Chapter 16

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Ghost returned to duty at the end of his leave and met with Price for their usual debrief. Price was thrilled that Ghost had popped the question and was soon interrogating him about plans. He informed him that they'd applied for the license and would set the date soon after.

"Just have one request Simon?" Price said looking serious. "I get to be witness" he said bluntly.

Ghost nodded, perplexed at the feeling this elicited. There was a sense of strange satisfaction in that his own father, the waster that he was, wasn't around to see him married, but the thought of his captain wanting to be present actually made him feel quite emotional.

"Yes sir, you won't tell the others though?" Ghost responded.

Price tapped his nose "Secret mission" he whispered before chuckling.

In one of their video calls, Georgia announced that the license had been granted, prompting a wave of relief from Ghost. He'd been worried about his paperwork passing, fearing something getting in the way of his happiness. Georgia announced she would book the County Clerks Office for the ceremony and Ghost said he would book his leave. With the plans all set, Ghost took his leave and headed up to Kentucky.

There weren't many preparations to be made, since it was going to be a simple ceremony, but the small family headed out shopping to buy clothes for the occasion. Simon bought a simple suit and Georgia bought a beautiful light green Summer dress. They had so much fun with Emily trying on different summer dresses. She giggled and danced around pretending she was a fairy. Simon couldn't help but watch on, the pride and emotions washing over him.

Shopping for rings was more straightforward, with both of them choosing simple titanium bands. Emily insisted on having one too, so the jeweller managed to find a ring small enough for her little fingers, in a similar style. Tired but buzzing from the day, they ate in the local diner before heading back home.

The morning of their big day started off simply with breakfast and their usual routine, broken only by the arrival of Captain Price in his dress uniform. When Simon greeted him at the door, Price was taken aback at seeing him so relaxed in civvies and without his mask. Even in the long years he'd known him, he had only seen his face a couple of times.

"Damn Simon, it's good to see you mate" Price said greeting him warmly and patting his back as he entered the house.

Emily came running towards them excitedly, wanting to see who the visitor was. Seeing the large bearded man, she immediately called "Daddy boo" and held up her arms to be picked up by Simon.

Price smiled warmly and regarded his normally gruff Lieutenant, holding a little blonde girl in his arms "Hello poppet, you must be Emily. I'm John and I work with daddy" he said softly with a wide grin.

Emily tried to hide her face in Simon's neck, prompting him to chuckle "Not like you to be shy sweetheart" he said kissing her cheek. "Come through sir" Simon said gesturing to the kitchen diner.

Georgia greeted him with a bright smile "It's great to finally meet you Captain Price. Thanks for coming" she said cheerfully.

"It's an absolute pleasure love. Good to finally meet you and Emily. I've heard a lot about you both" he replied before sitting at the table.

The three of them sat at the table and chatted about the plans for the day while Emily, who'd decided she wasn't shy any more, insisted on bringing her favourite toys to show Price. Simon couldn't help but laugh at seeing his Captain making small talk with the young girl and happily entertaining her.

When Emily ran off to get another toy to show him, Price picked up the suit bag he'd been carrying. "Wasn't sure if you'd agree to it Simon, but I brought you a dress uniform" he said passing him the bag.

Simon was dumbfounded and wasn't sure what to say. He'd never considered wearing a dress uniform for his wedding, even though he knew it was customary. He turned to Georgia "What do you think love?" he asked hesitantly.

Georgia smiled "Whatever you feel comfortable in Simon. But, I think it would be amazing to see both of you looking so handsome in your official dress" she replied honestly. 

When Simon nodded to say okay, she got up and took the suit bag from him "Thank you Captain, I'll go hang this up and make sure that little miss isn't emptying her bedroom out onto the floor" she said leaving the men to talk.

Price watched Simon as his loving gaze followed Georgia out of the room. His emotions, already fired up with the thoughts of the day and having Price wanting to be here for him, made him feel giddy with a mixture of excitement and nerves.

"She's a lovely woman and that little one's precious, you have an amazing family here. You're a lucky man Simon" Price said in a proud tone.

"I do feel very lucky sir" he replied softly.

Soon the time to get ready, brought an ordered chaos to the house as Georgia struggled with getting Emily into her dress rather than the dungarees and wellies that she'd decided she wanted to wear. Bringing her through to the sitting room, so she could go get dressed herself, she was brought to a halt at the vision of Simon in in dress uniform.

