on me. I went to the kitchen and ran around it. He is still chasing me! Oh god! I can't breathe! I ran to the room and lock the door. Phew! I hear a loud bang! I scream and look up. He broke the door! The door it's on the floor. OMG! That rhyme! He looks piss. I'm not gonna give him the remote. I ran to the closet and lock the door.

"You're not gonna get the remote!" I shout.

"I get whatever I want!" He shout back. I heard the lock click. Oh snap! He has the keys. He went in and put me over his shoulders. I scream, hitting his back.

He throw me on the bed. He grab my arms with one hand and take the remote with the other hand.

"Nooo!" I shout, trying to get the remote back. I bite him again.

"Ow! You bit me again!" I smirk at him.

"You deserve it!" He take my arm. Uh oh! He's gonna bite it! I tug my arm back.

"Ok! Ok! I'm sorry!" I pout and cross my arms.

"Goog girl!" He change the channel. I took a pillow and hit him. He glare at me. He grab me and start to tickle me.

"Aaaahh! No! Haha! Haha! No! Please! I can't breathe!" I smack his arm. He kept on tickling me.

"Stop! Please! No! Hahahaha!" I wiggle around. We fell of the bed.

"Say you're sorry!" I shook my head, laughing. I kick his private part. He groan and hold his private part. He got off me, felling down to my side. I laugh and look at his face. It was red!

"Do you need some ice?" I ask him laughing. He glare at me. I went down and took some ice and put it in the ice bag. I went back to the room and pass it to him. He has a frown on his face, he put the ice on his groin. He change the channel. I lay down on the bed. I laugh, remembering the incident. He glare.

"I'm sorry! It's just-" I laugh harder. I hit his back. My laugh died down, untill I stop.

"Are you done?" He ask, sarcastically. That did it! I laugh again. He roll his eyes. I threw a pillow at him, as my laugh died down. I sigh, after I'm done laughing. I do not know why I was laughing like that, but it felt great to laugh. I smile. We heard a knock. We look up to see Joe. Joe looks suprise at the condition of the room. I think we need to fix that door.

Daniel ask "What's wrong Joe?"

"There's a letter for ma'am" I sit up confuse, a letter for me? Hmmm. He pass the letter to me.

"You may go. Thanks Joe" Joe walk out of the room. I look at the letter, and open it. Daniel just sit there, looking at me. It looks like an invitation. I open and read it, and instantly want to rip it. I threw the card away. She's just trying to get to me! Uggh! Daniel went and pick up the card, he read it.

"Mason and Katie's wedding?" He ask.

"Who's Katie?" He ask.

"No one!" I burst. He sits back down.

"Tell me. You know about my love life. It's your turn" He said. I sigh, I look at him. Fine! And I told him everything.

"-and now! They send that invitation on purpose! Uggh!" Daniel just sat there and listen.

"Let's go to their wedding!" He said. I gape at him.

"Are you crazy?!" I look at him, incredulously.

"No! It's because I'm sane that I said that we should go!" He emphasis.

"What?" He sigh.

"Come on!" He pulled me. I squeak.


"No! It's too sexy!" I groan. He suddenly bring me to this expensive boutique. Luckily, he let us to change into something decent. Uggh! He is now making me pick a dress for the wedding! He sigh, frustrated at me. He look at the designer which is a mid-thirties lady, who is spanish.

"Prรณximo" He said, in spanish. The designer search through the clothes and pull out a dress.

"Put it on!" Daniel demanded. I shook my head. He grab my arm and push me into one of the changing rooms. I groan. I look at the dress. It's so sexy. It is a black and white dress that hugs my figure till my knees and flares out to my ankles. The back is open untill the middle part of my back, and black and white heels. I feel so exposed! I put it on. I went out of the room. He gape at me. Looking me up and down.

"What do you think?" I ask?

"You look amazing!" He said, I blush. He said something to the designer. She nods, smiling at me.

"What did you say?"

"I just said that we're buying it" He shrug.

"Oh, ok" He start to check me out.

"You look sexy!" He said, pinching my butt. I smack his hand and blush. The wedding is tomorrow, in the afternoon. There is an after party in the night time.

"Now! We gotta pick your dress for the day! That dress is for the night!"

The designer came back with a red dress. I grab the dress and went in the changing room. I put on the dress. Wow! It's a red turtleneck dress that ends mid thigh and I have to wear a black stocking. With red winter boots. But my back is exposed. There is a round cut around my back. I went out of the room and ask for his opinion. He smirk and said something to the designer.

"We're taking it" He said.

