I'm sorry...friend....

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Sonic ran from your house, and zoomed through the trees. You ran as fast you could, yelling Sonic's name, trying to find him. "Sonic! SONIC!" You screamed. You looked around, panting fast. You then kept running, but then slowed down when you got to the same park you were before.

You stopped to catch a breath, and then thought of something. Maybe Sonic left. After all, he does have his rings. He probably left to go to the mushroom planet now.

Meanwhile, Sonic reached behind him, and sniffled while taking out a ring. His hand shaking. "M-Mushrooms Sonic...," he said, slowly. "They're the ones calling your name.... They are your real friends.... You don't need no Jerk Lady on this Jerk Earth...!"

He then prepared to throw the ring. He brought his arm back, preparing to throw it. But he couldn't move. "Come on, Sonic. Focus! Mushrooms! Mushroom Planet! Come on! Snap out of it!" He yelled at himself. But Sonic still stood there. He then fell to his knees, dropping his bag of rings, and covered his face.

You then heard a sort of jingling and clinking sound in the distance. You turned around, and went through the trees. And then...you saw something blue! There he was. Sonic, leaning against a tree. You sadly walked up to him, and crouched down to him.

"Sonic...," you said, softly. Sonic gasped and turned his head away. "Go away!" He yelled, tears sliding down his cheeks. You then thought he was gonna run off, so you quickly pulled him in for a quick, tight hug, and Sonic squirmed. "Let me go! Let me go please!" He cried. "Sonic! Don't go! I'm sorry!" You cried.

"No you're not! You just want me to stay so I could take you to more places around the world!" Sonic yelled. "Sonic! I don't care about that!" You said to him. "Please! Hear me out!" And so then, Sonic shut up. He allowed you to talk now.

"Sonic.... I never should've yelled at you...," you began. "I've realized now that...when I leave here...I didn't think about the fact that I was gonna stop seeing my friends...." Sonic slowly looked up at you with sad eyes. "I've only thought about myself the past couple of weeks because...I'm afraid of graduating. Because the truth is...I don't know what I'm gonna do when I leave school.... I haven't thought about what I was gonna do afterwards.... It's like...my life as a kid is over...and now growing up as an adult...it's all just moving so fast...."

Sonic looked at you more. "I didn't think you felt that way...," he said. "I'm sorry I was so hard on you.... I know leaving your home and the people you love must be hard for you...." "No Sonic," you said. "You didn't do anything wrong." You then held his hands and continued.

"In fact...the other day that I've spent with you.... That was one of the most thrilling times I've ever had in my life! And you made it happen Sonic!" His ears perked up. "Really?" He asked. "Heck yeah! As weird and silly as you are, deep down, you are one of the coolest and funnest guys I've ever met! You know more about being on Earth more than anyone else ever will!"

Sonic then grew a smile. "I am?" He asked. You laughed and hugged him again. "Yes you are, Sonic," you smiled. "A thousand times yes." Sonic smiled and slowly hugged you back, causing him to purr and cry happy tears.

You then pulled away, and wiped Sonic's tears. "And you know what?" You asked. "I think you might actually be my best friend." Sonic gasped and smiled wide. "You're my best friend, __________!" He said with excitement.

"Hehe, call me Cake Lady," you smiled. Sonic smiled back and looked in your eyes. Tears were still going down your cheeks, but you were still smiling. Sonic wiped them off, and then felt your cheek. You blushed as you felt Sonic's hand touching your cheek. Sonic blushed back, and pulled away.

"Sorry," he said. But then, you grabbed him, and pulled him in for a deep kiss!!!

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