Got 'Snowdin'

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(Sans' POV)

The two humans both hid in their places, when I heard that loud and cheery voice, I already recognized him. 'Papyrus'

"sup bro?" I started, giving him the usual smile in my face. Paps answered with his usual dialogue.

Ya know...? It's a usual thing now, meeting a human, puzzles, and... yada-yada-yada... But wait, now, there's another human, a bit older than the kid. 

She has a cool voice, and is good at making music... Huh, never knew that she could get so popular today.

"BATHING A SHOWER OF KISSES EVERY- UMM, SANS? ARE YOU OKAY, BROTHER?" I quickly snapped off my thoughts when Paps asked that question.

"huh, oh right! sorry..." Dammit Sans, you're a total jerk right now. I mentally face-palmed at what I just said.

"but, hey. take it easy, i've got a ton of work to do..." I said, managing to get one out. Papyrus looked at me with his annoyed eyes

"a skele-ton." I winked and I could hear little laughter coming from both the lamp and the station. And here he goes with the screaming...

But really, things going on here, like timelines jumping left and right, stopping and starting, it isn't gonna stop itself... unless...

There is really someone manipulating this timeline... or, is my mind just playing tricks on me...

Sigh, guess I'll have to stick with that old lady's promise. 'Watch over them, and protect them' It echoed in my mind over and over again

Wait, so this means... I have to take care of both? But... that other human was already like in her 20s...? Can she even handle herself in this snowy weather?

'Wait, what the heck were you thinking Sans, of course she wouldn't!?' my mind scolded me. Paps was really looking straight at me right now... which he did- Oh right! My cue-

"wow, sounds like you're working yourself... down to the bone!" I shrugged and winked at the same time, the kid started giggling a bit louder than before.

"UGH!- WAIT, DID I JUST HEAR LAUGHING?" I feel the kid quickly shut their mouth. So I just replied...

"nah, i think you're just probably hearing things bro." He squinted his eyes, and his hand tapping his chin.

"WELL, I SHALL ATTEND TO MY PUZZLES! AND AS FOR YOUR WORK, PUT A LITTLE MORE... 'BACKBONE' INTO IT! NYEHEHEHEHEH!!" Before the two humans would come out of hiding, he came back with a 'HEH!'

(Y/n's POV)

"a'ight, you two can come out now..." he said. Phew, that's a close call.

As we both come out of our hiding places, I saw Sans' dark eyes, with no white pinpricks. That look gave me a shiver down my spine. I should probably ask him what's going on...

"Hey, Sans... you okay?" I tapped his shoulder lightly, his pinpricks glowed back, and he was kind of shocked.

"wha-? oh, hey buddy, i'm just fine. no worries." He reassured, I mentally scanned his face, 'hmm, seems like that smile is permanent, but, I'm not so sure...' my mind reacted. He looked with all seriousness.

"hey, what's with that look, kiddo..." he said with a serious tone, it scared me a bit.

"O-oh! Nothing!" I scratched the back of my head, feeling a bit of guilt.

"hey, don't worry, i won't bite. well, hey, tell you what...?" I nodded, I called Frisk and she came in an instant.

"papyrus seems kinda down lately, so, i think it's a good time for you two to show up to him. He's never seen one, or two... before, so... seeing you two might make his day." My face was in slight terror.

"hey, don't worry, he's not dangerous, even if he tries to be..." I let out a calm air.

"and, you also better keep going, because he might come back. and if he does..." he said

"you'll have to sit through more of my hilarious jokes." I let out a little 'pfft' and Frisk snorted and giggled.

"It's alright! Me and my lil sister here enjoys your jokes. She's really laughing by it" I said, and made a little smile. He grinned wider, and with a bit of blue blush(?)

"heh, thanks kiddo." He said, and I continued on walking, just to see, snow, and some kind of ice skating rink. Amazing! I even haven't ice-skating for many months now! Anywho, Frisk was talking to Sans about something, but... I don't honestly mind it.

(Sans' POV)

"So, you like my sister, do you?" Frisk asked me. I started blushing so hecking hard.

"wha-? hey, don't make it obvious to her. i just met her in the undernet!" I said, Frisk is chuckling.

"But, make sure you don't hurt her, or else! I'll be throwing a lot of snowballs in your face!" She said grinning and then blows a raspberry.

"heh, i'd like to see you try..." I said, and chuckled at her behavior.

Sigh, maybe... things are getting a lil bit better, can't it?

~ Chapter End ~

A/n: Whazzup, mah dudes! Sorry if I made you all wait, classes' been starting and all... and I'm writing this on Sunday today, so... here's the chapter you're looking for. Thanks!

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