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She hadn't been in for two days. Today was supposed to be the day I take her to a restaurant and tell her I'm Ashton, not Fletcher and we laugh and tap glasses toasting: 'Too many more wonderful years to come.' But obviously, it didn't turn out that way and now she hates me. I can't believe I actually went out to buy a suit for tonight. How stupid was I? She's just some little girl.

Here I am, sat at home alone on Valentines day. How sad can my life get? Might as well ask my dad for an arranged married because I sure in hell ain't getting anyone any time soon. I looked at the two glasses on the table, to think I had this whole night planned out and she was going to fall in love with me. I've been watching too many romantic films. To think she'd stick with me after she found out that I was talking to her.

I looked around the house, sat in this stupid suit. I heard a small knock at the door. I went to the front door and opened it to see Kayleigh in a cute little dress. I smiled.

"Nobody wants to spend Valentines day alone." She said and walked passed me. Leaving me smiling at the door. I closed the door and walked in the front room and saw her sipping on the water.

"You still want to go after what I did?" I asked her. I really couldn't believe it to be honest. She put the glass down and stood up.

"Let's go before I change my mind." She said and walked out to the car and waited for me to open the car door. I unlocked the car doors and she got in. She tapped on the car door when she sat down as Green Day played through the speakers.


We stopped outside a restaurant, I had never been before and wasn't sure whether you needed a reservation or you could just go in and ask for a seat. I walked next to her as we walked in the doors. I saw how many people where actually there, I seriously thought we where not going to get a table but we where at the front and the guy asked us.

"Would you like a table?" He asked.

"No, of course not, we came here to sit on the carpet! Carpet for two please." She said and I chuckled a little before he rolled his eyes and walked us to a table and gave us menus.

"So, why did you change your mind?" I asked her as she just told him to drop the subject, she was here for the free food and to go watch a good horror movie. I couldn't help but laugh. I had missed her.

"How come you didn't come to school for two days?" I asked as we ordered and handed back the menus.

"I was ill." She said and I nodded. She sat in front of me and sipped her water and I had a pint of larger because I was old enough.

"How did you find out you where allergic to oranges?" I asked her.

"I ate one." She simply said. This couldn't be more awkward.

"What film do you want to go and watch?" I asked. The food was placed in front of us, she picked up her fork and knife and began to cut into her chicken steak.

"I'd actually prefer to just go back home." She said and chewed her food. I nodded and she smiled a little.

"I'm just going to nip to the loo." I said and got up out my seat and walked off. She hates me.

k a y l e i g h

I got out my phone, this is so awkward. He's just asking a load of questions and I want to go watch a film at his place but I'm too scared to ask that's why I said I wanted to go home.

Me: Taylor :'(

Taylor: What's up princess?

Me: It's just not going right.

Taylor: Your date with Fletcher?

Me: Yes! I just wish he knew how much I actually loved him. I wish he knew how many hours I spent thinking about him. I wish he knew he means the world to me. I wish I knew what he really thinks about me. I wish he was mine because nobody compares to him, when we kissed, it was the best thing ever, I never wanted to let him go, I wanted to stay in that moment forever. He's all I want, Taylor, he's all I've ever wanted. I mean... I don't blame him, who would actually like me anyway? All I need is him, I'm... In love.

Taylor: Tell him then you love-crazed idiot :D

Me: I could never tell him, it'll ruin a lot of peoples lives.

Taylor: It's not Daniel right and you're covering it up with a fake name?

Me: Tay, I wouldn't do that to you, I love.... Fletcher.

How could you really expect me to tell others that I'm on a date with my teacher. I looked up to see Ashton back in his seat, I hadn't even realised he was back. He smiled at me.

"You.. You... Love me?" He asked. My heart was racing, I wanted to scream yes... My body wasn't letting me.

"It's rude to read other people's text messages!" I shouted and pushed back in my seat and walked out the restaurant, tears escaping my eyes as I threw the stupid heels off my feet and throwing them to the ground and running faster. I don't know why I was crying or running. I stopped running and turned around, he didn't even bother to follow me.

"Kayleigh?" I heard someone say and I turned around to see Ashton. I ran into his arms as he held me.

"I'm sorry." I said, crying into his shoulder. He lifted up my head with his finger under my chin. He pressed his lips onto mine. It started to rain, we both looked up at the rain and then smiled at each other as we kissed again. He broke the kiss and moved my wet hair out of my face. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"I love you too." He said as we walked back to his place in the rain. Not bothering to think about his car that was parked outside the restaurant.

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