(36): Bad News

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"Oh my gosh, Nathan, I will fucking kill you, you monster!" I scream angrily running after him, it's really hard to because my shoes keep dipping in the snow.

I can also hear Kyle, Winnie and Kat having their own scream fest. And also the other people around us.

We're all just making snowballs and throwing them at each other. Nathan made this huge one and thought it would be a good idea to throw it in my face.


"Oh, come on, Chelsea it's just a game" He laughs running faster.

"Still!" I scream throwing one in front of me and it hits his back. He's wearing layers so I doubt it makes any difference "I'll get you when you least expect it"

He turns around and just laughs at me.

"I will seriously kill your friend" I grumble when a flustered Kyle joins me.

I think he was throwing his at Winnie and Kathrine.

He rubs the back of his head with his wet gloves "Winona throws the hardest snowballs. I'm not going to play with her anymore"

I laugh loudly.

"Maybe she's trying to get her revenge"

"She should do it to you too" He complains.

I scoff "I've just had a huge one thrown against my face, okay, I don't need more"

I see Kat walking to us enthusiastically "Hey. Chels, Nathan says he wants to call a truce"

"Mm no" I deadpan dryly, already picking snow and making a ball "Tell him to come speak for himself"

"Oh come on" She protests.

A few minutes of her trying to convince me to drop it, Nathan finally makes his way to us because I'm sure he could see I wouldn't be satisfied until I get my pay back.

The moment I see his face, I aim for it roughly and my snowball successfully crumbles all over it causing him to yelp loudly and cover his face.

I start laughing so loud, even crouching down dramatically "Oh my gosh"

Kat doesn't want to but she also ends up laughing at her boyfriend, so does Kyle. He flips us off when he's recovered.

"Ha-ha" He deadpans shooting daggers at us.

I stick my hand out at him amused "Now we can call a truce."

"Fine" He grumbles but shakes it nonetheless.

I can't stop laughing "You should've seen your face. Oh god"

He gives me a threatening look and then points his eyes to Kyle so only I can see as if to say as 'I'll tell Kyle how you feel about him. Try me'

I immediately sober up when I catch it.

He smirks victoriously at his successful threat and I just grumble folding my arms. Kat looks at us amused but doesn't ask. I think she's just glad that we've been getting along for such a long time now.

Kind of. He always blackmails me like this.


"Where's Winona?" Kyle asks curiously.

We all start looking around for her, until we spot her speaking to some brown-haired guy who looks our age. They're a few feet away from us and she has the biggest grin on her face while speaking to him.

"Uh oh, I don't think Nick will like this" Kat mutters dreadfully next to me.

Nick almost froze to death so he had to go back to the cabinet. We couldn't stop laughing at him. We warned him to not make so many snow angels but the boy never listens. His clothes got half-wet because of all the snow and he couldn't stop shivering so we forced him to go back to keep warm.

We didn't want anyone dying near us.

He's been such a good tour guide though. He showed us all around the resort. He said tomorrow when we were all well rested, we could do any activity we wanted. There are actually a lot of people here, most of them are our age so I can imagine how easy the boys had it meeting girls here. There's some bar place and the guys said it was always full at night.

Teenagers love music and alcohol, huh?

Anyways I can't wait to see the whole place properly with all my favorite people. There's also a restaurant but Nick said most of the time they ordered room service unless they were around. There are also tiny shops around, some with warm clothing just incase someone came unprepared. There's also this store called 'Candy World' and I can't wait to try it out. It has all the candy you can think of. Heaven.

"Do you think she knows him?" Kyle murmurs as we all continue to watch them.

"Doubt it" Nathan replies.

I sigh, mist escaping my mouth "I don't like this, you guys"

Kat looks to me "Maybe they're just friends, lets not assume the worst"

"Doubt it" Nathan mutter again.

The two happy chaps being watched turn their heads and see us watching them. Winnie says something to the boy before starting to make her way to us.

She smiles sheepishly when she gets to us "Sorry I just disappeared. Anyways Liam says hi"

She probably thinks our scowls are for the fact that she disappeared but she doesn't know that we're thinking about our poor friend, Nicholas who's in love with her and wants to tell her how he feels, while she's clearly flirting with another guy.

