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Evan sighs as he walks around his school, sighing. He knew he was the biggest nerd there but He smiles as he knew he was also your friendly neighbor, Spiderman. His friend, Jared didn't know but he guessed that Jared was secretly Deadpool since he was very.....Sexual. He felt as he was shoved into the lockers by Connor, The most strangest and violent person Evan knew. He shivers "P-Please. Don't hit me." Evan hid his face. Connor mumbles under his breath. He walks off, leaving a scared and confused Evan. He suddenly heard a crash come though the ceiling, revealing one of Evan's worst enemies, Vulture. Evan looked, terrified

He couldn't move to go change into his costume.  What seemed to be like a flash of light, Deadpool ran in and drop kick the Vulture. When he turned to Evan, who was completely shocked, He was out of breath and yells "Well? Run!" Evan gets up and dashes to the bathroom at the command. He quickly changes into his suit. He runs out to see Vulture and Deadpool wrestling which seemed to be to the death. Evan kicks the bird man off then shoots webs, making Vulture be stuck to the wall. Deadpool asks "What took you so long" making Evan roll his eyes

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it in time, Mister I could do this all by myself." He smirks widely. He shoots webs at Vulture's eyes then turn to Deadpool "Can you take him away?" Deadpool sighs and grabs him. He then throws the guy in a trashcan. "Deadpool!" Evan yells. Deadpool shushes him "I'm hurrying up the process with the readers." Evan looked confused "What?" Deadpool waves his hand "Uh Nothing. Follow me." He grabs Evan's hand and pulls him into the janitor's closet. He smiles and locks the door "I know you are Evan Hansen." He pulls off Evan's mask. Evan was shocked "W-What? H-How?" Deadpool says "Well We're in a Treebros fanfic so if I'm Connor, You're Evan." He pulls off his mask. "W-Wait what?" Evan asks. Connor kisses him


Connor sneaks into the alley Evan was getting changed in. He then gets hung upside down by Evan wearing his suit expect his mask like Connor. Evan says "What did I say  about watching me change?" Connor sighs, disappointed "Not to do it." He frowns.

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