Present day
I scoff and didn't receive his call. He call again, again and one last time before i noticed that he is already at my house n standing behind me. I was little scared for suddenly saw him.
♤ why don't you answering my call?
♡ i was busy
♤ Yeah i already saw that
If you are here then why you calling me
♤ to see your excuses for not received my call😒
N why don't you eat breakfast
♡My wish
♡Ok I'm getting late
♤Ok let's go
(He took a taxi. We both get into it. From that day when we challenged each other, he drop me home to office n office to home by taxi)
I handed him a tissue as he is sweating.
♡ I don't understand if you can't feel well in taxi then why u come with me in taxi.
♤ No it's okay.
Actually i don't wanna lose that chance to spend time with you😁.
And anyway I'm just completing my challenge.
( I don't know why his those words pinch me, making me thought that am i being blind to see his efforts?)
We reached office, but i feel so lazy to do any work. So i took off for that day and decide to go shopping. Jungkook was relaxing himself but when saw me to leave office he say he will go with me.
♤ Hey where are you going?
♡ For date
♤ W h a t? What you say?
♡ Wait you don't need to be so much possesive😑
I'm going to shopping
♤ Ok I'll go with you
♡ It will take long time.
♤ Ahm okay
I feel guilty as he about to hired a taxi with tiredness.
♤ Listen
♤ Humm
♡ let's go in your car
♤ Huh😳 really?
♡ Are you deaf
We get into his car. I can clearly sense, he was smiling while set his seat belt and ready for driving.
♡ Well you don't need to be so happy. Don't fly it's just a fever huhh
[Jungkook POV]
When she told me that she want to use my car, i was happy.
Although i know she is a self-esteem she will never agree to take help from me.
But those days i feel like she start to have soft corner for me.
But of course she didn't show that. She try hard to do not show her emotions but her innocent face can't bear lies😅.
When she say it's just a fever n try to fake with herself, i enjoyed it n couldn't help but chuckled😅
♤ Yeah mam i understand
♡ Hum good
I feel satisfied to saw him driving happily. I feel myself smiling while seeing him happily singing.
I shouldn't care for him right? Why I'm doing this. I'm not used this lovey dovey fellings. Then why this time it's feel like something. Am i melting for him?
(Hello my readers hope you enjoying this romantic parts. Actually the author is lil bit anty- romantic😅 n not used to cute things😅
But I'll try my best to put romance.
And don't forget to vote🥺 love y'll)
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