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After getting the address of the party host; Brandon Thomson, HotGuy and CuteGuy made their way over. Hopefully they could get some sort of answer out of him.

Grian knocked on the door, waiting for a response. He heard someone faintly yell: 'I'll get it' from inside of the house. The door opened, revealing a young looking boy with blonde hair. He looked slightly confused by the presence of the two heroes. "Why are you here?" He asked.

"Are you Brandon?" Grian asked, ignoring his question. He wanted to get this over with. He knew it was watching him. Because he saw it lurking around the corner of Brandon Thomson's house, watching every step Grian took.

The younger man slowly but hesitantly nodded, confirming that he was in fact Brandon. "We are here to ask some questions about your party, a couple months ago." Grian said as he shivered, he could feel the eyes of the black figure burning into his back.

He felt someone's hand resting on his shoulder. He flinched because of the sudden touch, but recognized HotGuy's hand immediately. He must've seen CuteGuy shiver.

Brandon nervously looked behind him, back into his house. Eventually he stepped outside and silently closed the front door behind him. "My parents don't know about it.." he said, almost whispering to avoid his parents hearing him through the slightly open window that looked out into the living room.

"Right.. Did you see Violetta Lefevre at your party?" Grian went straight back to the point. Brandon silently nodded. "I saw her with her boyfriend right before she left. That Ivan guy.."

HotGuy hummed understandingly as Grian kept on asking questions, hoping to gather as much information as possible. "What happened after Violetta left?" He asked curiously.

Brandon thought for a while before answering. It had been multiple months since the party, Grian wouldn't be surprised if his answer was going to be that he didn't know or that he forgot. But surprisingly Brandon did in fact not give the two possible options Grian had given him in his mind.

"No kidding.." Brandon paused. "I saw Ivan making out with a guy after Violetta left," he added in a whisper. Brandon really seemed to enjoy the fact that all of that happened at his party. Well that definitely wasn't what Grian was expecting.. though this could be a possible motive in a way?

He glanced over to HotGuy, his expression seemed puzzled. They both weren't expecting anything like this. "Are you sure it was Ivan you saw?" HotGuy asked with a hint of surprise still in his voice from the recent information.

"Yeah, I definitely won't ever forget something like that happening at my party. No one knew he liked boys aswel," Brandon laughed, waving his hand around as he did.

"Do you reckon Violetta maybe found out about it and got into a fight with Ivan?" HotGuy murmured just loud enough so Grian could hear, but not Brandon. Grian gave his partner a small agreeing nod before focusing on Brandon again.

He seemed fairly certain about what he had seen. "Anything else that you would consider important?" Grian asked. Brandon immediately shook his head, his hair slightly following the movement. The wind tugging at it afterward. "Alright," HotGuy said and thanked the boy for his cooperation.

Grian sat next to HotGuy on the rooftop of the building where Cub's office was. It was a quite a tall building, a typical office building with hundreds of windows you could see when walking through the city. They were discussing the information they had gathered in the past few days. Marking everything that seemed suspicious or unusual.

The sun was setting, creating a gorgeous view for HotGuy and CuteGuy to enjoy. Yet Grian couldn't stop thinking about how Violetta could not get to enjoy the beautiful sunset, maybe she could never even see it anymore. He couldn't stop thinking about the fact that they hadn't come any closer to Violetta's whereabouts.

Orange tinted colors filled the sky as HotGuy spoke to Grian about Ivan his actions that took place at Brandon's party. His words seemed to be muffled, Grian couldn't focus on them. His mind was everywhere, thoughts all over the place, whirling in the air around his head. It made him feel dizzy, though he knew he wasn't.

Grian shook his head in hopes of the thoughts getting hit and thrown across the atmosphere. To his relief, HotGuy's words became clear again. "What's up with you the last few days?" He worriedly asked as he leaned over to look CuteGuy in the eyes. "You've been really off lately..."

Grian swore he felt his heart skip a beat, was it really that obvious? He didn't mean to worry his partner. He didn't want to worry his partner. "I mean, you're always a bit off..." Pause. Excuse you? What?

Grian narrowed his eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked with a hint of suspicion but playfulness in his voice. He knew HotGuy probably didn't mean it that way, he just used a poor choice of words. Maybe he did that a little too frequently.

HotGuy held his breath. "I- I didn't—," he stuttered. "No no no, tell me what you mean by that," Grian said with a smug look on his face. He knew HotGuy couldn't find the words to get himself out of this one. He never really did, that's why Grian always was the one who did the talking.

In every social situation they were in, Grian did the talking. Sometimes HotGuy would pop in a sentence here and there, which almost always led to Grian having to explain what he was actually trying to say, or what he'd actually meant.

"Well- not that that's a bad thing!" HotGuy quickly blurted out. He held his hands up in defeat, hoping that his partner would stop messing with his poor communication skills.

Grian noticeably raised his eyebrow. Which HotGuy seemed to notice. "It's- it's not a bad thing! I love that about you..! But it's just that you've been off more than usual recently," HotGuy really seemed to think about his words this time, something he never did.

"Oh... you love that about me, huh?" Grian teased, a playful grin forming on his face. He saw HotGuy's eyes widen. Grian could swear he could see his partner's face turning a slight shade of pink, but HotGuy quickly covered his face with his hands in embarrassment.

Grian giggled at his reaction. He loved messing with HotGuy, it was so funny to him. Watching him be absolutely lost in his words. "But— seriously.." HotGuy said, a more serious tone in his voice as he looked over to CuteGuy. "Is everything okay?" He paused but decided not to wait for an answer before adding onto his words. "You know you can always tell me, right? I know I always say it to you... but I just feel like there's something you're not telling me," he said.

Grian still didn't know if he was able to trust HotGuy with telling him about the black figure. Not to mention it had been standing behind the corner of a building down in the city below their dangling feet. Watching every breath Grian took.

"If you don't want to tell me, that's okay. I just want to help you, if I can." Did he really want to help? Did he still want to help after Grian had told him there's a black figure in every possible corner of the world, watching him? Would he even help?

But, even if HotGuy wanted nothing to do with him anymore, Grian didn't think he could just walk over to Cub and tell him he wanted CuteGuy gone. So what was there to lose?

Grian took a deep breath. Was he really crazy enough to finally tell someone about it after the fiasco that happened after fifteen years ago? He didn't want to worry HotGuy. He didn't want him to think his partner did not trust him.

"I'll tell you.."

Apparently he was crazy enough.

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