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This is South Island. Home to many animal inhabitants. And even one in particular. A small blue blur speeding by, running across log bridges and giant loops. That small, blue blur wasn't a figment of someone's imagination. He was a cute, adorable, baby hedgehog. As he was running, he was hearing music in the air. The small, blue, furry creature smiled brightly as he ran across the entire island, rolling into a ball. Just then, the blue blur made it into a small hut deep within a forest. Inside the hut was a giant sleeping owl wearing warrior garments. The ball of fur bumped into the owl, causing it to wake up, startled. The adorable hedgehog then laughed at the owl's surprised face. "Hi Longclaw!" The hedgehog said to the owl. "Sonic. Where did you go? You know this place is too dangerous for someone like you to run around," the owl said to him in a soft, worried tone. "Someone could've seen you." The owl then lifted her wing, and gently caressed the hedgehog with her beautiful, delicate feathers. "Ha-ha! No one saw me! I'm too fast!" Sonic said, zooming around in circles. He then skid to a stop back to the owl. "And besides. I wanted to bring you this." He reached behind him and pulled out a small, yellow flower with an adorable smile. Longclaw reached for the flower, but then gasped as she saw something behind Sonic from a distance. "Get down!" She exclaimed as she brought Sonic to the ground. "Thoomp!" An arrow flew to the hut! Longclaw and Sonic watched as the hut was being surrounded by a clash of power-hungry echidnas! They must've followed Sonic as he was running. "Hang on!" Longclaw said to Sonic. Sonic held on with fear as the owl spread her wings, and quickly soared into the skies! Sonic looked down as the echidnas kept shooting their arrows upward at them! After many tries, finally, "Thoomp!" Another arrow hit the owl directly under her wing, and she quickly fell from the sky, landing hard on the ground, holding on to the scared hedgehog. Longclaw slowly stood up, and helped Sonic down. "Listen carefully, Sonic," she said. "You have a power unlike anything I've ever seen. And that means someone will always want it." Then under her wing, she pulled out a small gold ring, and threw it in the distance. Suddenly, the ring grew into a big portal that revealed a dark, empty forest. "This world is on the far side of the universe. You should be safe there," Longclaw continued. Meanwhile, the frightened, hedgehog child looked up at her with worried eyes. "But what about you...?" Sonic asked, tears forming in his eyes. "I can't go with you. You must be safe on your own." "But I don't wanna go without you!" Sonic cried, tears streaming down his furry cheeks as he hugged Longclaw tightly. Longclaw was the only one who ever took care of him. And so Sonic was afraid of leaving her. Longclaw hugged Sonic back and looked down at him. "I'm sorry, Sonic. But this is for the greater good." She then gave Sonic a bag. Inside was a bunch of gold rings. "These rings will help you. Don't ever lose them. If you are ever discovered, use one. Do you understand?" Sonic nodded as he held on to the rings. "Remember Sonic. Don't let anyone see you. And no matter how trustworthy they may seem, don't trust anyone! Never stop running! Now go!" Sonic nodded fast as he ran through the ring portal, holding on to his pouch of rings. He looked back as Longclaw spread her giant wings at the echidnas charging toward her. Sonic gasped as the portal started to disappear. Longclaw looked back at him and said, "Goodbye Sonic." Then, within seconds, the ring portal disappeared before Sonic made it through. The small hedgehog then panted in fear at the sight of Longclaw's farewell.

Many years later...Sonic grew his life on Earth.

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