reality | forty-one

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"Empty sky, no way,
that's me cause one half of my heart is free."

. . . . .

My hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, my eyes darting from left to right as I watched for any kids that may find it funny to run across the road while I pulled into the middle school parking lot.

The car rolled to a complete stop next to the curb and I switched it into park, immediately resting back against my seat in wait. I scrunched my nose in memory of middle school as I watched kids begin to pour out of the building. When I was 10, the 5th graders would have still technically been in the elementary school across town, but just this year they had been shifted over to the addition added onto the middle school. So now Johnny had to roam the halls with kids years older than him and sometimes I wondered, if like myself, other kids pushed him around.

I shook my head from my thoughts as I saw Johnny come bounding down the front staircase. He paused only briefly to scan the line-up of cars and when he saw mine a huge smile appeared on his face. I shifted slightly, unbuckling my seatbelt before I got out of the car.

"What's up, my man?" I held my hand out for a low-five, which Johnny quickly returned.

"I told my class today all about how I got to go to your show over the weekend and everyone was so jealous!" He had a sly grin on his face and I shook my head at his young ego, the thoughts of him being bullied completely vanishing. This kid was too cool for anyone to even consider picking on him.

"John stop boasting and get in the car." I looked up from my tiny friend at the sound of Bryce's voice.

"Can I ride up front today?" Johnny asked as he looked between his aunt and I.

"Uhh..." I to glanced at Bryce for approval and after a moment she nodded her head.


"Careful in the road," I spoke up as Johnny rushed around the car and opened the passenger side door.

Johnny had always been a bit more aware of things in life, which in turn made him seem more mature than an average 10 year old. Now since he's been moved to the middle school, he's gotten that much more knowledgeable. It was a weird feeling to watch a kid start to grow up right in front of my eyes.

"He needs a new notebook," Bryce spoke after we had both watched him safely get into the car. "He's already practically destroyed the one he has. I don't know how he does it."

"We'll stop by the grocery store and pick one up before I take him home." I smiled down at my girlfriend.

"You are the best!" She sighed loudly in appreciation. "Here, let me give you some money..."

"What- No!" I laughed and pushed her hand away when she tried to give me a couple of dollars.

"Josh." Bryce stared up at me sternly and I could only imagine her using the same tone when one of her students mouthed off. "Take the money."

An amused laugh escaped me as I stepped away from her when she tried to stuff the cash into the front pocket of my jeans. She grunted at my childishness before she placed her hands on her hips and stared up at me with a raised eyebrow. I bit at my lip nervously as my stomach tied into knots. Even her annoyed look caused butterflies to erupt inside me.

"I think I can pay for a notebook." I tilted my head to the side as I inspected her pretty face.

I then grabbed her wrist with the hand that still held the money and pulled her to me, giving her a quick kiss. Bryce puffed out a breath of air as we pulled away and I could finally see a smile on her face. Today must have been extra stressful for her, so taking over the task of getting Johnny school supplies left one less thing for her or her sister to deal with.

"I'll see you later," Bryce spoke quietly before she pecked my lips once more and headed back toward the school.

I watched her for a brief moment before I turned my head to look up at the blue sky overhead. It was the warmest day we've had in a while, the light jacket I wore keeping me at the perfect temperature. The parking lot was still filled with kids and parents as I opened the driver's side door and got back into the car.

"You ready to buy some school supplies?" I looked over at Johnny as I turned on the car and shifted it into drive. "I hear you ruined your other notebook."

Johnny huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. "I was only doodling!"

The laughed the left my lips was higher pitched than I had hoped, causing Johnny the laugh at me as well.

It didn't take long to get to the store and the two of us quickly made our way to the entrance. The automatic doors opened and we both stepped into the convenience store. I had never noticed before, but it seemed that more attention was brought on when a man walked around with kid. Sometimes it was sympathetic looks and other times it was admiration, like people believed I was a single father trying to make it work. But I wasn't and the feeling I got when I thought about it was strange. It made me want to have kids of my own one day.

