A Teaser for the Upcoming MafiaTale Fanfic!

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TW! - Severe g0r3, gvnsh0t, someone dy1ng, mention of d3@th, messy sketches (I tried—), full-on angst. View at your own risk!

A/n: Arright! This chapter is a 'trailer' for the upcoming Mafiatale Fanfic! Really excited to rock things out here.

Before I publish the next chapter for my first Undertale Fanfic "Ms. Teach (Sans X Reader)"... This is just a heads up for the upcoming Mafiatale Fanfic. I don't really feel like posting this one at the very end of the first book, but just wanted to let you know about this first.

That enough rambling and here is a short preview of the chapter in the future... (The mini comic above is related to the following texts below. View at your own risk!)

"Okay! Sans, Papyrus... you two on Perseverance Street, Block 2. I'll handle off the Vice President out here at Block 5. She must've left the Government's meeting with the President and is planning on a murder on President Asgore. Over." The detective said on the radio receiver.

"But, Detective (Y/n)... you might get hurt on the way there. Are you sure? Over." The blonde haired girl whispered in her line

"it's the least that alli- i-i mean... detective (y/n) would do. we need to move fast. over." The skeleton spoke with a hint of seriousness in his gruff voice.

Suddenly, there were people screaming and sounds of gunshots.

"W-WE SHOULD PROBABLY MOVE NOW, HUMANS! Err... OVER!" Another skeleton answered

- Minutes Later... -

The detective was on a chase with the woman in blue. With her pet dogs, Rye and Gunter, she helped her find the escaping Vice President. The woman's gleaming white heels were heard tapping along the rocky streets of Ebott City. Many people were astounded as the woman and the detective were on a heated chase.

"Gunter, search her! Rye, let's go..." The detective commanded, and the large, German Shepherd went on to catch the fleeing woman. Det. Allison and Rye followed after Gunter...

More quick running footsteps were heard along the busier streets, and the woman was caught on a dead end. Gunter's barks were heard from afar. Both were now in a alleyway, and the detective catches her breath before she spoke out...

"Freeze!" The detective spoke, her gun aiming at her. Rye growled in response, and barked strongly.

"Detective (Y/n) (L/n), Ebott Unified Police Force! You're under arrest for attempted murder on the President of Monsters. Surrender now!" She shouted, clicking her gun. The woman sighed, and laughed.

"You got me, detective... you just got me." She snickered, and she held someone hostage.

A little girl with brown hair, closed eyes, and wearing a little red ribbon on her head. She was crying as the Vice President held her at gunpoint.

"*Gasp* You... Let the child go, or else!" She shouted, but the Vice President won't.

"Or what? Beat the c**p outta me? Come on! Show me what good you are! You can't sue the Vice President. I'm not that easy to be fooled. Hahaha!" She laughed.

"Well, at least someone would be watching..." The detective snickered.

"Hah! Excellent. Good job 'smart' one..." She praised rather sweetly.

"Now, let the child go." She ordered again...

"Now now... no need to rush. When did I say that I'll let her go? Huh?" She asked, and the detective looked intimidated, and both Rye and Gunter's fur stood up, visibly threatened.

"Hey! You promised to let her go! You can't kill the child!" The detective shouted, while it made the Vice President laugh harder.

"Oh, my... (L/n), (L/n)... you are such an easy one to fool." She cooed

"I never knew detectives could be so stupid..." She whispered

"...what did you just say...?" The detective asked in anger. She chuckled darkly.

"Temper, Detective. You know it's unhealthy to be angry too much..." She said

"Ha... thanks for your last tip." The detective replied.

"You think that it's MY last now. Such insolence!" She grumbled.

"But, it doesn't matter anymore... 'Let's finish this now, Detective Allison! Your life... ends... NOW!" She scowled. The detective stood shocked as she heard her fake name.

"What... how did you...?" She asked... before...


There was the sound of a gunshot from behind the detective. The child's frightened gasp escaped her lips as she saw to her horror. The detective soon felt pain in her stomach and soon realized...

