Chapter 27

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*Harry's POV*

She saw me. She saw me when she shut the window. But why didn't she say anything? I heard her yelling at Marcel for not calling the police on me yet she didn't either. 

Once the yelling had stopped, I stood up from my sitting position underneath the window. I turned to see Tierney walking out of the Kitchen. Then, something caught my eyes. Ripped up, was the drawing Tierney did of me. She had ripped it up. 

"NO!" I whispered as I stared at the pieces, tears slowly forming in my eyes. 

The longer I looked at the drawing, the less I became unaware of my surroundings. I had completely forgotten that I was standing in my front garden, I had completely forgotten that there were Police everywhere looking for me.

"HARRY STYLES YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!" A male shouted before I was tackled to the ground.

*Tierney's POV*

Just after I had shut my bedroom door and sat on my bed, I heard someone yell from outside. From what I could make out it sounded like "Harry Styles you are under arrest!"

What? Does that mean they've seen him? I stood up and ran down the stairs but stopped infront of the front door. Should I go out there? He is my brother after all..

I took a deep breath before slowly opening the door and stepping out into the cool night. I let out a small gasp at the sight infront of me. Harry was on the floor with two police officers fighting to keep him down.

"Tierney! Tierney please help me!" He cried, his face covered in tears. I looked at him, but shook my head and letting my own tears fall down my face.

"Tierney please! Please you know I never meant to hurt you! I'll never lay a finger on you again I promise!" He cried/shouted as the officers pulled him off the floor. 

"I'm sorry Harry." I whispered, wiping my face free of tears. 

"Please. I love you."  He whisered back, still letting the tears take over his face.

I shook my head and he let out a sob as the officers took him towards the car that had pulled up whilst he was crying on the floor. As he got to the car he turned around, looked at me and whispered two words I've waited most of my life for him to say.

"I'm sorry."

"I forgive you." I said. With that, the police officer pushed Harry's head down and sat him down in the back of the car.

He took one last glance at me throught the window and I stood and watched him get taken away.

*Harry's POV*

She didn't help me, but she forgave me. 

"Alright Styles, we're here." The officer who was driving said. I didn't say anything, just nodded and let the other officer pull me out of the car.

"We're going to ask you questions when we get inside okay?" I nodded again. I was seriously not in the mood for talking.

Both of the officers grabbed my arms and walked me into the warm building. They led me past the front desk and all the visitors and into a grey room with a mirror on one wall, which I knew was a one way thing for interrogation rooms.

"Sit down." One of them said, and i sat down on the uncomfortable metal chair.

"So, Abusive to your siblings I hear?" The officer who was driving asked. The other one had left so it was just him. I nodded once.

"Any reason behind it?" He asked. I shrugged and also shook my head.

"I have a report off your sister here. She's written down everything you've ever done to her. I also have reports off your two brothers." He told me, sliding over three pieces of paper.

"I know what I've done, I don't have to read them." I said, tearing my eyes away from the paper to look at the officer.

"So you admit to all of this?" He asks.

"What about puching your friend, Zayn is it? He called up the day your sister was taken to hospital with a broken wrist."

"I... He... Yes." I gave up. I looked down to my lap and allowed the tears to fall freely from my eyes.

"Well there's only one thing for it I'm afraid. Harry Styles I'm arresting you for the Aubuse of your younger siblings and the assault towards your friend." He said, 


Hiiiiii! HAPPY NEW YEAR! And this chapter is dedicated to my best friend Aleks because she helped me alot with this chapter. LOVE YOU ALEKS

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