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It was the night of October the 22nd when Corbyn Besson stood in front of the mirror of his bathroom. He starred at himself, his very white skin and his icy blue eyes. He started to get that feeling once again, it has been a while though. He looked down at his hands to see the knife he held in his hand, he twirled it around before looking right back at himself into the mirror.

With no hesitation he moved the knife to h corner of his lips and started to cut all the way to his cheek and near his ear, he then winches a bit before he started to do the exact same with the other side. A couple of minutes had pass when he was done, he chuckled a bit as he started to cut a line down his bottom right eyelid, causing blood to drip down slowly. He started to do the same with the other left as well as the top of his eyelid only this time he went upwards as blood dripped down. He started to laugh as he started to cut his face up with small and large cuts. He looked at himself in the mirror and stared at himself, as the huge smile formed onto his face even if he was kind of already smiling, since he carved one onto his face.

That's when he heard someone at the restroom door, he quickly turned his head to see who was there to only see his mother standing with a scared face. Corbyn fully turned his whole body so his mother could see that he had his own blood on himself, and him smiling like the mad man.

"Corbyn... W-what are you doing? Why did yo-you do this to yourself?" His mother asked stuttering as she took a look at him feeling a bit scared.

"So I can smile all the time." He said referring to the smile he had made onto his flesh of skin. "Aren't I beautiful,mom?" Corbyn asked her as he tilted his head to the side, his icy blue eyes starring into his mother's.

"O-of course let me get your dad,a alright." She told him as he went straight into the room where her husband was laying on the bed sound asleep. She quickly shook him awake, and whispering/yelling out his name.

"Hunny get the gun!" She had told him as soon as he had woken up from his sleep to find his wife waking him up, with a confused face.


Corbyn called out from the door of the room of his parents, the couple looked at their son standing at the door way with the knife in his hands. He tilted his head as he shakes it a bit as he looked at his mother and father.

"You lied to me." He sad as he started to take a few steps closer to his parents. Then, stopping as he left out a sigh that was soon replaced by a laugh. Before the mother and father knew it their son had quickly stab his mother in the chest over and over again, as to the father his throat was slit. Mr and Mrs Besson laid on the floor bleeding to death.

"Sleep tight." He said as he stabbed the two of them in the skull, laughing like the mad man he is, but he wasn't quite done just yet. He still needed his siblings. Corbyn slowly walked into his sisters room to see her sleeping soundly. That was soon replaced as Corbyn creeks the door open, causing his sister Ashley to wake up to see her brother with a bloody knife in his hand.

"Corbyn, w-what are y-you doing!" She called out with fear in her voice. She quickly sat up straight onto her bed as he started to approach her slowly. All Corbyn did was smile at her and play with the knife a bit, not once answering the questions that were being asked by his sister. That caused Ashley to get up and out of bed, trying to make a run for it but it was useless. She was soon stabbed in the stomach and back.

Corbyn slowly pushed his sister Ashley onto the floor seeing blood gushing out of the wounds he had made on her body, yet that didn't stop him from making more. He slowly stabbed her over and over again to the point his whole hands were covered in blood. He laughed and laughed as he kept on going not stopping once, that's when she laid, dead.

One more left to go.

The killer stood up as he kicked the body a bit, before he made his way to his Brother's room. Corbyn was pretty sure he would be up by now that he had heard his sister's scream, and he was right. There was Jordan wide wake standing in the middle of his own room. He was freight to see his own brother with a knife covered in blood from their family.

Corbyn quickly smirked before running towards his brother who tried to get away. Just when Jordan was about to run out of his room he felt two knifes on his back. The two knife Corbyn had throw at him, causing Jordan to fall on the floor and still trying to get away. That didn't happen though, Corbyn quickly took both knifes out and repeated to stab him as well as grabbing a lighter from his hoodie. During his brothers skin, and eyes. The only thing that was heard was his the killer's brother screams.

Just when Corbyn had enough he stabbed his brothers head. Smiling at what he had done, to this point he was covered in blood. He grabbed his knifes and ran out of the house and left the neighborhood and into the woods where he couldn't be found, till this day on he till keeps killing innocent people.

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