Cold front shit

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(Shh just think auggie and winnie is at the play ground)

Winnie and augustine were at the playground, technically because winnie wanted too. Winnie saw the swings and immediantly ran to it, taking seat in one of the free spots (I swear I have the urge to push a kid off the swings because theres barely any in our playground).

Augustine followed winnie to the swings, seeing how he's already gripping on the ropes tight. "Auggie push me!" Winnie said with a >:3 expression "Can't you just push yourself?" Augustine said making a :/ face. "Nwo :<" Winnie said, his expression sadning. "Fine!" Augustine said, heading behind winnie to push him.

(Onto the spin spin thingy)

Winnie sat in it, waiting for augustine to come. Augustine comes over, noticing a slight problem "So.. if we both sit in there, whose gonna spin it?" Augustine asked winnie, they both think for a while before coming up with an idea. Augustine started spining it by holding the railing and running in circles to make it spin, then once its enough he jump in the thing (idk whats it call), making it shake. Augustine took a seat opposite from winnie.

And they had a fun day with winnie puking from the dizziness of the ride.

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