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k a y l e i g h

I had to walk from school to Taylor's house. I stood at her front door and just walked in, pfft, who needs to knock. I said hi to her dad, her mum passed away when Taylor was three, I walked upstairs to Taylor's room and knocked, she welcomed me in and I looked at all the outfits she had laid out on the bed.

"Which one do you want?" She asked. I picked the short black one that pushed your boobs up for a little bit, grabbing some black heels and a cute red clutch. I needed some colour. Taylor curled my long brown hair, I preferred it to be simple, whereas big and bold. I squeezed into the tight dress and put on the heels, I put on some make-up and fake eye lashes. I only wear these when I'm going out because when I take them off I lose half of my real eye lashes.

"Yous look cute." Taylor's older brother came in and told Taylor and I. I'm not going to lie, I did have a crush on him and if I'm here to tell the truth, he did take my virginity. That's between us.

"I know" Taylor smiled, spinning around. Her little dress was a colourful one, it was a skater dress so it went out when she span. She had false lashes and a smokey eye look going on. Tate asked if we where ready to go because he was taking us.


"You're f....ucking.... Drunk" Taylor slurred to me, I was swaying so I told her I was going to walk home, she gave me a hug and a kiss and a hug and let me walk. I swayed while walking home, nearly going into the road.

I had to sit for a while, my legs where about to give out. I sat on someone's lawn and picked their grass. I closed my eyes before feeling someone touch my shoulder and make me scream. I turned around to see Mr. Irwin towering over me.

"Mr Irwin?" I asked and he let out a little chuckle. He helped me up and took me inside the house that I was sitting on the lawn in front of. He led into the front room and sat me on the couch.

"Where's... You... Dad?" I asked and grabbed the coffee he was handing me. I quickly drank.

"I'm twenty four, do you really think I would live with my dad?" He asked me.

"What... What... Are you.. Um.. Talking about?" I asked and closed my eyes. "Mr Irwin?"

"Please, call me Ashton" He chuckled. "We're out of school"

"Ok, Ashley—" I started but he stopped me.

"Ashton" He stated.

"What?.. Who is Arthur." I asked. He helped me up and up the stairs.

"Mr Irwin?" I asked again and he asked what.

"Where's.. dad?" I asked as he helped me into bed. I gripped his arm and pulled him onto the bed, trying to get him to cuddle me.

"Kayleigh, this is appropriate" He said, I just closed my eyes.

"What is not appropriate is allowing a student into your home and sleeping in your bed, and especially letting them call you by your first name. Ashton." I said and looked at him. He was literally so confused and so was I. I actually didn't know where the fuck that came from. I just want sleep.

"Get... Out the room" I said and closed my eyes.


I felt wetness on my pillow, please don't tell me I've dribbled on Taylor's pillows... Again. She always shouts at me. Ouch! What the fuck is that bright light, oh, my lord, who the fuck is singing. Don't open your eyes, it'll go away if you ignore it. For fuck sake, the singing is getting louder, I mean it's cute and good, but fuck off!

I smelt vomit, I looked on the pillow and it turned out I was lying in my own vomit, not dribble. I'm going to be dead. This is fucking horrible. Literally peeling myself off the pillow. I looked around the room. This isn't Taylor's room. It's... Blue. Shit, it's not Tate, right?

"Morning." Someone said placing food in front of me and then making gagging sounds. I wiped my mouth.

"Sorry... about this." I said and pointed to the puke. I got my shoes and walked downstairs and out the door. I can't believe I had just been sick on Mr Irwin's fucking bed, I'm probably the most disgusting person to roam the earth. Luckily it's Saturday and I'm on my way home and everything will be grand.

"Kayleigh?" I heard Mr Irwin say as he parked his car at the side of the street and told me to get in.

"Thanks, sir." I said and got it.

"You can call me—" He just stopped and carried on driving.