She was shot.

"A-agh! My stomach..." She gritted her teeth in pain as she felt warm, red blood from her body. Rye's ears perked up and whined as soon as her companion got hurt. Gunter also noticed this and used himself as support for the fallen detective.

"You... *cough* t... t-traitor...!" She growled and collapsed. She was on her weak knees, panting for breath. The same woman in blue just stared at her, not doing anything but look at her with a blank face. Rye and Gunter continued to bark at her.

"Detective? Detective! Are you okay!? Over!" The blonde girl from the radio receiver spoke in worry.

"Don't panic! I just heard gunshots, and... Rye and Gunter's barks from near my location. They must be near. Team! Quickly, cover the detective to the scene at Perseverance Street, Block 6! Over." Another person spoke from their line.

"detective? answer us! we're on our way to the destination! over!" The skeleton spoke in his line.

There were fast-paced footsteps that echoed by the alleyway, and there were more than two people gasped followed by a call of her name.

"sh*t, sh*t, sh*t... detective...! oh my Go-!" The skeleton panted as he looked on the wound on the detective's body. He touched her wounded stomach and it made her groan in pain.

"It h-hurts... idiot..." She spoke with her teeth bared, her (e/c) eye twitching. "I'm serious... *cough*... it f**king hurts." She spoke in a low whisper

"y-you're gonna be fine, baby... i... i j-just had to... huff- we need to get y-you to the h-hospital... just- Say something!" He huffed as he held his skull in guilt and remorse. He moved her (h/c) hair from her face, both his and her eyes meet.

"S-sans... I'm sorry..." The detective spoke weakly, her (e/c) eyes glistening with small tears that started to form.

"I nearly caught her... b-but I failed..." She smiled sadly, her mouth pooling a line of blood, which made the skeleton gasp in fear. The others started gathering around the skeleton and the weak detective. Gunter tried to seize at the Vice President, but he flinched as soon as she hissed and stomped at him.

"I think I d-don't have much time left..." She said, smiling. Rye stopped barking and whined at her dying owner. Gunter sat beside the detective, also feeling saddened.

"d**n it... no... no! you can't! we'll still fix it, right? that's what y-you've said, right?!" He shouted, luminescent tears flowing from his eye-sockets. The other members started to feel saddened at the moment.

"Detective (Y/n)!! Please don't go!" the girl screamed, while the Vice President still held her at gunpoint. The others quickly took action and pointed their guns at the Vice President.

"why are you apologizing!? i should've been the one that was shot! i should've protected you from the hit... it should've been me... it's all my fault...!" He sobbed and hugged her, his face of the permanent smile wasn't the same anymore.

"Somebody, call the doctor! The detective is dying, now!!" The detective's assistant shouted and one of the members of the team took a picture of the incident and another tried calling the hospital.

"Hold on, they said that help is on the way!" One of them in the group spoke.

"babe, please..." The skeleton whined as he gently shook the detective, who is nearly losing her grip on her life... Rye kept on nudging the detective, but the detective responded with raspy breathing and pained moans.

"Sans... I..."

"no, hold on!"

"I can't... breathe..."

"you can't leave me like this..."


"*GASP*" The previously asleep woman jolted awake as she woke up from a nightmare. She was back at her room, or was it? She looked around in shock and confusion...

Where is she... and what is going on...?

A/n: Yup... like I said, more serious, more mature, and contains a bit on weaponry, gore, mild to spicily suggestive themes, and focused more on society issues like discrimination, civil wars, injustice, etc.

The book will be out once I finished writing/updating the book "Ms. Teach (Sans X Reader)" I'm still not sure about the release date just yet but... it should be out in a few days after the first one is done and completed. I guess I needed time to rest after I've finished this one... hehe.

Stay tuned readers! Thanks for all your support and kind words! I couldn't had gone this far when I haven't get this many reads! ( ^u^)/

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