Kian Lawley

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💔-u wish u were good enough
*Based on song Hold me while I wait*
I wish that I was good enough
That's all that's been going through ur head u were currently sitting on a bench crying outside ur schools prom u and ur bestfriend Kian were suppose to go together but he never showed up so u went by urself and u found Kian there with Ella Kelvin ur bully u were so disappointed that he never told u he wasn't gonna go with u so u sat down in there when Ella came up to u and said
E-Guess u weren't good enough
A-What do u mean
E-U aren't good enough for Kian to go with u he would rather go with someone who is pretty and skinny like me
At this point u stormed out of the prom and that gets us to our current situation crying on a bench u always have never been good enough that's why ur dad left when u were little cause u weren't good enough and u finally thought someone cared about u u thought U were good enough for once but u were wrong apparently u didn't know what to do all u knew was that Ella was right then u felt a hand on ur shoulder u look up to see Kian
K-What's wrong
U stood up and looked him in the face while pushing his chest
A-What's wrong WHATS WRONG number 1 u forgot u were suppose to be going to prom with me because I have no one else number 2 u decided to go with my bully who has beaten me and harassed me for the past 5 fucking years I am I not good enough for u?
K-U are good enough for me

A-Am I really tho because according to everyone in this whole fucking world I am not good enough for anyone I wish that I was good enough
K-U are good enough I am soooooooo sorry I forgot about prom and I didn't know Ella bullies u u never told u and u are good enough u are perfect I promise
A-But I'm not good enough
K-U are good enough
A-Not for Kian Robert Lawley tho
K-If u weren't good enough would I do this
He grabbed ur waist and pulled u in for a passionate kiss when u guys pulled away
K-See u are fucking good enough if anything I'm not for u
A-Kian ur good enough for me
K-Well I guess we are good enough for each other and I am so sorry about prom wanna go back in there together
A-Of course
K-By together I mean will u be my girlfriend Aubrey Ann Carson
U nodded yes and u guys went back into prom and had the time of ur life after u punched Ella in the face for kicking u when u were dancing with Kian....

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