4.Just living

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Its been a week arthit is learning to cook all days in kitchen still he did not get any permission to access elevator and he is daily taking the staircase to first floor for approximately more than eight times in a day and its been a week he is tired

At first knot and tew thought the younger is deliberate to learning cooking for madam and sir but then they understand when he is washing empty bowls and doing laundry too they then understand arthit is not so welcomed into the family but they never questioned him and they are helping him whenever its possible

It's been a week already he did not even get to see his husband face, all he did was cooking for his in-laws and doing house cores great! He sighed washing the bowls what do he expect more than that at least they are allowing him to have food and bed that makes his soul still be alive

Its twelve in the afternoon he arranged lunch for suthilak's and went back to muffin room he placed a bowl of lunch for her and he sat beside her having his plate of meals

everyday he is enjoying the time he spend with muffin she accompany him still he is missing pluto, he don't know how pluto is doing, pluto must be missing arthit too, he don't want to bring pluto along with him because he don't want his son to be stayed in a place where people hate him they will also hate pluto too he don't want pluto to get hurt he will be safe and happy with his mother.

"muffin, I miss pluto,"

Muffin made meow sound and continued to eat, he smiled "I know you miss him too, its just twenty minutes' walk by, shall we go and meet pluto once,"

Muffin again meow now she is sipping water form a small bowl, she completed her lunch "okay, after washing these dishes, lets go,"

He got up taking his and muffin empty plates and bowls, now again he have to walk all the floors down but muffin followed him out so that his mommy need not come back all the way back to fetch her

Seeing muffin walking behind he kneels down to let muffin hug his neck he crossed his arms on muffin back holding her securely he is walking down the stairs with holding a plate and two bowls on it while muffin snuggling him

He asked "when did you put on weight, how should I get you a groom?" he teased her

Muffin snuggles into arthit neck tickling him

Arthit is chuckling "muffin...stop it baby I won't tease you,"

When he enter the wash area he let muffin to jump onto the counter, he dropped the cutleries into the sink he sighed looking at more dishes the left overs of sutilak's, for god sake I am a doctor he whined to muffin who meow in response

He is quickly washing all dishes as he don't want to waste his time he is singing a good catchy song and washing the dishes smiling in between to his daughter who lazed flat on the counter and licking her paws

Drying himself he picked muffin and bring her down to floor, he exclaimed "lets go...."

Muffin tailing his behind while he spoke to knott and tew about him going to his parents house which are nearby and he will come in an hour, knott and tew agreed to help him

He walked pass suthiak's palace gate and the security did not stop him, he put his air pods in his ear and walking along with muffin after five minutes he find muffin could not walk anymore because she turned fat to walk plus its summer so he picked her up patting her bottom he hugged her feeling warmth of muffin "love you, don't reduce your weight, I will cuddle with you during my pain, you know pluto that bony body without fur is not so comfortable but you don't tell him...promise.." he took her paw shaking it "you promised ...don't reduce your weight fatty,"

She snuggled more into arthit neck for calling her fatty and arthit is getting her face away from his neck "stop...licking, your just like your father," he scold her softly then he bit his tongue for calling kongpob as muffin father he sighed. Some relationships are meant for nothing he thought to himself with sun beaming on them, today it's so hot he felt sweating he walked fifteen minutes and just few more minutes he sighed, he is being very tired

Walking to his house he takes to his mother room, upon opening the door he finds his mom playing with pluto


Her eyes shimmered with tears she missed her son a lot she sees arthit running to her arms and she embraced him for a minute and pluto stretches his two limbs to arthit neck he missed his father a lot, sitting opposite to his mae he hugged both of them with muffin licking arthit feet asking him to look at her

Arthit smiled to muffin he picked her up and placed near to pluto they started fight 'cuddles' while jessy keeps staring to arthit who is smiling to pluto and muffin reunion and he is taking few pics of them

"how are you?"

