I facetimed Lily again and he picked up instantly.
"Hallo meine liebe. Give me a second."
I could hear rustling and LuLu yelling in the background.
"Hmm looks like you couldn't go for long without me." He smirked.
"Oh shut up. I have decided to agree your offer only because I can't have my reputation tarnished over something as stupid as this and I told my mother that we were all ready dating so there is no backing out of this." I scoffed
"YOU TOLD YOUR MOM. AUNT METIS IS GOING TO KILL ME. " He shrieked. He started to pace the room.
"Yeah she is. She is super pissed." I laughed
"Why the hell are you laughing?" At this point he had sat down and his knee was shaking.
"Because it's hilarious." I started to cackle
"Do you know what will happen when my parents find out?" He questioned. When those words left his mouth I instanley stilled. My mother is scary enough but Aunt Athena is a force to be reckoned with and when you add Uncle Zeus to the mix it's like a category 5 hurricane.
I will never forget the time when this racist white woman at the Prada store accused me and Dion of stealing. After she finished yelling at us we left the store embarrassed then went home and told our parents. The next day Aunt Athena and Uncle Zeus went back to the store and demanded the CCTV footage. When they got it, they founded the woman and threatened to send the video to her boss (who happened to be a very good friend of theirs) if she didn't write a written apology to Dion and I. When the apologies came in the mail Maman and Papa had them framed and Dion and I hung them in our rooms.
"They are going to kill us." We sighed in unison
"I agree"
After I dropped LuLu at my parents house I drove to Cutter's Point. I walked into the shop and the scent of freshly baked pastries and the coffee beans hit me.
God the second best smell in the world. Right after G's perfume.
I ordered a blueberry scone which I knew was her favorite and a caramel macchiato with extra caramel and goat milk because G is lactose intolerant and she says like oat milk taste like liquified oatmeal, and then a cinnamon muffin for me and earl gray tea for me.
I sat down at a table near the back window and waited for G to come. As I was scrolling through an email that I received from a possible client. She walked in and it was like all time slowed.
She was wearing long spandex shorts that covered enough but still showed you her perfectly round ass. The shorts bra hugged her breasts in a way that made them pop but not in a way that made it seem like she was using them to get attention. The look was completed with gold dangling earrings, a bracelet on each arm, the golden dove necklace I gave her last year for her birthday and a pair of black Air Max's.
She looked around for a moment and when she saw me she grinned.
"Hallo meine liebe, How are you?"
"I'm fine mis amore. How are you?" She asked as she sat down. She looked down at the table and noticed the blueberry scone laid out for her. G picked it and took a bite moaning at the flavor. I would be lying if I said that the sound didn't go straight to my dick.
"Mr. Vos you always know exactly what I need." She muttered as she stuffed her face full of the scone.
What I need is to take you out if the cafe and back home so I can bend you over and fuck you till you beg for me to stop.
I smirked at the scene playing in my mind. What I couldn't give to make it a reality.
"And what would that be Ms. Scorza." I asked as I blatantly eyefucked her.
"Be careful Mr. Vos. Someone might think you're flirting with me." She said as she did the same.
"But what if I am?"
"As much I would love to sit here and eyefuck you and watch you do the same. I believe we have a contract to come up with."
I pulled out my phone and opened a new notes sheet.
"Okay meine liebe tell me what is a yes and what is a no."
"We have to go on public dates. We have to post each other on our Instagram's. We can kiss but no sex." I raised my eyebrow at the last one.
"Nothing, it's just that I have a feeling that I'm going to make you eat those words meine liebe.
She shrugged. "We'll see when the occasion arises."
Little do you know how close that is.
"Well that sounds pretty good to me. But one more thing. You have to let me buy you things." I crossed my arms. When I said this G was drinking her macchiato, so when I finished she ended up choking.
"Why Lily, you know how much I HATE when people buy me gifts. I don't even let my parents and siblings buy me gifts." She ranted.
"I know that is exactly why I'm doing it." I leaned forward and taped her nose. She jerked back and wrinkled her nose.
"You know I hate that too." I threw my head back and laughed.
"Yes meine liebe I know th-." Before I could finish my sentence, a low male voice interrupted me.
"Gaia is that you! I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
"Omg Angel. No you aren't interrupting anything. How have you been?" Gaia exclaimed as she got up to hug the small male.
"I'm fine. I was in town to visit my parents and came here for a quick coffee run. How have you been and who is this?" Angel said as he peered curiously at me.
"I am doing amazing because I just got free breakfast and you're here. This is Lily." Gaia blurted.
"Hmm I've never met a man named Lily."
"Well I've never met a man named Angel. But Lily is not my actual name. My name is Achilles but when G was little she couldn't say Achilles so she called me Lily. "
"Touche but that is sweet. I would love to stay but I have a date. " Angel smiled and waved as he walked away.
God how does his face not hurt from smiling so much
"Who was he and how do you know him?" I asked Gaia as I glared at her.
"Hmm Mr. Vos is that a hint of jealousy I detect in your voice." Gaia smirked.
"Me jealous?" I laugh. "Yes. Now who was he?"
"He is January's best friend. I've known him for the past 18 years. He is also gay."
"Oh. Well I have to go pick LuLu from my mom's house. I'll have my lawyer draft up the paper and then we can sign it. " I said as I got up to leave.
"I should get going as well. Oh one more thing my parents want us to come over for dinner on Friday at 6:30. You should be there or my mom might kill you."
"Thanks for the heads up. I'll get my parents to watch her and then i'll pick up at 6:15.
"Okay sounds like a plan. Bye Lily." G kissed my cheek and then walked out the cafe.
"Bye G." I said to no one in particular.
word count: 1,293
q/a looks or personality ?
a/n i don't really know. sometimes i feel like personality is more important but don't really talk to people i find ugly. does that make sense? I feel like that makes me sound really toxic.
hey y'all. how is your morning, evening, or night. mine was pretty good. i went to church (my outfit ate). went to tequila town (no i didn't get any tequila. only a sip of my mom's margarita. T-T) then came back home and i wrote this chap.
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