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Dedication: @RachelStyles15 Welcome to the story, Boo. (Unfortunately, I can't do it properly because I'm on iPad, but when I go onto the computer I will.)

k a y l e i g h

I waited for Ashton but he didn't come. It had been two hours and still nothing. He said he would come. I knew it was time for me to go back now because it was getting dark and I didn't know my way around.

I started walking back, I couldn't help but feel disappointed. I thought it would be great, I know what he did before he left was wrong, but I forgive him. It's not his fault he gets these sexual urges. I get them too, we're all fucking human.

I began walking back to that place we where staying. Took me a while to actually get there because I don't know where the hell I'm going. I knocked on and some lad I didn't recognise answered. As I looked closer I did recognise him. He's one of the guys from that picture frame. He let me in and I saw Harry. He walked up to me and hugged me and then walked off to them other two boys I met earlier.

"I'm Luke." He said. He held out his hand.

"Luke Hemmings?" I asked and he said shocked and nodded. "Don't be so shocked, I know Ashton Irwin, have you seen him?"

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Kayleigh Monroe." I smiled.

"He went out to meet you, did he not make it?" He asked and I shook my head. "Have you contacted him since?" I shook my head again. How did he know?

"We best go out and look for him, Sydney is a bit hectic right now with all the hostages and murders." He said and I gulped pretty loud. Can he really be hurt? "He does have an apartment over here, we could go there." He said and I nodded. "Although he doesn't tend to go there, but we should check anyway."

Luke and I walked out and got into a car. I asked if he could drive and he said yes, he could. I was a bit sceptical, I didn't know the guy and now he's taking me in his car, although, a strange girl is staying in his house.

a s h t o n

"Ashton?" I heard someone say as I turned around to be met with one of my ex girlfriends. Rachel. She looked the same, still beautiful.

I hugged her and she hugged back. "I've missed you." She smiled and hugged me again.

"Same." I smiled and we walked, I'm supposed to be meeting Kay but I think she won't mind waiting a few minutes while I catch up with my old friends. After all, she's probably just going to shout at me.

"Do you have time to get a coffee?" She asked and I nodded. We walked to a little coffee shop. She sat down and I went to order two coffees. I smiled at her as I brought them to the table.

"It's been different without you." She said and blew her coffee. She took a little sip and held it in her hands to keep warm. I sipped on my coffee.

"How?" I chuckled and put my coffee down and looked at her. Why did we ever break up? She's beautiful and smart and those glasses make her look really cute.

"I don't know, the lads and I missed your girly giggles and your lame jokes, the way your play drums on everything possible. It was different without you, quiet." She said and I leaned over to kiss her. I cupped my big hands over her cheeks and she put her hands around my neck.

"Do you want to come back to my apartment?" I asked her and she nodded while giggling. I've missed her so much.


k a y l e i g h

Luke used his spare key to get into this apartment. Ashton must have a load of money to afford a place like this. I felt my phone vibrate so I took it out my pocket and saw I had a message from my Mum.

Mum: Where the fuck are you!

Woah, Mum, calm down, you muppet. I'm safe.

Me: I'm with Luke, Liz's son, we're fine.. He's just showing me around.

Mum: Use protection;)

Me: You're disgusting, I'm leaving. I'm running away.

I put my phone away and a shiver went down my spine. Mum's are fucking disgusting. Luke told me to look in the kitchen and then he said he'd look in the bathroom. I walked through the door which I thought was a kitchen... But was actually a bedroom.

My heart broke, my gut fell out my arse. What the fuck where my eyes seeing?

"Ash-ton?" I asked and he immediately broke away from the girl he was fucking. He stared at me and the girl did too. She looked really sorry.

"Shit, I forgot to meet you." He said and the girl got up and started to get changed.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know he had a girlfriend- I'll leave.. I'm really sorry." She said and pulled up her jeans and grabbed her shoes and stood up.

"She's not my girlfriend." He said and Luke walked in. "You brought her here? You know why I have this apartment." Luke said hi to the girl to try to make it less awkward for everyone.

"I'm not his girlfriend." I said and looked down. I turned around and Ashton quickly stood up and grabbed my arm.

"Please don't leave, Kay. Rachel, I'll call you later. Luke please take her home." He said as he still had hold of my arm. They all walked out and Rachel said sorry again. I just nodded and then looked at him in disgust.

"You're a slut." I said. I couldn't cry.

"Please, stay here with me in Sydney, we'll live here and raise dogs." He said and I just looked away and headed for the door before he grabbed me again.

"Tell me, what is this apartment for?!" I asked and he stopped talking. "Is for fucking girls, so you don't have to do it around your mum, wow, how fucking kind of you?"

He pulled me and made me sit on his couch. "I wonder how many girls you have slept with on this one couch cushion?"

"Please stop talking like that!" He said and tears formed in his eyes. "Just, please.. Stay the night." He said and I nodded. He hugged me and then went to actually go put on some boxers. I was too pissed to even look at his dick.

I don't even know why I'm actually staying. He walked back with boxers to cover his pixel stick.

"Let's get to know each other." He said. "Remember when we did 20 questions?"

I looked down not wanting to remember that he pretended to be someone else, when I looked back at him and she was smiling. It did make me laugh a little bit.

"After you have had a shower, ok?" I said and he nodded and I smiled.


Is it bad that I'm too forgiving? Everyone has a passed, yeah he pretended to be someone else to get closer to me, he tried to get me to have sex with him, he stood me up for two hours in an unknown place and then I caught him having sex with a girl. But I can't hide my feelings for him and I can't help but love him and I'm in a pickle because what if we date and he sleeps with girls in his Sexpartment. Aye, see what I did there?

"I'm done." He said with a smile and sat down. "What do I not know about you?"

"Umm.. I have a little brother called Harry, he's been ill. Umm.. I'm allergic to dogs, oranges. I'm not very good at this." I said.

"Well, I have a brother named Harry, too. You've broke my heart, I so wanted to raise dogs." He chuckled and I did too.

"Ashton, I just want to sleep." I said and he gave me a blanket and told me to sleep here. He didn't want me sleeping in a bed he slept with someone else with.


"Ashton?" I whispered and he didn't move. I saw he had changed his bed covers. I heard the thunder crash again which caused me to jump on the bed. Ashton sat up really fast.

"Kay?" He asked. "What's wrong?" I moved over to him and got under the covers. "Where are your pants?"

"Can you sleep in skinny jeans?" I asked and he shook his head. "There's thunder and I'm not it's biggest fan." I said and he put his arm around me. I fell asleep and chuckled to myself. Who is actually scared of thunder? Not me! It was just my plan to be closer to him. I'm a genius. Ok, maybe I'm not a genius but I like to be cloes to him. It feels... Natural.

Also big thank you for all the reads that's amazing. Didn't actually think this book would get anything  but I'm so happy that it has :-) love you heeps. x

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