Arthit is good in carrying his emotions, well he nod as usually "I am doing good mae,"

She caressed his cheeks "I everything fine with Mrs.Ria,"

He nod "mae is being good to me and kongpob too, don't worry,"

"you look so pale, arthit,"

Arthit shook his head "stop your questions, mae" he whined, he rest his head in mother lap "why always you have some list of questions,"

She is softly caressing his hairs "I am worried, should not I?"

He took her caressing fingers and kissed them "I am all good mae, nothing to worry,"

She smiled, while arthit sleeping in his mae lap he felt so relaxed after one week the soft bed and his mother lap is lulling him to sleep while his mother caressing his hairs he slowly drifts to sleep

Jessy can see that arthit is totally tired tears sting in her eyes, she keeps caressing her son hair strands, arthit would never bother to say anything to her he always looks after her and but never tells her anything she badly wanted to know how he is doing?

It's been two hours, being tired arthit is sleeping while pluto and muffin are cuddling beside him and his mother keeps stroking her son hair and constantly feeling emotional

A servant came to inform her "Madam, we got a call from Mr.Suthilak's mansion, asking for young master to return back, as Mr.Suthilak returned home just now,"

She nod to the servant as the servant left, she slowly caressed arthit hairs "....arthit" she called her in smooth voice

Arthit stirred like a toddler he blinks his eyes open to his mae smiling face, after one week he again got to see her mom's face his fold his arms around his mom

She chuckled "there is no time for you to be lazy, you got a call from your husband,"

Arthit sat right up "what!"

"yes, he came back from tour,"

Arthit know his husband went to japan tour for one week but he don't know if he would come this evening

"they are asking you to come back, your husband must be missing you a lot,"

He quickly got down the bed he is already one hour late he picked up sleeping muffin in his arms without disturbing pluto, if pluto sees him leaving he would definitely follow his father

"mae, you don't have to come down, I can go,"

She nod "I informed to place a strawberry milk shake in fridge, have it before you go,"

He nod hugging her mother in a tight embrace "sure mae,"

She kissed his cheek "take care arthit, you look so pale,"

"sure mae," he promised kissing her other cheek

"how do you came by?"

"I had a walk mae, I want to feel like walking so I came by walk" he answered with a smile plastered on his face

Jessy could only worry she knew usually arthit don't smile if he smile it means he is trying to hide something behind the smile, he walks in afternoon weather of hot summer, who would feel like walking, yet he did not show her worry, she let her son go without bothering him

Arthit finally receiving a forehead kiss he closed the door and he finally get his favourite milk shake he gulps the bottle releasing a happy sigh and muffin looks to the pink bottle he let her taste a last sip and leaves the house

Finally he was a bit glad he was able to see his mother and pluto now he can manage for to stay for few more days

He walks back to Suthilak's mansion feeling his legs aching as he walked for a long time and now he have to go to second floor he walked all the way to first floor

"where did you go?"

Ria shouting on arthit, muffin got sacred he slowly palmed on her restless back "its okay muff,"

"Maae saa mii, I went to see my mae and pluto," he told her

"Inform me before you going"

He nod "sure maae saa mii,"

"your husband has arrived but you went to your mae home, pay some attention to him. Ask him what he wants to have for dinner and take care of cooking"

"I will, maae saa mii" he nod

Ria is being studying arthit abnormal behaviour he Is not arrogant anymore might be he learned his lessons she smirked "go"

"khurb," he ascend the stair case he goes to muffin room and sits to a wall hugging muffin close to him, she is startled for Ria using her high tone, and he is soothing her "sorry muffin,"

He supported her back with his knees and softly caressing her belly, muffin started wriggling he is laughing along with her and hugged her close to his chest "sorry muffin...love you so much,"

He keeps coaxing her after ten minutes, he is thinking its time to cook dinner he felt like crying he had to go all the way back to the kitchen. Out of fall he had to ask his cold alpha choice of food

He placed muffin to her comforter beside him and he got to his knees he walked out closing the room door he walks to the opposite corner and pushed the door as the door opens he walks into the room where he sees half naked kongpob is standing to the glass window in grey sweatpants speaking a phone call it was dark around them with only one golden lamp litz the room

Arthit is waiting in five feet distance at kongpob back, and the alpha cut the call-turning front to see arthit standing there in silence

Seeing the latter done with the phone call, he asked "where were you?"