"Ok, I'll call you Mr Irwin," I chuckled and he did a little, but I think it was more because I did. I told him where my house was. We drove pasted people from the school, looking as dead as I feel.

"Why are you not stopping to pick them up?" I asked, wondering why he picked me up.

"Well, you slept at my house and if you didn't get home safe that would've been on my hands." He said and turned left onto my street. He stopped the car, I said a quick thank you and got out. I walked in my house and my Mum came over and peeled something off my chin. A fake eye lash. Had I really been sitting there with that on? Is that why he was actually laughing? Oh, gosh, I'm such an embarrassment.

"Honey, you're failing your maths, we've put you in for extra maths lessons everyday after school for the rest of term" She said and had hold of Harry. Are you shitting me?

"What?!" I said.

"Mr Irwin, had kindly offered to tutor you because you're failing." She said and sat me down.

"But... He said my grades are fine.. Well... Not exactly he told me to stop letting Ashley copy me because he wants to know what she can do... " I realised this had nothing to do with what was being said.

"It'll be for two hours everyday after school, I'll pick you up and take you to his house" She said and my jaw hit the floor.

"No, no, no... Why can't I have them at school?" I asked, she said she was taking them privately and she went onto telling me to go clean myself up because I smell like cab floor. That was obviously the end of the talk. I swear to god, I was doing fucking fine! There best be others, I'm not the only one failing in tHE WHOLE FUCKING SCHOOL.


One shower later I was tucked up in bed. It was only two o'clock in the afternoon, but I'm hungover. My mum had just brought me some chocolate and some Irn-Bru. I was playing on Crossy Roads on my phone when a message popped up.

Unknown: Hey. What's up?

Me: It's a delightful animated film about a young boy and an old man who flies away to an exotic place in a balloon house.

Unknown: Ok?

Me: Are we done? Good, fuck off!

I put my phone on charge, by crawling off my bed but keep my legs on it. The struggles. I also found out that Taylor and Daniel had broken up because Daniel had been cheating on her. How fucking horrible. She was thinking off going to a different school, but I told her stop being so over dramatic and we got into an argument so I put beer down her throat and that's all I fucking remember.

Me: Got to do extra maths lessons, fucking failing! Wuut?

Taylor: Seriously? You're so lucky. I've got extra English lessons with Mr Shaw! Have fun fucking on the desk;)

Me: Is this Taylor?

Taylor: Of course you idiot! You've not got many friend.. Let me rephrase that.. You've only got two friends.

Me: Ok, Taylor, you bitch ;( Now I know it's you. Just don't talk about fucking with me, it's like talking to my Mother.

Taylor: Offended! Now you've only got one friend :(

Me: Taylor..... Noooooooo!

Me: Tay Tay

Me: TS

Me: Taylor! I love you.

Me: Baby, let's talk about sex.

Me: Daddy?

Taylor: You're so messed up. XD. Talk to you in a minute, going for a shower;)

Me: What's the winky face for? ;o

Taylor: Shower head and I are in for a right treat!

Me: Ew, byeee... Gosh, you're disgusting.

Taylor: Jokes, ily!

Me: Ugh, ily2 ;)

I started to crawl back into bed and curled up going to sleep.


My eyes opened. I looked at my clock, the time was eleven-thirty. I had been asleep all day, I got out of bed and went over to my phone I had messages, I felt bloody popular.

Unknown: Hi

Taylor: I'm out the shower!

Taylor: Are you dead?

Taylor: No, I rang your mum to check, you're alive.

Taylor: Babyyyyyyyy

Taylor: Daddy?

Taylor: That felt awkward to type.

Taylor: I'm going out with my Mum, bye baby. ily.

Unknown: Are you sleeping?

Those messages where sent at around six o'clock, so fuck replying. I ate some chocolate and put on The Pick Of Destiny. Not going to lie, I have a crush on Satan... Merely because It's Dave Grohl, and he's fucking beautiful.

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