I guess we have no right to be mad or annoyed at her because, at the end of the day, she isn't aware of Nick's feelings. She's also just trying to have fun.

So sad.

"Who's Liam?" Kyle asks.

She points back "That guy. He invited me to go to the bar place with him tomorrow"

"Do you know him?" Kat asks accusingly.

"No. We met just now but he seems like a pretty cool guy" She answers.

"Just be careful, Winona" Kyle mutters "You know you're the youngest here so we just have to watch out for you, okay?"

"Fine" She mumbles looking like she wants to say something more but decides against it.

Ugh, poor Nick.

"Anyways I'm starving" Nathan announces trying to make the mood lighter "We should
probably start walking back"

"Yeah" We all agree.

I try not to dwell too much on the bad news that I seriously don't think Winnie feels the same for Nick as we make our way back to the cabin. We just all engage in a small conversation about nothing in particular.

"We're home" Kat opens the door widely. We take off our damp coats and hang them, and also remove our shoes before entering.

Luckily this cabin is super warm so we don't really need them inside anyways.

"Oh hey" Nick greets enthusiastically when he sees us.

There's an unfamiliar lady in the kitchen and she looks like she's making some food because of the pots on the stove. She looks to be in her mid-forties or something like that.

"Daisy?" Nathan grins as we walks to her and hugs her tightly.

"Natey" She grins back "Nicholas tells me that you're all here with your girls. I didn't believe it but now it looks like it's true. My boys have grown"

"Nathan is the only one with a girl here" Kyle deadpans but ends up smiling as he also walks over to her and envelops her into a warm hug.

The girls are so confused. Especially me.

Nick gets up from sitting in front of the fire place, he has a blanket draped around him and joins us in the kitchen.

He really almost froze to death, huh?

"Guys, this is Daisy" He introduces pointing to her "Daisy, this is Kathrine, Winnie and Chelsea"

We wave at the lady.

"Which one of you is Natey's girl?" She grins.

Kat puts a hand up sheepishly "Me"

She grins wider as she looks at 'Natey' "Hm, she's gorgeous. I'm proud of you"

Nathan just laughs.

"Anyways, Daisy takes real good care of us" Nathan then says "She makes us food and takes care of the house and things like that"

"She makes the best food" Kyle chirps.

They really like her.

She smiles "Oh stop. Anyways you guys can all sit. I'll be done in a few"

We follow Nick into the living room and all sit comfortably on the mat in front of the fire-place.

I'm sitting between Kyle and Kat.

"Daisy, huh?" Kat half-whispers curiously.

Nick snorts next to Winnie "Are you jealous that she has a nickname for your boyfriend?"

"No" She bites rolling her eyes.

"Relax" Nathan laughs "She's the housekeeper. We've all known her for three years and she's really cool so we hit it off with her"

"What happened to Jordan?" Winnie asks.

"Who's Jordan?" I chirp.

"She left the Christmas before Daisy came" Kyle explains "She was our housekeeper before. Nicholas's parents think we need one because apparently we're just boys who can't do anything for ourselves"

We all just laugh.

"They have a point" Kat teases.

"Babe. You know fair and well that I'm a better cook than you" Nathan argues.

"Yep" I nod agreeing "He made food for Kyle and I this other time and it was so delicious. Guys got talent"

"Thanks, Chels" Nathan grins winking.

"Wow" Nick breathes unimpressed watching our encounter "I don't know how Chelsea ended up getting on better with her enemies that she does with her friends at first sight"

Is that even a thing?

"Seriously, Nick?" I deadpan dryly.

"He has a point" Kat says "You three are always together"

"That's bit extreme" Nathan argues "We're always with you guys too"

"Yeah cause you find us three" Nick says signaling between him, Kat and Winnie "Waiting for you guys then that's how we end up all together"

"Me and them write at the same time. You three write earlier than us" I excuse.

"Oh" Kat mutters seeming to understand why things have been this way "Makes sense"

"Oh yeah" Nick also mutters and I just smack his head because he again almost started another fight.

It is true though. Kyle, Nathan and I write at the same time as opposed to the others so we always just end up together. Plus, I like chilling with them. They're cool.

Except when Nathan throws subliminals at me for my crush on Kyle.

"Foods ready" Daisy announces from the kitchen "Where do you kids want to eat?"