"I went to see my mae and pluto..." Arthit answered for kongpob who was standing in a pair of cotton grey joggers and a white half sleeved round neck tee shirt revealing his biceps, all alone In the dim golden light room.

"Let me know before you go anywhere," their is certain worriedness in kongpob voice which made arthit agreed

"what do you want to eat for dinner?"

Kongpob smriked "you,"

Arthit did not roll his eyes he stared blankly "I have no time tell me what you prefer I have to go and cook, It's getting late,"

Hearing the cold move kongpob steps forward wrapping arthit waist pulling him closer to him he looks down to arthit eyes who is again just staring blankly "lets go out for dinner,"

Arthit fingers curled over the bicep with a nod he did not to spare any glance,"sure, tell me at what time I will get ready,"

That spontaneous response sent an unbelievable surprise to kongpob but he smiled to the plain faced arthit "by sharp seven,"

Arthit nod trying to get away from, but kongpob holds him he leans to arthit cheek trying cast his eyes to arthit ones which looks back to see but they are the same plain eyes he gripped arthit waist tight to get some reaction but he did not find any he further pressed soft

Arthit can feel the fingers curling and squeezing his waist like a plush toy yet he did not give any change in face he maintained his expressions feeling his heart hurting and he did not release his distressed hormones

Kongpob left him without kissing, arthit was about to turn, but stopped by kongpob questioning,

The later just grinned by folding his arms to the chest "p'arthit, I want to ask you why you agreed to this marriage?"

Kongpod received a loud silence "It's okay, I understand, after that night, may be no alpha is not ready to fulfil your desires right!" he smiled in a wicked manner, he is using all his way to see any single reaction from his husband and he can see the stiff back but arthit face drained pale in colour

Arthit stood their he is ready to receive every word of hate while his feet was turning cold but he did not show any tears in his eyes he decided to stay strong and stand for him, just five more minutes kongpob will be getting vexed, so he stand straight with plain eyes and stuffing his shivering fingers in his black trouser pockets

kongpob lips tugged into a smirk "you thought I will not be marrying someone else left overs"

The comment curled arthit's heart making him feel disgusting in every second he feels difficult to breath and he cannot feel his feet anymore, for a second arthit opted to stop his breathing and say good-bye to the world his knees trembled violently, his lower lip started to tremble and eyes started to form tears

Seeing the arthit shoulder slightly trembling kongpob got a faint knowing smile for bringing up unforseen, "how sad, right!"

Yes, he never thought kongpob would agree to this marriage,forever kongpob will be Hating him, yet kongpob agreed to the wedding, arthit grasped in fear. he turned front, asking "come to the point kongpob,"

"how come? you so casually agreed to the trade of business between our parents"

The elder shook his head in confusion "then what now? are not you satisfied with the deal, this is what you wanted from the start and your getting it now, still what more do you want?" he is flabbergasted when the alpha is demanding more

It raised the sudden anger in alpha for pointing something which alpha never wanted to have! He angered on the elder which the most heaviest aura, his voice rise aloud "I never thought you will be giving up on your empire"

Kongpob knew about arthit being passionate in the end he cannot believe arthit could simply trade their marriage, their is something beyond the wedding and he wants arthit to open up for him.

Arthit gulped in nervous

"what is your hidden agenda, behind you transforming every single paper of Rojnapat into Suthiluck's.."

Arthit bite back his urgency to pour out, but then he is in no position to share his sorrow's with cold kongpob

"are not you dying to have Rojnapat's empire, then why questioning me, I see you grab every chance, I doubt what is your reasons in doubting me now, it's my grandfather decision, and I just agreed to grandfather you knew how he was!" he replied with tears betraying to fall when he remember how his grandfather treated him making him agree to this marraige by finally using his mother sickness.

the later  grab him by waist without any alert

"ko..kongpob" he shuttered with trembling lips and gives a confused look to the alpha firing looks

"do you think, I will trade our marriage for expansion of our business"

'Our bussiness' Arthit gulped feeling emotional with kongpob using 'our' he feeling the heavy breathing from alpha is numbing his lips he keeps thinking of kongpob words what does kongpob mean he don't want to trade their marriage for business, did he value their marriage that means did he value arthit, did he married arthit cause kongpob felt like wanted to!

