Mr. and Mr.

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Still the smiling ball of joy we know, Beckett Steel is back again! With the new school year just starting up, a baby back at home, and a new-creepy teacher may prove to weigh down on the teenage boy.

Reese Ridge is a changed man. From the asshole of the school to a semi-bearable person, things were looking up. Until the creepy teacher showed up, and that's when things took a turn for the worse.

With a baby, the pressure of a seniors last year, family reappearances, and the new teacher, everything will put a strain on the two high school sweethearts, and it may prove to be enough to break the beautiful couple-- apart.

Mr. Depressed and Mr. Popular Jock-- Book Two in the Mr. and Mr. standalone series. 

If you saw Storm in person, you'd never once assume that he was struggling with depression. You wouldn't think that he had a drunken mother waiting for him at home. You wouldn't know any of that, as he never showed it. So when a kid he never spoke to suddenly begins to poke into his life, he suddenly hardens his shell in attempts to block him out.

Kyle isn't your average junior football-playing high schooler. Hanging out with the kids on his team has become tedious and almost dangerous. Once a book reading nerd, he is now your typical parting jock, missing his old quirky self. With a single lie threatening to ruin everything, Kyle meets a senior who has the potential to change his entire life.

Kyle yearns to know more about the quiet teen named Storm.

Storm, however, doesn't want a single thing to do with the jocky teen named Kyle.

With secrets of his home life-threatening to rise, Storm doesn't know who to trust.

Perhaps the jock that won't leave him alone . . .

^Coming Soon!!

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