We murmur a "in the dining room" before getting up and helping Daisy move the plates there.

She then informs us that she's leaving and Nick should call for her when we're done.

We happily munch on the food. She cooked some delicious ass Alfredo pasta, you would swear she was a professional chef. There's also some roasted chicken on the side, in case people aren't full but I doubt that'll happen because there's a lot of pasta.

When we're done, most people just go to their rooms. Winnie and Nick say they want to take a nap, Kat and Nathan say the same thing.

"You guys are boring" I shout after the four of them as they walk upstairs.

"I hope you guys appreciate the alone time" Winnie teases smugly and I just roll my eyes.

"Also, don't do any outside activities without us. This is a friend trip and not a Kylsea trip, okay kids?" Kat chirps demandingly.

Kylsea? So lame.

A few seconds later, I hear their doors close.

"So what do you wanna do?" Kyle asks looking at me. It's just the two of us in the downstairs part of the house now.

My eyes widen excitedly "Jacuzzi!"

"Seriously, Chelsea-Anne?" He deadpans.

"Come on, just because you've been in there a million times" I protest.

"Can I just watch you?" He suggests.

I shrug "Fine. I'll be back in a few. I have to get my swim suit"

I run upstairs excitedly. I enter my room, take off my millions of layer before locating my red polka dotted bikini and quickly putting it on.

I drape one of the provided towels over myself before making my way downstairs.

"Follow me" I say smugly to a Kyle who is busy on his phone while laying lazily down on the comfortable mat.

He rolls his eyes getting up "Whatever"

We walk past the corridor and enter the warm room. Kyle says we should keep the door open because he doesn't want to suffocate inside.

There is a bench on the side so he sits there.

I remove my towel and quickly enter the jacuzzi before he has time to assess my bikini clad self. He seems to notice this because he smirks and rolls his eyes but doesn't say anything about it.

Woah. The water is really warm.

I just start to move around happily, enjoying the feel of the hot water. It also relaxes me in the process.

"None of you guys have had sex in this, right?" I ask skeptically.

"I haven't" Kyle replies watching me "I don't know about the others"

"Gross" I shudder.

"You asked" He murmurs.

I just roll my eyes. After getting tired of moving around. I cross my arms on the surface and lay my chin on them so I'm facing Kyle fully. My legs are straightened behind me and they're just padding around softly.

This is very comfortable.

"How come you don't want to join me?" I ask him.

"I don't feel like water" He replies.

"What do you feel like?" I enquire curiously.

He shrugs "I don't really know. I'm craving Lays a lot. The yellow ones"

He LOVES those.

"Not surprised" I laugh.

He also laughs lightly looking at me. We have one of those where we just stare at each other with little smiles. His grey eyes always turn softer when we do that, just like they are right now. My heart always quickens too, to the point where I'm scared he can hear it. I think when I'm closer to him, he does.

Good lord, I really like this boy and I don't know what to do. He makes me feel things I'm unfamiliar with. I like being with him, I like talking to him. Everything is just better when he's around. I don't know how it all happened. I really don't. And I know for a fact, it was way before the night of the dam. That's just when I realized it for the first time.

It's scary. I'm scared of my feelings.

"Stop" I murmur after a while.

He breathes a laugh "What?"

"You always do that" I complain softly "You make me feel weird"

"I'm trying to figure you out"

"Me?" I gape surprised "You're the puzzle between the two of us"

"You know all my secrets now" He argues.

Not all. He still hasn't told me what kind of business his father runs.

I hum "Well, what do you want to know about me then, Chambers?"

"Knock-knock" We are interrupted by a voice which definitely belongs to Winnie. I look behind me to confirm and I'm right.

What could she be wanting? She's never chilled with just Kyle and I since forever.

"Winona" Kyle notes sounding as surprised as I am when she's inside and sitting next to him on the bench "Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?"

"I can't" She murmur, raising her feet to the seat and hugging them.

"Is something wrong?" I ask concerned.

She shakes her head "No. I guess, uhm, I just wanted to apologize to the two of you. I don't want there to be like awkwardness or anything. I also wanted you guys to know that I forgive you for everything since I never said it"

I smile relieved "I apologize too, Winnie"

"Same" Kyle murmurs squeezing her hand.

