Chapter 34

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*Tierney's POV*

Harry never came to the tents after the funeral and neither did Niall. When no one was looking, I snuck out of the tent and made my way back to the church. The cool air brished against my skin, causing me to shiver slightly and pull my cardi more around my body.

I finally arrived at the church and i headed in the direction of Edwards grave. When it came into view, I saw Harry and Niall sat side by side talking to each other. I smiled at the sight and sat dow next to a young boys grave that read:

Here lies Josh Devine,

1991 - 2012

Aged 19 years old.

No matter where you are, we know you'll be looking down on us.

At the top of the headstone, there was a small ingraving of a drumkit. I traced the drumkit with my finger before i felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Excuse me, I think you're at the wrong grave." A woman's voice came from behind me.

"Oh sorry, I was going to find my brother but I saw him with my other brothers friend over there and I didn't want to interupt. I didn't mean to." I said quickly, getting up.

"Oh it's alright dear. You look like you've just been to a funeral." She pointed out the obvious, gesturing to the black dress I was wearing.

"Yes, my brother Edward's funeral." I nodded. She smiled slightly and sat down, nodding for me to sit down as well.

"May I ask how he died?"

"Uhm well, my brother Harry had just come home from prison, and Edward hadn't come out of his room to greet him. Harry went up and found him on his bed, grasing an empty pill bottle." 

She nodded and looked at Josh's head stone, her lip trembling a little.

"Josh was killed. He was at a party with his girlfriend, Emma. This guy was there and threatened Emma with the gun if she didn't go up to the bedroom with her. Josh stood infront of her and he shot him. He died in the ambulance." She sighed, playing with the grass on the floor.

I silently thanked her for not asking why Harry was in prison, and I smiled lightly.

"I take it he played the drums?" I asked, nodding to the small picture on the black marble.

"Yes, he dedicated his life to drumming. That and Emma." 

"Edwrad dedicated his life to drawing. He didn't have a girlfriend though." I laughed at the memory of Edward asking out this girl, who didn't understand him because she was French.

"Do you have any other siblings part from Edward and Harry?"

"Yeah, I have another brother named Marcel. I'm the only girl which is kinda sad but I love my bothers." 

I looked over to where Edward's grave was, and saw that Harry and Niall had dissappeared. I sighed and pulled myself up. 

"I have to go now, but I expect I'll be seeing you again?" I told the woman. She nodded and smiled at me.

"I never got your name."

"My name's Tierney. I'm sorry about what happened to your son." 

"I'm Caroline. And I'm sorry about what happened to your brother."




Back at the tent, Harry was sat with Niall and his family, whilst Mum was giving him a death glare.

"What's the matter Mum?" I asked, sitting down next to her.

"Your brother just came in and completely ignored us. Plus, he won't take that hat off." She said with gritted teeth.

"Isn't it a good thing that he's getting on with Niall though?" I asked. "And it's Edward's beanie, so he's showing respect."

"Tierney don't you start. Marcel has already gone to sit with your uncle." 

"I wasn't starting! All I said was Harry is respecting Edward!"

"I'm pretty sure you are starting Tierney!" 

"Oh be quiet Mother. You don't have any respect for Edward for saying that Harry doesn't!" I snapped.

"You do not tell me to be quiet! I am your mother so you don't tell me what to do!" She yelled, making the tent go quiet, everyone facing us. I felt my cheeks turn red sligtly.

"I don't care. I was only saying how Harry was being respectful, but nooo, you think he isn't. Is it because you blame him for what happened?" I yelled back, standing up. I looked over to Harry whos head was facing the floor.

"Maybe I do blame Harry! It was in the letter and even Edward blamed Harry!"

"Well maye he should've blamed you for not bringing Harry up properly!" I know I had pushed it over the line, but she can't blame Harry for this. I know I did at first but I was upset. I had forgiven him literally the day after and that was the day he locked himself in hi bedroom.

"Tierney lets go home yeah?" Harry's voice came from behind me, as he placed a hand on my shoulder. I nodded and let him lead me out side of the tents.


Me and Harry were sat on the sofa in our jogging bottoms and hoodies. We both had a tub of cookie dough ice cream each as we watched some Friends re-runs.

"What do you want to do when you leave school?" Harry asked me. I looked at him as he scoope up a big chuck of dough and eat it.

"I don't really know if I'm honest. I like the idea of being a model. Only because you get pid for wearing clothes. I'm not pretty enough to be a model though."

"Nah, you are pretty. You look a like me and I'm good looking, therefore, you are pretty." He joked.

I rolled my eyes and got another spoonful of ice cream.

"What about you? You haven't really done anything with your carreer... Any ideas?" 

He looked at the carpet in deep thought, eyebrows furrowed. When he looked up, he smiled.

"I want to be a singer!" He smiled, dimples on show. For the first time in what felt like forever, Harry looked like a young child receiving a bike for his birthday.

"A singer? I've never heard you sing."

"And you never will unless I become famous." He told me.



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