[Mumei's Room]
Mumei: Ohh... It's just a nightmare.
Mumei: Hmmm, what day is it again?
[Objective] Check Stream schedule in your PC
Mumei: Oh no, I forgot about the superchat reading!
Mumei: I have to hurry up and fix myself!
[Objective] Go to the Shower Room
[Objective] Check the closet.
Mumei: Ok, I think that's all I needed. *phone ringing*
Mumei: *Pick up phone call* Hello?
HENma: Mumei, you got two minutes left until the stream starts!
HENma: Get in here already, your vessel is waiting.
Mumei: Right, I'm already heading to the office.
[Objective] Head to Hololive Virtual HQ
Enma: Mumei! Quick, inside!
Mumei: Ok!
[Stream starting...]
(Some sort of minigame should be inserted here. There will be 7 different ones, but I don't wanna think about it yet. Story and lore will be prioritized in these chapters.)
[Stream Ending...]
Female vtuber: Good job as usual Mumei.
Mumei: Yeah, you too. Although you did most of the thinking and talking, hehehe.
Female vtuber: Awww come on. You also did most of the cute posings.
Mumei: *hide face* Noooo that's embarrassing.
Female vtuber: *slight laugh* *check time* Oh I still got something in schedule. I got to go for now Mumei. See you tomorrow.
Mumei: Byeeeeee.
Mumei: Phew, now that's done.
Mumei: It's almost time for the meeting. I have to head there.
[Objective] Go to Council Meeting Room
Baelz: So the humans, you saw how they interact with the vtubers right Kronii?
Kronii: I'm still not that used to how they talk to us. Do they really think we're just some fictional character that can't physically affect them? How dare they!
Mumei and Fauna: Kronii *sassy*
Kronii: Eh- I'm just saying they could act more mature, you know. I'm just annoyed they're so easy to humor.
Sana: I mean they don't know the fictional world can connect directly to the real world...
Sana: So I don't think they'll really take our divine status as serious business any time soon.
Baelz: Besides, even if they do and learn that we can personally travel to them.
Baelz: It's not like we'll be allowed by Omega.
Mumei: Yeah, I can do the work any time you want!
Baelz: That includes you, Mumei.
Mumei: Ohh, you're right. I can't keep forgetting about it after all.
Fauna: It's been 2 weeks since our debut...
Kronii: Doesn't feel long at all don't you think?
Kronii: Time doesn't bother us Gods after all. We just sustain the universe's function non-stop.
Sana: Don't you feel tired Kronii, like ever?
Kronii: Ask that to yourself Sana, you're doing the same thing as I am.
Sana: Are you sure we're doing the same thing?
Kronii: You better not take that literally Sana!
Baelz: Kronii, Sana, I swear if you two fight again I'll seal both of you in the Void. With a longer time range this time.
Kronii: Yo chill Bae, we're not doing anything yet.
Baelz: "Yet" is emphasized.
Mumei: ...
Mumei: What are we talking about again?
Baelz: Oh sorry, we got sidetracked there.
Baelz: We're supposed to plan how we'll work on the "Top Priority Task".
Fauna: The one Omega recently assigned to us all.
Baelz: Yeah that's the one.
Baelz: I actually don't know what approach I'm allowed to take.
Kronii: Aren't you the one who usually brute force it and see how it goes? What happened to that?
Baelz: Kronii I know it's easy to assume that considering how I had worked before.
Baelz: But if I make a wrong decision, it's not that I care so much of getting fired from a mortal company. I care about how Omega will punish us because of it.
Baelz: They want us to stay for as long as possible and see what made IRyS join Hololive.
Sana: ... *thinking*
Mumei: ... *thinking*
Fauna: ... *thinking*
Kronii: ... *thinking*
Baelz: ... *thinking*
Mumei: We can't think of anything relevant Bae.
Baelz: Obviously, there's not enough info to gather without digging deeper into their system.
Mumei: (Here's my chance.) I can take the role for that. *serious*
Fauna: Mumei!?
Sana: Oh no... Here it is.
Kronii: No killing involved right?
Baelz: Can you really do it properly this time?
Mumei: Sure I can! You all are doubting me again...
Sana: Mumei, you know we trust your capabilities as much as you trust ours.
Sana: But if you got exposed to the negative force again, I don't know how we'll subdue you this time.
Kronii: Sana is right, Mumei. You have to be sure you can resist the negative force just in case you interact with it.
Kronii: It will slow down our progress if you invert to your Assassin side.
Fauna: We don't want to fight each other during an important task.
Baelz: Seriously Mumei, do you think you're ready for the risk involved?
Mumei: ...
[Choice 1] Plan how to sustain Hololive's positive effects.
[Choice 2] Plan how to eliminate Hololive and its negative effects.
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