"It's fine. I actually don't know why I didn't forgive you guys sooner and also speak to y'all" She murmurs sadly "I guess I just wanted people to blame for the fact that I wasn't good enough for my girlfriend"

"Winnie..." I frown.

She waves me off "I'm okay now, I promise"

"Good, I missed your purple ass" Kyle smiles side hugging her brotherly.

So cute.

Did I mention that she cut her red hair shorter and dyed it light purple? She looks good though. I think any color suits her, lucky girl.

"I missed you guys too" She grins.

"Have you like spoken to Dee after everything happened?" I ask softly.

"Nope. I don't want to"

"I never did like her" Kyle murmur and Winnie and I just laugh. It's a good thing we can joke about it now.

"So, why aren't you guys sleeping?"

I grin "I couldn't wait a second longer to get into this heaven called the jacuzzi"

"I'm not surprised" She laughs watching me swim around to demonstrate to her "I'd forgotten how damn weird you are"

"Hey" I protest loudly.

"See? I'm not the only one who says it?" Kyle informs smugly and I just flip him off.

"The others say you two are 'concernly' close now. Should I be concerned too? Just asking" Winnie snickers glancing between the two of us.

"They're just dramatic as always" I scowl.

"Nick also said that Kyle was 'unrecognizably' nice to you Chels" She adds laughing and air-quoting his big words.

Typical Nicholas.

Kyle groans loudly "He's so annoying"

"Ignore Nicholas. You know how he likes to start shit all the time" I say amused.

That boy is a lot. But I love him.

She laughs "Sometimes I wonder how I've survived him all these years"

"Same here" Kyle completely agrees.

I just laugh at them. Their friendship is so cute. I mean, these people used to spend Christmases with each other's family. One can only imagine how close they are and how much love they have for each other, despite their little fights sometimes.

"So, Winnie, now that you're single... are you looking to date again?" I ask curiously.

She shrugs "I wouldn't mind. Just if the right guy or girl comes around. I'm not, like, scarred for life or anything"

"So that Liam guy?" I try hesitantly.

I don't think I'll like the answer.

"He's cool" She smiles lightly. "We were texting just now. I'll see what happens with him"

Oh no.

"What about Nicholas?" Kyle adds.

She seems confused as she looks to him "What do you mean? What about him?"

"I've told you that he likes you" Kyle scowls.


"No he doesn't" She denies "He would've told me if he did. I mean, how long has he known me?"

Kyle just sighs loudly "Whatever"

"Chels" Winnie looks to me expectantly "Do you know what Kyle is speaking about?"

I shake my head slowly "No"

Kyle shoots me a pointed look unamused.

Why does he think it's our place to tell her? Nick will do it for himself when he's ready, not because we decided to blurt it out. Well, apparently Kyle told her a long time ago though so it's not like she doesn't know. She just doesn't want to ask him. Or she's in denial.

I wonder why.

"See? Nick and I are basically siblings. He's like my brother. There's no way he likes me" Winnie mutters softly, looking deep in thought before frowning "Oh no. I really hope he doesn't. I don't want to hurt him"

Oh lord. This definitely means she doesn't feel the same.

Poor Nicky.

My heart literally breaks for him and I just stay quiet, not sure what to say. I think I even want to cry at this point. He's going to be so hurt. He's so fragile, he'll literally break.

I look at Kyle sadly and he shrugs lightly as if to say 'I told him it wouldn't work'.


"Yeah, I think I wanna get out now" I murmur softly as I get up from the jacuzzi and wrap the towel around myself tightly.

These news have even made me cold.

"You have a really nice body" Winnie says.

I smile lightly "Thank you"

She smiles and nudges Kyle teasingly "Doesn't she, Kylie?"

"She does" Kyle agrees looking at me.

I try not to blush as I look away from the two of them, my heart beating loudly. I wonder if he really means it.

I hear Winnie yawn loudly "Okay, yep, I definitely have to sleep now. Bye y'all"

She leaves a few seconds later.

I walk to Kyle and sit next to him "Why do we always have to be the ones who receive the bad news first?"

First the Dee thing, now this.

"I don't know" He murmurs.

"What are we gonna do? She clearly doesn't feel the same for him" I frown deeply.

"He's going to be crushed"

I swallow a

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