We're Going to Be Friends

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Will Solace was a people magnet. Every day, I could swear that he had a new friend and/or visitor. Somehow, it seemed my own inner magnet had engaged again, maybe from being improperly exposed to him for long periods of time, because my friends kept making it really hard to to breathe in the tiny infirmary room.

"Give him some space, won't you?" Annabeth managed, seeing my discomfort.
"Sorry, it's just... Oh, Nico...," gasped Hazel, suddenly hugging me really tight.
"I'm so glad you're okay," she whispered. I nodded, and proceeded to retract as I faced the rest of the group. Reyna, Percy, Hazel, Frank, Jason, Piper, and Annabeth stood around me, all looking relieved... to see me? It was a strangely pleasant thought.

We all spent over two hours catching up and playing fun games like Charades and "Never Have I Ever". Eventually, though, Will came back and saw how tired I had become.
"Okay, folks, we're clearing out, visiting hours were up ten minutes ago... I'll see you all tomorrow!"
I sent a gracious look his way, not even trying to glare, even just a little bit. With no hesitation he plopped down on my bed and started talking the second he opened his mouth.
"Ok so what's going on you?"
I glared up, "nothing."
"You just couldn't be helped to keep listening any longer."
I sighed. Okay.
That's how I ended up with my first friend. We went to the gardens and he would drag me to the campfires as I snuggled into his huge sweatshirt.
That's also how I got more comfortable around people and convinced others to feels good around me, and even learned how to smile properly - yes, that's right, by having a strange, loving boy force his friendship on me.
You and me yes we are gonna be friends - the White Stripes

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