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t h i r d p e r s o n

The music blasted, people where dancing and singing the lyrics back. Ashton couldn't be more happier. Well, to be totally honest with you, he could be happier. Ashton was letting everything get on top of him, he hadn't stopped thinking about when Kayleigh had told him that she would always love him. He honestly wanted to feel the same way, but he just didn't.

Ashton had never been good with the ladies, he always says the wrong thing, does something stupid or just forgets about them. Kayleigh was different, she was always playing on his mind, (He even went out across the world just to find her) Ashton normally ends up doing some utterly regrettable or something that leaves a horrible impression of him to all the girls he had ever been with.

Luckily for Ashton, he met Rachel when he was younger and they decided to give it another go, the fans are supportive to all the boys' girlfriends and they told the guys they will always be supportive. Sometime last year Rachel got a bit of hate but they stopped because Ashton told them to stop trying to deny us happiness, hurting her won't make me love you anymore.

I mean of course, she still gets the few bad word but she's a lot stronger than she lets on. She wasn't fazed by the hate last time, Ashton was though. He hated that both the people he loved where at war. Rachel understands that Ashton will always choose his career over her, which sounds horrible but this is all he's ever dreamed of. Him and his four best friends, what could he possible need?

Ashton would never deny the fact that if Kayleigh asked to be back with him he would say no. He would most definitely say yes. Except he knew that Kayleigh would never asked for him back because she's getting married soon. She's with that guy and seems pretty happy. Not that he loves her, but some sort of feelings came back when he saw her again.

"Ashton?" He heard someone say as he met back with reality. He shook his head and the crowd was quiet. Calum was just staring at him with a confused face. Ashton looked down and realised he was that deep in thought he stopped playing the drums.

Instead of saying anything he kicked back into the drumming and tried to focus but he couldn't. Everything was playing at his mind, what happened to Kayleigh's family, what he did to hurt her, coming back and messing her up again. It's not like she didn't have anyone, she had her boyfriend, right? Ashton realised coming back was a bad idea.

"ASHTON!" He heard Calum yelling. The crowd booed, some where even leaving, he gulped and tried to drum but his palms got sweaty, his vision got blurred and he forwards fell onto his drums. The guys ran towards him, Ashton was laying on the ground, the security guards where ringing ambulances, the paramedics from the side of the rushed towards him. Everything was going slow, everything was blurred. All up until it went black.


The constant beep of the machine was enough to send anyone crazy. Rachel was tapping her fingers on the bed, she was waiting for him to wake up. Ashton shifted a little and opened his eyes. It took him a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the bright lights. He turned to face Rachel, she had a big smile on her face. He grabbed her hand and smiled back.

The doors flung open and Ashton saw Kayleigh. Her cheeks where flustered and Ashton let go of Rachel's hand causing Rachel to frown. Kayleigh went towards him and touched his face. He smiled, the fondness in his eyes as they stared at each other like they where the only people on the earth, the only people that mattered.

"Wha-" He said and coughed. "What are you doing here?"

"I was around the corner, I saw you being pulled up on a stretcher. They wouldn't let me see you because they thought I was a crazed fan." She smiled. She let go of his cheek.

"Around the corner?" He asked.

"I was at the shops, I was around the corner from you." She smiled and Rachel walked out, letting the door slam. Ashton jumped at the loud bang. She sat in the seat and put her hand on his.

"Isn't it late? You should be careful!" He said and just looked into her eyes. Her eyes filled with tears.

"I'm so glad you are ok!" She said and wiped away her tear with his thumb. She giggled a little bit and he chuckled. The nurses came in to check up on Ashton and told him he fainted due to the heat and stress, he was ok and he was allowed to go but he was told to sleep it off for the rest of the night and tomorrow. He had to cancel on the guys about tomorrow's gig and supporting 1D. They completely understood.

Kayleigh helped him walk out and Rachel smiled and took over. Kayleigh gave them both a hug and started to walk home. She knew that Rachel didn't want her around, she could feel it. That's why she left, she didn't want to become in between a relationship because hers ended so badly.

Ashton and Rachel walked to their house and so did Kayleigh. Not to their house, to her own. She stopped outside her house, unlocked it and then walked in. She put her bags down and sat on the couch, remembering what her fortune cookie. It was hopeless, she was never going to find anyone who actually loved her. She only started dating Zach because his friends dared him to date her. But then he fell in love with her. It worked out, until now.

There was a knock at the door, Kayleigh got up. As she was close to the door it opened and she saw Ashton looking at her. He walked closer and put his hands on her cheeks.

"You're the only thing I can thing about, you're always on my mind." Ashton said, causing Kayleigh to give him a weak smile. "You're the reason I fainted, you keep playing at my mind and I don't know what to do."

Kayleigh moved his hands and put them beside him. She looked at him and then to the floor and mumbled. "Move away."

Ashton was shocked, he didn't know how to poor his heart out to girls, he had only ever been a dick to them and now was his chance to prove he had changed and that he was sorry by the he treated her before.

"Kay, listen, I want to stay and be with you." He said and she shook her head and pushed him out the door. She closed the door and let out tears. She wasn't letting him hurt her again, not again, not ever. She's been hurt too many times and she was didn't want to go back down that road.

She could only think about the fortune cookie, what if Ashton was her love around the corner. What if she was destine to marry him? What if Ashton Irwin was her true love? She ran to the door and opened it.

"Ashton?" She called out, but she saw him getting into a taxi with Rachel. He looked at her but the taxi drove off and Kayleigh ran to his house and looked threw the windows and saw there was only a bit of furniture. She bust the door open and ran upstairs, she looked threw the drawers and wardrobes and saw there wasn't any clothes packed.

She remembered deleting his number and he probably didn't have the same number as before anyway. She didn't. She walked out of his house and back to her own. She walked in and saw Zach on one knee with some flowers. She stopped in her tracks and looked at him.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him and he stood up and walked over to her.

"I'll take you back." He smiled and she just scoffed.

"Pal, it should be me taking you back, but I'm not. Leave. Now." She said and pushed him out the door, she watched as he threw the flowers on the floor and told her to fuck off then. She shut the door and walked over to her laptop and went on Ashton's twitter. He was talking about how he was getting a nice little flat in the middle of no where. She looked at his pictures and cried a little bit.

'Love is just around the corner.' Except, she's just lost hers.

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