Being Different is Beautiful

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(Y/n's POV)

"so, you ready for the results in the test?" Sans asked me

"Yep!" I said

"and, we're off!" Sans held my hands and-

"hey, why don't you teleport? you stopped me from teleporting yesterday, right?" Sans said

"Sigh, alright. And boom!" Both of us jumped and teleported to another place. Hotlands!

We were walking to the same lab I and Frisk stumbled up upon. I sure hope Frisk wasn't hurt. And to my surprise, Frisk was standing meters by the lab door, waiting for us.

"Hey, sissy! And oh, hey Sans!" Frisk waved. I waved back and entered the lab.

"Oh? Where's Alphys? Is she busy?" I asked.

"Yup! Busy watching Anime with Undyne and Papyrus!" She replied, but when she mentioned Papyrus... wait, she brought all of us here? We both entered the lab, to see three figures watching at a TV screen.

"Huh? Heya punks!" Undyne turned and greeted us.

"Hi! And, ooh, are you two...?" I looked at them, Undyne and Alphys sitting together. Yes!! Both of them are cute together

"Umm, y-yes!" Alphys answered for us, blushing at Undyne. 

"And it was all thanks to your sister, Frisky!" Frisk waved.

"You did a great job, Frisky!" I said, clapping my hands

"And... congratulations to your relationship, you two are cute together!" I said, and Undyne grinned.

"And, what about you, Sans? Did you complete your dare?" Undyne asked Sans

"heh, yup." Sans said

"Well, who'd you ask?!" Undyne asked him again, and all are excited to the fact that we're now dating after more than a few months passed.

I then felt an arm grip my side, and go close to me. I blushed in embarrassment as Sans revealed that we're a thing now. And I said, "Hehe, yay!"

"Hah! I KNEW it!" Undyne shouts. The four of them has stars on their eyes.

"Yes!! OTP! This is the best day of our lives!!" Alphys squealed.

"So, when's the date?" Frisk asked

"By Friday this week." I answered

"Yes! Perfect, all part of the plan!" Frisk yelled, but both of us were confused to where she said the last four words.

"Um, Frisk? What do you mean, 'Part of the plan' you were saying? Were you, planning something?" I asked

"eh, I think i know what the kid's up to. c'mon, kid, let's talk it out." Sans said, and he and Frisk went to another room to have a personal talk.

"So, w-what bring you two h-here?" Alphys asked me

"Umm, just wanted to ask about the results of my Soul Testing, is it already finished?" I asked

"Oh, y-yes! The tests about your soul are right over here." Alphys signaled Undyne to wait for her while she gets my results. I followed her and sat on a stool.

"So, anything good?" I asked, as she's looking for the papers needed for me to look at. 

"L-let's see, umm. It's... this one!" Alphys picked the right paper, and let's me see it. ...I can't believe what my eyes just saw. My lips came trembling as I try to speak it out.

"I-it's... upside-down, with a blue and purple color? What does that mean?" I asked

"D-don't be scared, your soul is a hybrid of both monster and human, but... it might not be p-possible for them to create a monster s-soul with a h-human trait, a-and what's more strange is that you are part of the two-traited soul users. Part Integrity and part Perseverance." Alphys replied. 

"I-i have no idea what's going on? Am I a different kind of human?" I asked her

"Well, u-um, yes, you're a different kind of human. Some of my theories is that you have a parent which is a human and another of a 'fusion' or is a human-traited monster. Which means the other parent has an absorbed human soul or was a monster with either an integrity/perseverance trait."  Alphys explained. 

"This was more confusing than I thought it would be...?" I uttered

"Hey, what's going on?" Undyne joins in

"I'm... a different human. I've looked human but has powers from either one or both my parents, and... I might possibly be a monster itself..." I replied, with a sad tone

"Whoa, that must be confusing, but... the fact about your soul..." Undyne stops to take a breath. I'm expecting another fight scene in a middle of a movie night right now. I closed my eyes and waited for her response.

