A Game Between Friends

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"Shota!" Ramona giggles as she playfully smacks my hand, "You are awful!"

"You are the one who pulled me into that little charade," I remind her. "And you told me I was too serious."

We pick up our things and head down the street, she rolls her eyes, "I'll have my dessert at home."

"Oh, c'mon," I say, "You loved it."

She huffs dismissively, and if I'm not mistaken I think I can see the slightest tinge of pink gracing her cheeks.

"I don't remember you being this easily embarrassed, Mona."

"I am not embarrassed." She says, "I'm just surprised at you."

I feel a pang of anxiety in my stomach, "I made you uncomfortable. I'm sorry, I-"

"NO!" Ramona grabbed my arm, honestly scaring the shit out of me for a second. She stares at me, gathers herself and lets go, "Sorry."

"It's fine." I say, watching the pink on her cheeks go a little darker.

"Besides," She says, continuing down the sidewalk. "If anyone was embarrassed it was you. You looked like you were going to die when I held your hand."


"Wanna bet?" Ramona asks. "We could play a game of Uncle."

I pause, considering what I'm getting myself into. When we were younger, Mona and Mic would play Uncle: a game they came up with to embarrass each other, and me, in public. They'd go through the day saying and doing whatever they could to make the other uncomfortable, until eventually it would become too much, and one would have to say "Uncle" to end the humiliation. If memory serves right, they're currently tied.

"Wouldn't Mic get a little butthurt?" I ask, "Considering it was his game with you?"

Mona smiles and shakes her head, "Are you kidding? That's the best part of it all."

Maybe it's the leftover pride from decimating the waiter earlier, maybe it's just good to get back to a comfortable place with an old friend. Whatever the reason, I agree.

"Fine," I say, "But don't get too bummed out when you lose."

"Oh!" Ramona giggles, "We are feeling bold today, hm?" She stops in front of me and extends her hand, "Alright, Aizawa, first one to say "uncle" loses."

I look at her hand for a moment, questioning one last time if this is just another bad decision. Eventually I  take her hand in mine, but instead of shaking it like she intended, I bring it up to my lips.

"Game on."

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