Chapter 20

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The birth progressed quickly and soon the midwife was more insistent in her instructions as the baby crowned. Simon could feel his adrenaline surging with concern for Georgia's pain, but also the impending appearance of baby James.

With a final massive push, James Simon Banks was born kicking and bawling at a very healthy 7lbs. Georgia leant back against Simons chest, exhausted from her exertion, prompting a strong feeling of protection in him. Simon watched in tearful awe as his son was laid on Georgia's chest and she automatically rubbed and kissed his head to soothe his crying.

Simon nuzzled into her neck whispering compliments and reassurance as he gently placed his hand over hers. Baby James was quickly cleaned up and wrapped in a blanket and placed back with mum as they made her more comfortable.

Georgia looked round to Simon, crying "Look what we did" she whispered though her tears.

Simon kissed her face, whispering "You did fantastic love, I'm so proud of you" he whispered in reply.

Georgia looked straight in his eyes "Thank you for being here Simon" she said quietly.

"Wouldn't have missed it for the world love" he responded with soft kisses.

As soon as Georgia brought baby James to her breast and started feeding him and the nurses left them in peace, Simon encircled both of them in his arms and relaxed back, simply gazing at them. The tears were still falling as the overwhelming feelings of euphoria, pride and joy, washed over him.

The baby now fed and burped, Simon encouraged Georgia to relax and rest while he held her. He was exhausted but couldn't and didn't want to sleep. He lay against the bed frame with his arms around Georgia and one hand on his son's back as he slept. For the next two hours, he just lay and observed in wonderment and affection, his newborn son, sleeping peacefully.

When Georgia awoke needing to go to the bathroom, Simon carefully lifted his son with one arm and helped her off the bed with the other. Holding his baby in his arms for the first time was a revelation for him, prompting new tears. He kissed his little face and head, whispering how he would keep him safe always.

Georgia returned and stood watching her husband crying softly as he cradled their baby. She gently put her arms around him, kissing the baby's head and lifting her head to kiss Simon's lips. "My two handsome boys" she whispered grinning.

 After a good night's rest, Simon drove to Aunty May's to pick up Emily. She squealed with delight when she saw him, immediately running into his arms. "mama baby dames" she said excitedly.

"Yes sweetheart, we're gonna go see mama and baby James" he said affectionately.

Aunty May asked after Georgia and the baby. "They're both doing great. They're both amazing" Simon gushed still high on joy.

Emily couldn't contain herself, despite Simon trying to ask her about her time at Aunty May's. As he carried the little girl through the corridors towards Georgia's room, he gently cautioned her "Now, mama is still tried after having the baby, so be gentle and speak in a nice voice for the baby so you don't scare him" Simon said gently kissing her cheek.

Emily listened carefully to every word and nodded. As soon as they walked in the door and she saw her mum, she immediately held out her arms for a hug. Georgia kissed her cheeks and asked her about Aunty May as Simon gently picked up his son. Kissing him lightly on the face and head he carefully handed him to Georgia.

Emily was wide eyed and trying to talk excitedly in a whisper, which made him chuckle. She leant down and kissed the baby, whispering "Hello baby dames", grinning wildly. When the nurse came in to check on them, she offered to take their photo. So perched on the bed, Simon sat close to Georgia and their children, his arms protectively surrounding them, and beamed with pride.

Finally back home, Emily had her bedtime story and was tucked up asleep. Simon sat with Georgia on the sofa as she fed James. "How you feeling love?" he asked caressing her back and James's head.

"I feel okay actually, better than after I had Emily" she started before pausing. Simon looked down at her concerned. "After Emily arrived, I remember feeling really alone even though the staff were great. Dad didn't get around very well, so he couldn't travel to the hospital. I felt really guilty because I had this beautiful baby girl, but I just felt so sad" she said softly before going quiet. "But you were there for me the whole time so I never felt alone" she added looking up at Simon.

Simon smiled warmly and kissed her face "You did so well on your own with Emily, but I'm never gonna let you feel alone again" he said affectionately, holding her in his arms.

Georgia quickly adapted to being back home with a newborn and her new feeding schedule, mostly due to the fact that Simon was so attentive to her and Emily's needs. When James cried, he'd bring him to her and sit with her while he fed. He helped with nappy changes and entertained Emily when Georgia needed to rest and catch up on sleep.

 At the end of the week, Simon managed to have a check in with Price and let him know the baby had arrived a couple of weeks early. Price chuckled "Sounds just like his dad, always early for briefings" he said warmly. "How are they both doing?"

"They're both doing great Price. Georgia's amazing how she manages everything. The little lad sleeps well and doesn't give us any trouble. Emily's been a great little helper, always wanting to be involved" Simon gushed full of pride.

"How you doing Simon? How you managing fatherhood, now you've got two?" Price asked curiously.

"Honestly, I can't describe it. I worry about them constantly and wanna be there every minute to make sure they're all okay, but I don't think I've ever felt so relaxed" he said in disbelief.

Price chuckled at the comments "Sounds like you've taken to fatherhood well Simon" he replied sincerely. "How you managing retirement? Sounds like you've not had a chance to get bored" he added laughing.

Simon laughed "No definitely not bored sir. It's been good, spending time with them, knowing I don't have to leave them to go back on duty. Have kept up some training when I get the chance and Georgia encourages me to have a run every day, so I'm keeping in shape" he explained.

"Good to hear you're looking after yourself Simon. Will Georgia be okay if I drop by to visit? I'll stay at the base and try not to get in the way" Price suggested looking forward to seeing them.

"No, she'd be chuffed to have you visit. Be good to see you again sir" Simon replied honestly.

