Hold Me Close

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Mugman's POV:

"Mugman. Open the door. You've been in there forever." Cuphead said starting to get annoyed.

"Leave me be Cuphead. I deserve to be like this." I sadly say.

"Aw come on Mugsy. Let me help you buddy. This won't get you anywhere with your girl." He said sweetly.

I decided to let him in while covering myself with my blanket. Going back to sit on Cuphead's bed, I left room for him to sit next to me.

"Alright. Tell me what happened." Cuphead said.

"I got jealous when I saw Y/N with someone else and went to far by screaming at them. Y/N saw it and now she doesn't want to talk to me. I'm the worst boyfriend ever!" I cried out while putting the whole blanket sheet over my head. Cuphead just sighed.

"Mugman. You need to be honest with her. Tell her that it was a mistake. As well, not everything is going to be perfect in relationship." He said with his brotherly love.

"You're right. I'm going to see her again. Just hope her mother will let me." I said while removing the sheets out of my head.

Later in the day, I was holding a boquete of flowers and nervously walked towards Y/N's home. I knock on the door and see Candle Light opening it.

"Why hello Mugman." She said with a stern look.

"Um is Y/N around?" I ask.

"Yes but she is quite stressed from your action. I'm not sure if you should see her right now."

"I came here to apologize for what I did. I never met to hurt her. That is the last thing I ever want to do."

Candle Light sighed but she nodded her head and let me inside. I knock on the door of Y/N and she opens the door.

"Mugman. What are you doing here?" She said slightly annoyed.

"Please let me in Y/N. I brought you some flowers." I say quietly.

She opened the door enough to let me in as I walked in. Closing the door, she sat back into her bed. I could see some napkins on the side and it made me feel guilty. I sat next to her but all she did was look down.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I did something insanely stupid out of jealousy."

"But why Mugman? You know I only love you." She said frustrated.

"I know. It's just that I've gotten a bad past with that man. I worried that you may see that I'm not good enough and he'll steal you away from me." I said sadly before looking back to the flowers.

"Mugman. You should've talked to me in the first place about this. How are you not good enough? You literally saved me from the Devil."  She said now calm than last time.
She put her hand on top of my and I looked at her.

"I still want you to be with me Mugman. But promise me you tell me how you feel with me."

"I promise Y/N." I replied back.

"Come here Mugman."

We both gave each other a small kiss before she held me closer side by side. Y/N put her head on my shoulder and I put my head on hers.

"You know what I've realized Mugman." Y/N said while picking the at the flowers.

"What's that?"

"Let's continue strong." She says laughing and I couldn't help but laugh with her too.

Relationships aren't perfect, but if we can get past our conflicts and insecurities more will come forward.

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