I ran my fingers through my already faded pink hair as we passed by the cosmetic section. It was almost time to dye my hair again, but what color, I was still unsure of. Johnny and I continued through the store, passing aisle after aisle until we made it to the one that held what we were looking for.

My eyes shifted back and forth as we walked down the miscellaneous aisle. Johnny jogged ahead of me a few feet before he finally stopped in front the school supply section. I stood behind him and waited patiently for the young boy to select the new notebook that he wanted.

I shifted my gaze to the end of the aisle and watched as people pushed shopping carts or workers with new inventory walked by. It wasn't that long ago that I remember loathing the idea of coming to the store and being around strangers, but now to my delight I was perfectly comfortable standing here in public with a 10 year old picking out school supplies.

My phone vibrated in my back pocket and I quickly removed it to see a text from Bryce. Just as I was about to reply, I felt my heart leap into my throat.


I whipped my head to the right and my eyes widened as Johnny bolted down the aisle. Instantly I could feel my chest tighten and my breath started to accelerate. I started to run after him just as Johnny turned the corner and disappeared out of sight.

My body temperature rose and I could feel everything start to hurt as panic bubbled up inside me. I hadn't felt like this in weeks and just the thought of having a panic attack in public made it that much worse. Thoughts of not being able to find Johnny filled my head, but the one word that continued to repeat over and over again was what he had said just before he ran. Dad.

People's heads turned as they watched me run around the corner and I skidded to a halt as I passed by the next aisle and caught a glimpse of the boy I was searching for. My jaw tightened as I watched for only a second as Johnny talked with a man I had never seen before. But I knew exactly who he was with his dark wavy hair and deep brown eyes. Johnny was the spitting image of his father.

"Johnny!" The boy and the man turned to me when I finally spoke and jogged up to them, bending down to Johnny's level as I did so. I tried to hide the extreme panic in my eyes, but by the frown on the young boy's face he could tell I was freaking out. "You scared the crap out of me!"

"Sorry, Josh," Johnny spoke in a hushed tone already with a look of guilt on his face. "I didn't mean to."

I sighed and glanced up toward the man that towered above me. To say I was intimidated was an understatement, but at the moment Johnny was my responsibility and there was no way in hell I was going to allow this man, who had abandoned him, to try and weasel his way back in.

"So you're Josh." The man's voice was deep and his squinted eyes already scrutinized my appearance. "My son was just raving about you."

I could feel the slightest bit of anger start to bubble up inside me the longer I held the man's gaze. How could he be so casual about this? He had up and left his family for months and yet the idea that he had hurt them didn't seem to faze him whatsoever.

"Yes, I am," I finally spoke, trying my hardest to find some confidence. "I've been helping out with Johnny since you left."

The man's stare darkened for a brief moment before he looked down toward his son and spoke to him instead. "I've got to go J, but I'll be seeing you real soon."

As he turned away he gave me a look of warning before he disappeared down the next aisle. I could practically hear my heart as it pounded in my ears so much so that I felt a migraine coming on. What was I supposed to do? My eyes shut for a brief second before the tug I felt on my wrist brought me back to reality.

"Isn't this great, Josh!" Johnny spoke excitedly as he clapped his hands together once he knew he had my attention. "Mom and dad are going to get back together now!"

I felt my heart drop at his words, a sick feeling churning my stomach. I had no idea what to tell him in that moment because I knew with certainty that his father being here was in no way to get back with his mother. Trisha would never do that as sad as she was about it, her hate for her ex-boyfriend was so much greater.

"Hey, how about we get you home, alright?" I didn't respond to his words because I honestly had nothing to say about it. "You're mom is off work and will be home tonight... So we can tell her the news about your dad."

It wasn't my place. It was between Trisha and the man that had abandoned her and their son. But even if we weren't blood, Johnny was my family too and I wanted what was best for him.

After checking out the new school supplies, we exited the store and made our way back to my car. My heart still raced in my chest as I pulled my phone from my pocket and quickly texted Bryce.

'I think we have a problem.'


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