Love Note For A Rainy Day

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A/N: sorry I'm in a dance mood today. I feel I should add that I am now dancing ten hours a week in classes, plus outside practice, so updates are going to be scattered. Thanks:)

I saw him before he saw me.
I had looked all around for the ball of sunshine, he was supposed to give me a weekly checkup so I could get back to training, and all siblings asked directed me towards the dance studio.

Due to the campers being claimed so frequently, Chiron agreed to add some entertainment outside of fighting and trying to kill each other, so the studio had been attached to the Big House.
Currently, only one person had taken place in the reasonably sized room, playing a song I was surprised he remembered me introducing.

He appeared to make it up as he went, matching the best and the words with movement. I knew Will was a dancer, I'd seen him before, but he didn't ever ask about my history with the art. Back in Italy (sorry I'm probably factually incorrect) , I had been required lessons in ballet, and I still retained some knowledge.

As Will continued to do his thing, I found myself joining him, matching his style but adding more technique that he used (ballet is harder to lose than contemporary). I looked over at him as a spot for my turns, and we made eye contact, and I could see his surprise. He was a beautiful dancer, and somehow we just fit together, as we started to do partner work, him lifting me once and I pulling him whichever way I saw fit. It felt like we were in another world, one with less boundaries and hesitations, where the lightning from his touch was okay.

All too soon, the song ended, and I was forced to explain myself.

"Umm.... in Italy we had classes and at the Lotus Casino I tried some more styles..." I blushed a little, I felt his eyes on me.
"You do know you're amazing, right?" He complimented.
"You're not terrible either."
He blinked. "We make a good team, death boy."
"DON'T CALL ME THAT! Also I came here to ask you for my physical, so I can train again."
"Considering you could keep up with me, you're clear, but no more underworld-y stuff!" He chided.
I mumbled a 'whatever' as I left, but somewhere in me I knew I wanted to dance with Will again, very VERY soon. He was like a drug, and what harm could dancing do?

When you find yourself with growing pains, with hurt that just won't go away, I'll bring band-aids, strong g enough to turn that pain to love. - Saywecanfly

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