Chapter 35: Mustering of Forces

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"The available attackers have all completed their launches."

In response to the flight commander's report, Captain Morishita of the Shōhō nodded approvingly, offering words of encouragement. Morishita had received orders from the Third Fleet Headquarters to send the available B5Ns of the Shōhō to the Jun'yō, shortly after the return of the carrier's B5Ns from their reconnaissance mission.

He was already aware of the results of the first attack group. Among the members of the squadron, the Zero fighters engaged in escort duties for the dive bombers and torpedo bombers successfully shot down numerous enemy fighters believed to be F4Fs. The dive bombers caused damage to British cruisers and destroyers using their 250 kg bombs, and the torpedo bombers launched multiple torpedoes at each of the three armored carriers present. If the battle results are accurate, there is no doubt that the British carrier strike force has been completely incapacitated. However, on the other hand, not a single ship has been sunk. Although the attackers of the Jun'yō, Hiyō, Ryūjō, and Ryūhō performed well, their numbers were clearly insufficient.

Therefore, Vice Admiral Ozawa intended to gather planes with anti-ship capabilities from the Shōhō and Zuihō to form the second attack group and launch further pursuit. The plan is to deliver the final blow to all the heavily damaged armored carriers. If there is enough strength, they may also consider dealing with the cruisers and destroyers damaged by the dive bombers.

"How many torpedoes do the Jun'yō and Hiyō have left?" Morishita asked the flight commander about something that had caught his attention.

"If both ships have reached their designated numbers, they have already used nine out of the twenty-seven torpedoes. So, there are eighteen torpedoes remaining."

"The torpedoes seem to be enough. In that case, the remaining issue is the number of the torpedo bombers."

"We have transferred seven aircraft to the Jun'yō, excluding two damaged aircraft and two with engine trouble. Probably, the Zuihō has also transferred a similar number of planes to the Hiyō. In addition to the immediately reusable aircraft from the returning planes of the first attack group, it should be possible to launch one more attack."

Upon receiving the flight commander's words, Morishita performed a quick calculation in his head. If one-third of the planes that participated in the first attack could be immediately reused, there would be 12 D3As and 10 B5Ns. With the addition of the aircraft from the Shōhō and Zuihō, it should be possible to deploy around 25 B5Ns for the second attack. This would be sufficient to sink the three heavily damaged armored carriers from the first attack.

"Is there a risk of overcrowding the Jun'yō and Hiyō by accepting the planes from the Shōhō and Zuihō?" Morishita repeated his question.

Exceeding the designated number of aircraft on a carrier could severely limit operations. This was particularly evident in converted carriers and small carriers with cramped hangars and flight decks.

"I don't think that will be a problem. The Shōhō lost one fighter in the recent interception battle, and two are damaged and cannot be reused. If the Jun'yō deploys twice the number of interceptors, the damage should be even greater. Besides, with the results of the first attack group, there should be no worries about accommodating the returning planes," the flight commander answered with a slightly bitter expression.

The flight commander, who had passed through three battles with the American carrier task force, knew well the severity of aircraft losses in carrier air groups. Even if the opponent was the British carrier task force, they would still have lost appropriate aircraft. Moreover, he himself had lost quite a few subordinates. Just a while ago, he lost a fighter pilot in combat. Realizing this, Morishita felt a slight regret. Despite being a carrier captain, he was too ignorant of the realities of naval aviation warfare.

'Maybe if it had been Captain Iizawa, he wouldn't have asked that stupid question.'

With a bitter feeling, Morishita focused on what lay ahead. Reflection could come after returning alive. For now, he needed to concentrate on the battle in front of him.

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