Two weeks later, Price arrived at the small farmhouse feeling a gentle excitement at seeing Simon and his family. Georgia greeted him with a warm hug "Captain Price. It's so good to see you again" she said with her usual bright smile.

"Good to see you love" Price said handing her a bouquet of flowers.

"Thank you so much, they're beautiful" she said brightly as she gestured for him to come in.

"I can't believe you've just had a baby love. You look bloody radiant and don't look tired at all" he added in compliment.

"I have Simon to thank for that. He badgers me to rest and helps with everything, so I don't get the chance to get tired" she explained laughing.

"Good man" Price replied as she led him to the dining area.

Emily came running in full of energy and very happy to see the visitor "Well hello little poppet" Price said affectionately, picking her up and placing her on his knee. "How are you sweetheart?" Emily proceeded to tell him everything about her new brother.

Simon appeared carrying his little son and greeted Price with a satisfied grin. "So this is the little lad?" Price asked keen to have a look at the baby. "God he looks just like you Simon" he exclaimed.

"That's what I keep saying, but he doesn't believe me" Georgia complained hugging Simon as he proudly showed off his son. "He definitely has his frown and eyes and he has his dad's long legs" she added teasing.

Simon just rolled his eyes as they both laughed and pointed out other ways James was like his dad. Price watched the interaction with pride and real admiration for Simon. He himself had never envisaged Simon getting married and having a family of his own, considering his past. Yet, here he was with a beautiful wife and two gorgeous children. Price was thrilled for the younger man.

After they ate together, Price got to have a cuddle of the new baby, whispering to him about lucky he was to have such a good mum and dad. He handed him back to Georgia who went to the nursery to feed him, leaving him with Simon and Emily.

Price produced a bag and pulled out a toy for Emily, who jumped around before giving him a hug and saying thank you. He then handed Simon a bottle "Gotta wet the baby's head son" he said with a grin.

With a celebratory drink, Simon and Price caught up on the past few weeks, grateful for the still growing connection they had. After filling him in about what the team were up to, Price looked more serious "You know Simon, it's great to see you so happy here with your family. But I wanted to ask if you'd ever considered going back to work?" he asked tentatively.

"No, never. I won't do that to them Price. I promised them I'd never leave and I plan on keeping my promise" he replied bluntly.

Price shook his head "Not thinking about the task force son. Was chatting to the commander at the Louisville Base. He'd heard you'd retired and was asking if I was still in touch. He's interested in having you come and do some training exercises with his men and some visiting units, you know on a consultancy basis" Price explained curious about how it would land.

Simon pondered the suggestion "Never really thought about it" he said simply.

"You've got the skills, the discipline and the experience in buckets son. You're the best second in command I've had and reckon you'd be a great trainer. Those lads could learn a lot from you Simon." Price reasoned.

"I'd have to think about it and speak with Georgia" Simon said non-committally.

"Of course. No pressure. I'll leave you his number and you can do what you think is best" Price concluded as Georgia returned to the room.

"How's James, love?" Simon asked looking up at Georgia.

"He's fine. He was fast asleep before I even changed his diaper" she said softly smiling. Georgia made a drink and sat at the table, Simon immediately taking her hand and squeezing it.

Price checked his watch "Right, It's probably this little poppet's bedtime, so I should be getting moving" he said getting up.

Emily gave Price a warm cuddle before going into her dad's arms "Now poppet, you be good for your mum and dad, yeah?" he said with a grin. Emily smiled and nodded.

Price gave Georgia a hug "So good to see you again love. You take good care of this big lad here. He's a good un" he said with a nod to Simon.

"Oh I sure know it" Georgia replied "It was great to see you again. Have a safe trip" she replied.

"Simon, son. You take good care of these two lovely girls and that precious little lad. Call me if you need anything" he said warmly patting him on the back before walking to his truck.

That night once Emily was tucked up in bed, Simon and Georgia snuggled together on the sofa. As Simon was very quiet, Georgia wondered if he'd been upset by Price's visit. "You okay Simon? Is something wrong?" she asked gently.

Simon perked up and hugged her tightly, kissing her temple "No, nothing wrong love. Just thinking about something Price said" he replied quietly. Simon explained the unexpected conversation about the offer of being a training consultant and how he wasn't sure what to think of it. "I meant what I said about never leaving you, and especially now James is here" he emphasised.

"Would you be interested in training soldiers?" she asked wanting him to talk more.

Simon pondered "I would, I mean I've trained lots of soldiers in my time. It's satisfying seeing them improve but I'm not about to abandon my family to do it love" he said seriously.

"Well you wouldn't be abandoning us Simon. It would only be at Louisville and it's a consultancy, so wouldn't be full time. It's not like you're flying away to a war zone or having to do a two month tour, is it?" Georgia suggested.

"No it's not" Simon acknowledged. "You sound like you think it's a good idea" Simon prodded.

"Well Price is absolutely right that you have a lot to offer and you'd be a great trainer. If they really want you that bad, you can easily negotiate hours to suit, so you wouldn't be away from home long. It's gonna be a while before I even think about going back to work" Georgia expressed smiling.

"And as much as we love having you here all the time, I think it would do you good to still have some contact with the military. It'll keep you motivated in your training and if they give you free reign, imagine what training experience you could give them. They won't get that anywhere else Simon" She concluded sincerely.

Simon kissed her cheek and nuzzled her neck "You're a very persuasive woman Georgia. I'm gonna have to watch out for you" he replied chuckling.

"I'll support you in whatever you want to do Simon. You have the commander's number, so maybe if you meet with him to discuss it, the decision will be clearer" she reasoned.

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