F1: Cramps

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I woke up like normal just like every other day however, something felt odd, something was different so I went to the bathroom and instantly realised what felt different this morning. Blood. Great, just great, my period. Lando was currently at practice but I didn't know how long he'd be there for. I decided to message him but he wouldn't read it until he was out the car.
"Hey Lan, I'm not feeling to great, it's my time of the month so fun for me, but yk how I get around cramps so just warning u that I'll need hugs xx"
I layed down on the sofa and put on the practice to see Lando P6 during Practice 3 so I knew he'd be reading my message soon. Just when I was comfy, a cramp came so I took some paracetamol but it wasn't helping as a curled into a little ball. I saw Lando go into the pits and he wasn't going to go back out. I decided to check my phone for any texts.
-3 New Notifications(F1 is LIVE at Practice),(F1 added to their story),(Lando 💕 send you a text)-

"Oh Bubs, I'm coming home now, cuddles equipped and ready for my favourite princess ♥ xx"
15 minutes later I heard the keys start to jangle outside ready to open the door. Lando walked in, quickly took off his shoes and came over to me, putting his Mclaren hoodie on me.
"You alright Bub?"- Lando
"Mhm, the paracetamol isn't doing me justice"- yn
"Oh come here..."- Lando
Lando gently layed behind me on the sofa and rubbed the lower part of my stomach which helped a bit more. We both ended up falling asleep and it was one of my best naps ever.

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