Chapter Nineteen: Too Good

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Beckett P.O.V

I crash down against my bed, still wearing my clothes, a permanent smile locked onto my face. I felt so happy and bubbly inside and I couldn't stop myself from fangirling inside. The date had been perfect. He didn't do anything I expected him to do, which made it even better. I had expected him to take me to some weird restaurant or to the movies, instead, he had made a perfect date in the park, something I loved and would always think back on.

I almost felt depressed upon the idea of coming back home. Sure dad was now back inside the house, more in my life that I feel like he's ever been, but I had no idea where my brother was, I haven't seen him in a couple days and I was worried about him. As for my mother . . . I have no words about her. She hasn't been the best of a parent to me, especially after someone she brought into the house to . . . pleasure her asked if I was going to join them with they're 'fun'. That is unacceptable. I was glad she wasn't in the house anymore. I hope she's fine wherever she is but I'm glad that here isn't that place. With how many affairs shes had I'm sure at least one of them would open their door for her. Unless she was going for guys who were married then she might be in a bit of a pickle.

The ride back had been filled with a type of silence that I liked. It wasn't awkward but talking wasn't necessary. I was happy simply being in Reese's presence. It made me feel warm inside, a comforting feeling that I had rarely felt in my life. It was a nice feeling, one that I could get used to rather quickly. I could get used to him rather quickly.

I panicked when I got home though. I hadn't really been on a date before so I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do, was I supposed to wait for him to kick me out or what? I remember doing something awkward like thanks for the date before attempting to rush out of the vehicle but he had stopped me from leaving. He pulled me closer to him, closing the distance that the vehicle created and landing a gentle kiss over my lips, making me swoon just thinking about it. He had pulled back slightly only to whisper over my lips a question that made my life worth living.

"Will you be my boyfriend, Beckett?"

A squeal escapes my body as I grab a pillow and drag it over my face to attempt to hide my embarrassment. Gosh, he's so cute! That was the best way that I think that I could have ever been asked out by anybody. It had made my insides turn to mush and a red flare in my cheeks to happen. I blushed some much around him, it was ridiculous and yet I found myself loving it.

After that, I had pulled back slightly, a shocked look on my face but one look in Reese's eyes and I knew what the answer was going to be. There was no doubt about my answer and I think looking at me at that moment that Reese knew my answer without a verbal reply. We both knew that my mind saw saying the answer, 'Yes.'

I fling my pillow off my head, a sad sigh escaping me. I would have to wait until Monday until I was able to text him again. This caused a frown to appear on my face. Would we be open about it? I would be fine if he wanted to keep it quiet for a while since I wasn't too sure if my school was that accepting towards gay people but I've never heard the words 'FAG!' being screamed down the school hallway so I don't think they'd 'bully' me about it. I've been openly gay for years and aside from the slight comments about it every now and then the response has been really good. I don't know how they'd react to Reese though. He's never hinted at being even slightly gay, nor has he really said anything to anybody, being the bad boy he is. I think that's just a front he created for himself though. I don't think his bad boy act is all that he is. A bad boy wouldn't decorate a park for a potential date. They wouldn't do anything that could harm their image and that is something Reese didn't seem to care about.

I smile at the ceiling thinking about the boy I have developed a crush on. He was perfect. Everything about him. I wouldn't change a freaking thing. His height made mine even cuter since there was a serious height difference. Our personalities clashed against each other, my perky, hyper attitude against his cold, and calm one seriously would make us the perfect team. He may be my polar opposite but that made this even more fun, to get to know someone on a personal level that saw the world in black and white while you saw it in color was an amazing thing. Two people with totally different views on life, amazing.

I lean up when I hear motion downstairs but remember that it was probably dad before getting up and going to my door, and locking the door. It may just be a dad but I don't want anybody to ruin me thinking about Reese and the week that was to follow. I couldn't wait to walk down the hallways hand in hand with Reese. That would be my definition of perfect and I don't think anything could ever beat that definition.

My eyes got weaker at the thoughts that managed to pass through my mind before sleep decided that it wanted to butt in and ruin my precious little moment of reminiscing and sending straight into a world of dreams and if anybody asked me I was not dreaming about Reese and I will stick by that.

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