Content Warning Disclaimer: This does not represent any of the talents and the company they are part of, as all written below is fictional product of this book's author's imagination. All negative input shall be my responsibility, and will remove this product if necessary for the company's reputation to stay unstained.
[September 15, 2021]
(Fauna's Room: In-call)
Fauna: Mumei! (Happy)
Mumei: Fauna! What made you call me? (happy)
Fauna: It's simple, Mumei... (closed eyes happy)
Fauna: We made so many good and funny moments, so I want to watch some clips with you! (happy)
Mumei: Really!? Oh my gosh I'm thinking about the same thing. What are we gonna watch first? (surprise)
Fauna: Hmmmm... oh, what about this one? (curious)
Mumei: I'm fine with that. (normal)
Fauna: Ok, let's watch it then.
Fauna: I messed up here... (sad)
Mumei: Yeah, you actually just memed yourself here hahaha. (laugh)
Fauna: Look, I really didn't expect the fire to spread that quickly. It's not supposed to happen that way. (embarrassed)
Mumei: Nature is not careful all the time it seems? (curious)
Mumei: So Civilization really isn't safe with nature... (closed eyes sad)
Fauna: Come on Mumei, that's part of the lore so it's understandable. It's part of the life cycle of the forest. (sassy)
Mumei: Hahahaha, I'm just teasing you Fauna. (laugh)
Fauna: Awwwwww, Mumei's teasing me... (closed eyes happy)
Fauna: Ok, let's watch another one. (happy)
Mumei: Ok. (happy)
Fauna: See, SEE!? You killed the cow! (angry)
Mumei: Fauna, that's the old me. I can't be responsible for something that's already finished... (sad)
Fauna: You don't even apologize to the cow... Say sorry Mumei! (sassy)
Mumei: Sorry cow... (sad)
Fauna: It's fine Mumei, I forgive you. (happy)
Mumei: Awwww, thanks Fauna! Hehehe... (laugh)
Fauna: Hmmmmmm... What else to watch? (thinking)
Mumei: Ummm Fauna? (normal)
Fauna: Hmm? (happy)
Mumei: I might have forgotten to tell you this... (normal)
Fauna: What is it Mumei? (curious)
*door bell rings*
Fauna: Oops, wait a sec Mumei! Someone's at my door. (surprise)
Mumei: Ok. (happy)
Fauna: *checks doorhole*
Fauna: There's no-one? (curious)
Fauna: *opens door and go outside*
*dagger swing*
Fauna: *dodge* Woah (surprise)
Mumei: Fauna... (assassin)
Fauna: What are you doing Mumei!? You almost hit me! (surprise)
Mumei: I know you won't leave Hololive even if I told you to, so I'll do this the hard way right away. (assassin)
Fauna: Wait! We can talk about this! (afraid)
(after battle)
Fauna: Why Mumei... (sad)
Mumei: Nature has already been an overwhelming threat centuries ago, and you still are. (assassin)
Mumei: This is their revenge! (angry)
Fauna: No wait! (afraid)
Fauna: Just when did you change like this? (weep)
Fauna: I know we don't understand sometimes because of our roles, but you can't possibly go this far. (weep)
Fauna: This isn't the Mumei I know! (crying)
Mumei: ... (serious)
Mumei: Yes Fauna, this is ME! (angry)
Mumei: I can't sit and wait any longer... (serious)
Mumei: All of you vtubers have warped the minds of today's civilization into escapists! (serious)
Mumei: I understand that life sucks sometimes... (sad)
Mumei: But many start using their moneys for things that they want more than what they need. They won't survive another century if this continues! (angry)
Mumei: You are one of the reasons, Fauna... (serious)
Fauna: Mumei... (weep)
Fauna: I'm sorry I made you resort to something like this! (crying)
Mumei: ... (weep smile)
Mumei: It's fine Fauna, I forgive you... (weep smile)
Fauna: Really? (sad)
Mumei: *death strike*
Mumei: But I can't let you stay... (closed eyes serious)
Mumei: You will resurrect anyway, without any memory of this. (assassin)
Cutscene: Cremate
Obtained: $ 3000, (corpse) Wood ash
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