"Ok! But I feel to exposed!" He went and stand infront of me.

"It's okay it's only for one day! We'll make him regret ever leaving you" I smile at him.

"Thanks for the dress!" I thank him.

"Welcome" He said. After I change back to my clothes, we paid for the dresses and walk out of the boutique. We walk around town, just walking. I see an ice cream shop. Yeah! I grab his arm, he tug it back.

"Where are we going?" He ask.

"Ice cream!" I said, pointing to the shop.

"I swear! You are so childish!" I glare, playfully at him.

"Come on!" I drag his arm to the shop. We went in and instantly the heat of the shop envelopes us. We went and order our ice cream. We payed for the ice cream, sat down on one of the booth and start eating.

"Mmm! This is so good!" I said, mouth full of ice cream. He nods.

"You do realize that we're the only once here" He ask. I look around and realize that we're alone, except for the cashier, who just went to a room that said 'staff only'.

"Yeah! I did?" I said more like a question.

"Is yours nice?" He ask, pointing to my ice cream. I nod, and give him the thumbs up. He scoop some of my ice cream, without my permission! I glare at him. He just give me a smug look. I smirk and took a big spoon of his ice cream.

"Hey!" He shout. He took a big spoon of mine. I glare.

"It's not fair! You took mine first!" I shout at him.

"Life's not fair!" He shout back at me. I took my ice cream and smudge it all over his face. I laugh, evilly. He glare at me. I ran out of the ice cream shop.

"Aaahh!" I ran till I reach the park, which is near the ice cream shop. I hide inside this tunnel thingy, I had to crawl just to get in here. I kept quiet. I peek through a hole. There are many kids, playing around with their parents, with smiles on their faces. I want to play with them, but I need to lookout for Daniel. Where is he anyways?

"Aaahh!" I feel somebody pull me out by my feet. Daniel. He grab me.

"I got you!" I smack his arm.

"Let me go!" People are staring. We froze. He let go of me. I hit his arm.

"See what you did?!" I hiss at him. He hold my hand and drag me to the other end of the playground, which has picnic tables and benches. We sat on one of the benches.

"So, what do you want to do now?" I ask. He shrug. I just realize he doesn't have ice cream on his face anymore. I sigh and walk around the park. Suddenly I saw a girl on one of the benches, crying. I look around. Where are her parents? I sit beside her.

"Hi. What's your name?" I ask her, in a light tone. She look up at me. She has brown hair that is put in a french braid and blue eyes.

"My mom told me not to speak to strangers" She told me. I laugh.

"It's okay! I won't hurt you! I promise!" She look at me, her eyes start to tear up.

"Pinky promise" She held out her pinky for me. I link my pinky with hers.

"My name is Victoria, call me Tori okay?" I nod.

"Where is your mom?" I ask her. She shook her head.

"I don't know!" She start to cry. I shush her, wiping her tears.

"It's okay! How about we go and play at the playground, while waiting for your mom? Okay?" She nods and stop crying. I hold her hand and bring her to Daniel.

"What the hell? Where did that kid come from?" He ask me, shock. I gasp.

"Don't cuss infront of her!" Tori look at the both of us smiling. I just realize that she didn't have both of her front tooth.

"Her name is Tori! She lost her mom. I found her crying. I'm gonna play with her while waiting for her mom. Come on! Let's go!" I bring her to the swings.


Daniel's POV


I walk towards them. Luna is helping Tori swing. Before I knew it, I was playing around with them. We were playing with the slides, see saw and etc.

"Yay!" Tori shout. I smile at them, when Luna lift her and swing her around. I lift her next and throw her into the air. Tori smile and giggle. Suddenly Tori run to a lady, who looks exactly like her.


Luna's POV


Tori run to a lady who looks exactly like her, screaming 'mommy'.

"Thank you for taking care of her! I'm Tori's mom, thanks a lot" She carried Tori and walk away. Tori wave at us.

"Bye Tori!" I shout and wave at her.

"Let's go!" He take my hand and we walk back home. I'm really tired. We went straight to the room and I went to the bed.

"Landing!" I jump on the bed.

"You're sleeping on the couch!" Daniel said. I look up at him.

"What?" I ask.

He sigh "You're sleeping on the couch! I'm gonna sleep on the bed! Move!"

I groan "No!"

"Move or you're gonna regret it!" He shout. "No!" He sigh "That's it!"

I squeak "Put me down!" I smack his chest. He is carrying me bridal style. He went out of the room and went to the room opposite his. He drop me down when we enter the room. Woah!

"Woah!" I look

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