He looked nervous and out of place, so Georgia walked over to him and stood in front of him. She gazed lovingly at him as she smoothed his lapels and collar before placing a light kiss on his lips. "You look very handsome Lieutenant. I'm a very lucky woman" she whispered smiling shyly. Simon couldn't stop the light blush that appeared on his cheeks and neck.

Georgia excused herself to get dressed, leaving the two men to keep Emily happy. When she appeared from the room, it was Simon's turn to gaze in admiration. The simple green flowery dress, graced her curves beautifully and the sight of her hair up and loose curls framing her face, made his heart flutter. Simon placed his hand on her back and whispered in her ear "You look so beautiful love. I'm the luckiest man alive to have you as my wife" he said smiling softly.

Price drove them to the County Clerks Office, where they were ushered into the side room, decked with flowers. Emily and Georgia were both given flowers to hold. As Simon and Georgia stood with the registrar and said their vows, Emily sat well behaved on Price's lap and watched the event whispering and pointing out things to her new friend.

The service was concluded by the exchanging of rings and the announcement of "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride"

Simon gazed lovingly at Georgia, his eyes wet with tears. Taking her face gently in his hands, he placed a soft sweet kiss on her lips before hugging her tightly. Emily and Price and clapped and cheered behind them, sending them into laughter. Unbeknownst to Simon and Georgia, Price had booked a table for them in a nearby restaurant, having no clue what to get them for a wedding gift.

There was a lot of laughter and stories from Captain Price and Simon about their time together. Some of which left Simon shaking his head at how much he had changed over the years. After they'd finished deserts, Emily was firmly secured in Simon's arms, nodding off to sleep. Simon glanced at the little girl in his arms and watched on as Georgia and Price chatted, feeling an overwhelming sense of peace and satisfaction.

Price drove them back to the house, stating that he was staying overnight at a base not too far away, before heading back the next morning. As Simon put Emily to bed, Georgia sat with Price at the dining table.

"Captain, thank you so much for helping Simon out with his papers and for being here. Neither of us have family left, so it meant so much to us to have you celebrate with us today" she said sweetly.

"My pleasure love" he replied softly. "I've known Simon for a long time and, to be honest, I worried about him always being shut off and alone. So I can't tell you how happy it made me to hear he'd found you" he said sincerely.

"Thank you. Simon's a good man with a good heart. We're lucky he found us" Georgia admitted.

"He is a good man. Glad he's finally realised that" Price said, just as Simon returned to the dining area.

Georgia made Simon a cuppa and placed it in front of him "Thanks love" he said rubbing her back.

Price grinned watching the two people in front of him, so obviously in love and tired from their long day. "Right you two, I'm gonna head off" he said getting up.

At the door, he gave Georgia a tight warm hug "Great to meet you love. This lad'll take good care of you, but you call me if he gives you any trouble" he said with a wink.

Georgia let out a light laugh "I'm glad I got to finally meet you. Have a safe trip sir" she said in goodbye, leaving the two men to head out to the truck.

Standing by the truck as Price got in, Simon felt at a loss for words. "Thanks for being here and for all your help sir, I appreciate it" Simon said with genuine feeling.

"No problem son. I was happy to witness it. You have a great family there Simon. I'm glad you're happy here" he said feeling proud. "Take a good leave to be with your family Simon and let me know when you're heading back" he added, starting the truck.

Simon nodded and waved as Price drove away.

He walked into the kitchen where Georgia was cleaning up cups. He slid his arms around her waist and leant into her with his chin on her shoulder, nuzzling her neck. "You must be worn out Mr Banks?" she asked softly.

"Mmm, still have to have my dance" he said softly, turning her around to face him.

"What music would you like sir?" Georgia asked kissing his lips.

Simon gazed lovingly at her "Don't need any music Mrs Banks" he said with a chuckle.

With his arms around her shoulders and her arms around his waist, they danced slowly in the kitchen to their own music. Stealing kisses and exchanging smiles and whispers, the intimacy of the moment became more heated until Simon swept Georgia off her feet and carried her, giggling, to their bedroom.

The remainder of Simon's leave seemed to pass by way too quickly. Parting was never easy but was becoming less painful now that Simon knew he'd be coming back home to his family again, very soon.

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