"... is AWESOME!!" Undyne said. I fluttered my eyes in astonishment. What? She's amazed by it? I thought

"Wait, you were saying... you're amazed? But, I thought you're gonna...?" I panicked

"What, that thing I'd do to you when I've met you and started a fight? No! I'd trusted you already, and I think you're a nice person like your sister!" Undyne states proudly. "Like what I said, a bad human, a bad human, got it punk?" Undyne adds

"Sigh, thank you!" I said, smiling.

"hey, what's with the whole group of people in there? are the results okay, alphys?" Sans spoke, walking out from the room

"There isn't a problem with (Y/n)'s soul, it's just that her soul is... upside-down with a blue-purple color... which is a weird thing for humans. There are rarely humans who have souls like these, both two-traited and upside-down like a monster's soul." Alphys replied, and Sans was probably confused by now.

I sigh, and apologized to Sans. Like this is the fourth time I've apologized to him (fourth, fifth, sixth?? I don't know anymore...)

"hey, don't apologize. there's nothing wrong, because i still see it, it's still you..." Sans held both my shoulders, and I looked deep into his eyesockets.

"you know that, you're feeling the same way with me. even if i'm a monster, you've trusted me enough. don't believe anyone's lie about your kind of human you are, i'd still see that same good old you." Sans said, and I held his hand.

"Aww, such a sweet moment you two got there!" Frisk said, and both of us looked at her unamused. Frisk laughed

"You know what...? I guess you're correct... being different is beautiful as it seems." I said, agreeing with Sans.

"A-alright, just to release the tension, how about we watch some a-anime with (Y/n) along! Maybe that'll let her know about my fave of all time!" Alphys said with passion in her heart. 

"Yes! Let's watch it!" I agreed.

(Quick Note: The six with start at the episode 16-19 of MMKC, since Alphys explained what she just watched... For the mentioned episode, she didn't actually watched them, so, she'll be doing it with the other five.)


"Umm, what is this?" I muttered, confused at the plot.

"But, they were already in love together. Like in the very last episode. In Love!!" I yelled annoyed at the fact that Mew Mew and the Guy didn't feel anything about each other. I hate the other episodes, and don't to be rude, but... Terribly for me, it's a flop.

"Yeah, I know right?!" Alphys followed. We could see that Sans and Undyne were face-palming right now, and Papyrus... well, is really confused and is literally an innocent 'cinnamon-roll' while watching this series.

"well, gotta say, this movie is totally off course, and have to agree with teach here." Sans said.

"I think what matters here is the plot, and the conflict, and not just on the characters and designs." I said, proudly, then everyone looks at me with confusion, well except Frisk, because she learned it from her school.

", have I said something confusing?" I mumbled

"Well, h-hey, I think I-i get what (Y/n) was talking a-about. W-was it like a s-story or narrative, j-just a wild lucky guess?" Alphys said.

I snapped my fingers and said, "Bingo! Exactly." Frisk nodded and clapped her hands.

"W-well, guess it's correct!" Alphys said, laughing, and the three were really squinting their eyes with lots of utter confusion going on.

"A-anyways! Maybe we'll meet again sometime!" I said

"Wait, (Y/n)... b-before you go, maybe you'll have to come with us to take a look at your magic... k-kind of like 'exercising'" Alphys said

"Yeah! I wanna see how it works for you!" Undyne chimes in


"A-alright, this is an a-advice I'm saying. You'll be on practice... in umm, on Saturday." Alphys said

"Yep, I'll do my best" I said, and Alphys thanked me

"By the way, we have to go back home now, it's getting late." I said, and we all waved goodbye to each other

Sans with Frisk, and I with Papyrus and Undyne since the both of us could only teleport. In an instance, we were back in Snowdin, right outside our door.

"so...?" Sans uttered

"Let's go inside!" Frisk said, and entered the room

We were back in our own rooms. Still by partners, and Undyne on the couch.

~In Sans' Room...~

His room was cleaner than I thought, well some garbage are swept under the bed, and still with the weird tornado in the corner of the room.

Me and Sans were already in the bed. But, some unsettling thoughts about Flowey and Beatrix are clouding my mind. It faded away by once Sans pulled me closer to him, unto his chest.

I turned towards him, and alas, he's asleep. I smile at him and kissed him goodnight.

~ Chapter End ~

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