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School was finally over and just like as promised Lily is taking me to his beach house in Mexico for the week but then when we get home my parents are hosting a party for me.

"Hey babe, can you get my grey swim shorts out of the closet." Lily shouted from the bathroom. 

"Sure thing." I walked into the closet and there on the floor next to the shirt was a set of keys.

He didn't

"Lily, I got the shorts but there was a set of keys next to them. They don't look like the Ferrari's keys though. Where are they from?"

He smiled, turned me around and covered my eyes. He held onto me so that I didn't fall as we walked down the stairs. Before I knew it, we're the garage and Lily's hands had been taken off my eyes allowing me to see again. There it was, my dream car, a red Porsche 911 Carrera GTS sitting in the driveway.

" OMG!!! LILY YOU ACTUALLY GOT IT." I ran to the car and just stared in awe.

"Open the door, there is more in the back." He was grinning from ear to ear.

I whipped the back door open, and it was filled to the brim with boxes and bags.

"Let's help Gisela and Tiberius bring them inside so we can open them." We started to grab the boxes and bags out of the car.

Once we got them all in, Lily started handing me boxes to open.

20 minutes later I had a Coach Ellis Shoulder Bag, Panda and Oatmeal Nike Dunks, Red Prada Re-Nylon Re-Edition 200 Mini Bag, Christian Louboutin Red Bottoms, Truly CB Jelly Collection, 8 pairs leggings, skirts, shorts and shirts from Lululemon, White Nike Air Max 270, Vivienne Westwood Pearl Orb earrings and necklace, and the Rio De Janeiro Brazilian Bum Bum Collection.

"I can't believe you bought me all of this. I'm too shocked to be mad at you." I pulled him into a bear hug.

"Only the best for my baby. If you think nothing can top this just wait to see what I have planned for your next birthday. Come on and put this stuff into your suitcase. Tiberius will take it to the car. We have to leave soon because the jet is almost ready." he returned the hug and kissed me passionately

"Happy birthday Meine Liebling."


"Meine Liebling, wake up we're here." Lily lightly shook me awake.

I was too drowsy to walk so Lily just picked me up bridal style and carried me out the jet.

He walked into the house and up the stairs into my room.

"Sweet dreams Meine Liebling." He kissed my forehead, and I drifted off to sleep.

My head shot up about 30 minutes later to the sound of laughter and the smell of Carne Asada.

I saw my suitcases sitting on the bench in front of my bed. On top of it was a blue dress with a note pinned to it. It read:

Good morning sleepyhead! Put this dress on and come downstairs. I have some more birthday surprises for you!

With love, Lily.

I wasted no time putting on the mid-thigh low cut blue silk dress with my Steve Madden Uplift heels and VW pearl necklace.

This has gotta be reason #3 why I love Lily. This man has amazing style.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen and there they were, the rest of the Essential Seven: Lily, Dion, Circe, Dite, Eva and Ares. Kostos was also there and slowly but surely, he was becoming a part of the group The people who had seen me at my worst and my best, my best friends.

Circe noticed me first. "IT'S THE BIRTHDAY BITCH" She ran to me and gave the biggest bear hug in the world. Everyone else soon followed, next thing I knew I had 6 people on top of me.

"I love you guys but y'all are suffocating me." Slowly they let go.

"Let's eat so we can hit the clubs soon." Lily started to set out the Carne Asada.

We were finished eating at a record time and Tiberius drove us in the limo to Lily's new club Olympus. A valet opened the door. "Welcome Mr. Vos and guests."

We walked in and it was like a whole new world. A huge dance floored half of the room, a bar that had every alcoholic drink you could ever dream of, and stairs with red LED lights that led to the VIP section of the club.

"Lily, this place is amazing." I just looked around in awe.

"Since we're on the topic of drinks, we have something for all of y'all." Ares spoke up. "Dion, Kostos and I were in on this with Achillies too." He pulled a sheet from behind the bar and brought it to where we could all see. It was a list of drinks named after us. It read:



Passion Fruit Puree, Peach Juice, and Peach Schnapps.



Raspberry Puree, Sprite, Grenadine.


Vodka, Cran Grape Juice, Gin.


Butterscotch syrup, Amaretto, Root Beer.


Bourbon, Maple Syrup, Whiskey.


Vodka, Red Bull, Pomegranate Schnapps.


Apple Schnapps, Butterscotch Syrup,Bourbon.


Vodka, Lime, Tonic

"Jesus Kostos, yours probably tastes like liquid fire." Dite looked at him in disbelief. We all started laughing.

"Well Princess, most of us like fire. It's funny you're talking about my drink when yours probably taste liquid diabetes." He shot back as he jabbed her in the ribs.

Dite's bodyguard Beau surged forward. She raised her hand to stop him.

"It's fine Beau. He is just playing. As for you Kostos, I would be careful when you poke me, you may find some of the many weapons I have concealed on my person." She smirked at him. Kostos looked at her with pure admiration. People thinks that Dite is sweet and innocent, but she is really a wolf in sheep's clothing.

As for Beau, he was a man of few words. I could count on one hand the number of times we have talked but from what Dite had told me, he had a wife named Angelina and a daughter named Xia who was 6. Sometimes Beau had to bring Xia with him so she and Dite were very close. to Xia Dite was Auntie Dite.

"Ah Beau, I'm glad you're here. Tomorrow we are going to the beach. From what I have been told you have a daughter. Dion's daughters and mine are flying down tomorrow morning and it would be nice for her to have a friend. Would your wife and daughter like to join us?" Achillies swooped in to save Kostos ass. 

Shock flashed on Beau's face before a small smile crept into his face.

"Thank you very much sir, I'm sure that they would love that."

"Please call me Achilles and tell your wife that my driver will be there at 10 am to take them to my jet." Lily smiled as Beau came up to shake his hand.

"Princess, could I step aside to call my family?"

"Of course, Beau take your time. Tell Angel and Xia I said hi." He nodded and left the club.

People started to file in, so Dion screamed "LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!"

And that's what we did for the rest of the night.

word count: 1,344

q/a: what foreign language do yall take?

a/n: i take french but i want to take latin. 

hey y'all!! how is your morning, afternoon, or evening. mine is going well. i have my favorite class today but i have fucking adoration before i eat lunch. problems of being a catholic schoolgirl 😭. does anybody else HATE when men in books call their s/o kitten. like why the fuck would i want to be called that. if my bf started calling me kitten i would slap the shit out of him (jk. i would have to get one first tho 😭). anyways i hope that y'all are having an AMAZING day. drink water, stay safe and sexy!! love y'all 💖💖💖

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