"I am suthilak I just don't bend for your pretty offer, these cheap tricks won't work for me" he is speaking each and every word against arthit aching lips and with constant looking into arthit honey dipped gorgeous oceanic eyes, and also he did not forget to notice how arthit voice sounded when he mentioned his full name that quenching voice drop a beat of music which made him grip the curve of arthit waist

Arthit grasped from the touch he never thought alpha will be touching him after what happen, he thought he will be safe thinking alpha would never like to touch him, but right now each one of his silly theory is proving him wrong, he is in alpha arms, why would alpha touch a omega tasted by someone? and then by seeing the heavy smirk he understand he is giving the reaction which the alpha needed, past moment he stayed all blank so now the alpha is trying to break arthit

"do you think a small empire can buy suthilak?" his question filled with a pride

Arthit tried to undo the arm holding his waist "let me free first" he sneered trying to peel the hand gripping his slim waist curve.

"Not after you have written a letter of proposal for our wedding.... you must have done all the calculations prior I believe so..." The later just smirked and pushed arthit back roughly to the wall which made him yelp in pain and curled in alpha's arms "...ahhh"

The alpha did not except the small push would cause so much pain, the later face was scrunching in pain and he can feel the omega tight grip on his right-hand bicep in a tight grip to control the radiating pain

"what happen?" the worried voice filled the lonely ears of omega, who was tired and his legs was already killing him.

he bit back the pain and stand straight he slapped across the alpha's face "don't you dare to hurt me, and stand away" he snarled only to get pressed more into the wall his back achingly further pressed into the wall

"stop making me do more than this" the alpha voice resounded and doubled in omega's ears which ringed him with a major splitting headache, he stand still with fear creeping his spine

"answer me, why did you accept to this marriage?" he asked again with a heavy breathing

Where else the latter just stilled tongue-tied for a few seconds "its same. you all know right! I am a lonely omega who needs an alpha,"

"don't you shame" he sneered

Arthit knees trembled with pale face "you know the answer why bothered to ask" he sniped

Alpha sighed "stubborn right!"

"Don't you have any pride to touch someone leftovers" he bite back on kong's throat

kongpob leans more, in emitting the dark aura, his thumb lingering under the red plump bottom lip he inhaled at the right  spot making the omega knee turning into water, "you're mine" he whispered

Arthit tried to push on the later shoulder to get him free

"stop pushing me" he said kissing the omega without any warning having those pushing hands in control.

He can feel the forced tongue driving inside his mouth and his lips repeatedly getting sucked each second passing by arthit slowly allowed the kiss he relaxed his shoulders and savouring the kiss, tears pooled in eyes with mist under closed eyelids while his lips are being sucked and tongue is dancing inside in mouth while hands were holding him like a glass, he moaned when his lungs run out of breathing

Alpha left omega lips with a mischievous smile his voice husked looked to the drunken omega face "you lips taste the same," he raise his thumb finger and cleaned the smudge of saliva from corner of the messed lips and licked back his thumb looking into omega's eyes

Arthit gulped in fear and he was shaken form the passionate kiss,

Alpha held a hand on omega's soft cheek, which used to be bubbly and now it's nothing but a bony cheek

"you lost some weight," he hugged him taking arthit into a surprise level the hug was so soft that arthit felt melting

He tried to shake up from the hug "just stay!" he hissed into arthit hair

Arthit stayed still with tears forming in his eyes

"never trade my feelings for you phee..." he hugged him more and more

No, arthit never did that, he cherished their moments and kongpob feelings deep in his heart they are their first gust of immature words and feelings he cherished

"leave me," he tried to get away from the hug

Kongpob hand snaked under arthit shirt "ssh...relax,"

Arthit find kongpob fingertips are doing magic on his paining back, he is having severe back pain he calmly

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