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"Iwa-chan~ "


"Haji-chan~?" Iwaizumi blush and glance at oikawa who is staring lovingly at him.

"What?" He finally answer. Oikawa smile and give a quick kissed on the cheek.

"Nothing~ Just wanted to know which new nickname do you prefer? Zumi-chan? Haji-chan?"

"Why does everything have chan behind it?" Oikawa shrugged,

"Its sound so cute with it~"

"Well its annoying" oikawa pout and looked down. Iwa-chan glance at him again and sigh,

"I- I prefer the original nickname… " oikawa looked at him and smile,

"Iwa-chan sho cute~"

"Sh-shut up shittykawa!" Oikawa smile,

"Don't you have any other nickname instead of that?"

"What? Shittykawa? Its perfect. It suits you" oikawa pout again and wrap his arms around his neck,

"Don't you have anything nicer~?" Iwaizumi stare at oikawa who is now giving him the puppy eye look. He found it cute as fck.

"Crappykawa? Trashykawa? Which one do you prefer?"

"I prefer none!" Iwaizumi smile and wrap his arms around oikawa's small waist.

"Then shittykawa it is"

"Boo~" oikawa lean his head on his shoulder,

"You're so mean iwa-chan~" iwaizumi stared at him and smile. His arms that was on oikawa's waist, was now slide up in his shirt as iwaizumi lean down and kissed his forehead.

"But you love me for that, cute face~" oikawa shivered abit when he hears iwaizumi's deep whispering voice into his ears.

"I guess cute face can count as a nickname!" Oikawa smile. While iwaizumi was playing oikawa's hair, oikawa asked him a question.

"Are you happy about my dad? You know… accepting us?"

"Yah but Im more proud of you for managing to handle it by yourself" Oikawa nod,

"Iwa-chan? "


"Can I asked a personal question?" Iwaizumi thought about it for awhile and nod,

"Depends what you're gonna asked"

"Wheres your dad? " Iwaizumi stop with his hands and stare at him,

"Why you want to know? "

"I…I maybe want to see at least one of your parents… since you've met mine already…" iwaizumi sigh and stare at the tv infront of them.

"My dad is out of town… its been so long since I've talk to him… especially visiting him" oikawa nod,

"Would you want to visit one day? " iwaizumi looked away,

"To be honest, yah… I do want to… but it's so awkward to suddenly visit him and talk to him"

"Its okay iwa-chan… take your time" iwaizumi nod. He looked at the time and smile,

"Wanna go to bed?" Oikawa blush at the sudden question,

"Wha-wha-what? I-iwa-chan…! " iwaizumi laugh at oikawa's expression,

"I didn't mean by that hornykawa. Let's go to sleep" oikawa blush and pout,

"I'am not horny!" He pull away the hug and storm off to the bathroom, blushing. Leaving iwaizumi laughing his ass off.

Suga slowly open his eyes. Finally waking up. He had a nice dream. A dream about him and the people he loves having a happy ending in the end. It was amazing. Suga slowly sit up and looked beside him. He immediately smile at the sight of his kid and his boyfriend sleeping. Hinata, who is sleeping like a starfish, had his drool rolling down his chin. Suga cringe at the wet drool on his pillow they share.

Oh why?

He looked at the time to see it was 6 in the morning. He at least have time to shower and make breakfast. Daichi woke up an hour later. Smelling something delicious aroma from downstairs. He immediately felt hungry and went downstairs. Walking in the kitchen to find suga preparing breakfast. Suga notice him and smile,

"Good morning daichi~" Daichi walked towards him and gave a light kissed on the cheek,

"Mm morning…"

"Breakfast will be done soon. So just go wash up while I prepare putting all this on the table" Daichi nod, following what he says and went back upstairs. Hinata woke up at that time when he realised no one is with him on the bed. He got off the bed and tip toed downstairs. Peeking inside the kitchen around the corner, seeing his pa humming happily. 

"M-mommy…?" Suga stop and looked behind, seeing hinata looking down in guilt.

"Good morning baby~ mommy cook your favourite breakfast! Are you happy?" Hinata teared up and ran towards him. Hugging suga by suprised. Suga froze as he hears hinata's cries.

"I-Im sorry mommy about yesterday! *hic* I didn't mean to make you cry… I don't actually hate you… *hic* I- I love you so much mommy!" Suga took a moment of what he said for awhile and smile. Gently push hinata away and kneel down, wiping his son's tears.

"Its okay baby… Its mommy's fault too for breaking your promised" hinata shook his head and looked down,

"I don't care about the toy anymore… I want mommy more than toy!" Suga giggle and kissed his forehead.

When everything was done and settle, everyone started to eat their breakfast. After they're done, hinata when to the living room and watch some cartoons, leaving daichi and suga alone washing the dishes.

"Hey suga?"


"You know um… it's been awhile since we go out on a date…" suga glance at him,

"Was it long?" Daichi nod,

"Ever since hinata came into our family tree… we've been busy with him we… never get the chance to go out alone… Im not saying being with hinata is annoying… I just… want to went out on a date with you alone one last time…" suga smile. He wipe of his hands on the apron his wearing and kissed daichi's cheek,

"There's won't be a last time" Daichi stare at him, slowly wrapping both his arms around suga's waist.

"Wanna go on a date today? Just us…" he whisper. Suga nod and lean his head on his shoulder.

"Sure but… what about hinata…?"

"You can fine someone to babysit him for one night… " suga looked at him suprised,

"One… night…?" Daichi blush and nod,

"I wanna do it… we never done it before…" suga's face went red and looked down,

"I-I um… o-ok… I'll f-find someone… "

"Good" daichi kissed his forehead and pull away,

"I'll go home to prepare this todays night event… Ill pick you up at 5:30. Be ready~" Daichi wink at him walked out the kitchen, saying goodbye to hinata first went home.

"What…? You want me to babysit hinata?" Oikawa asked through the call.

"Yes… can you? Just for 1 night… can you?"

"I would love too but you see suga… Im also going on a night date with my iwa-chan too~" suga frown,

"You see, He plans to--" Suga hangs up, no point on continuing the call. He giggle abit, imagining oikawa's reaction to this. He look through his contacts, seeing anyone that could help.

Akaashi…? Nah… he has his own kids to settle

Suga thought for a moment and immediately when to call this person.

"Hey kenma? Remember you said you want to owe me?"

[Authors note: sorry for the late updation… I wasn't really feeling well (mentally)

Im not sick or anything. Just a typical human being going through depression…

Its an everyday life

Haha… ]

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