Scott angst

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(there is a spell you can do, but it takes the ender dragon heart, so it can be done once. It makes illusions that you can feel and hear.
Pix has a wife named Ophelia, shes a healer in house blossom, after Xornoth killed his parents, Scott had to take the throne early, he's the same age as Shrub and jimmy {mentally}, fourteen {it that to young?} the other rulers are seventeen-twenty, Pix is thirty-six.)

"this'll be perfect" Xornoth muttered.

"definitely" Joey agreed.

"this'll be something, not sure what though" Sausage mumbled.

Scott was doing normal, smart people activities. He was scouting the area around his kingdom, and definitely not going to meet the Codfather. Or the rest of his friends – the rest of the empires except Joey and sausage, the demon thing, and Pix was busy. See! Not all his friends.

Jimmy had definitely not sent him a letter, saying to meet him and the others in the small flower field outside of the Crystal Cliff. Who told you that? They are dirty liar.

The field he totally wasn't going to was in the middle of the forest, in a small clearing. Poppies and sunflowers covered every inch of the ground. A small area was flattened and covered with a blanket.

Cod splashed in a mini pond near the end of the glade, a lone Ambystoma mexicanum, (axolotl) was there too.

Fine, he was meeting his friends, but he didn't like all of the emperors that were coming.
He sat on that blanket and open the picnic basket he had brought with him. All he could see was poppies, bright red poppies, it was sweet.

"hey petal" Jimmy's voice echoed around the clearing, cold and hard, as he pushed trees out of his way. The others all followed behind him. The eight emperors glared at him.

Had he done something?

"where's Pix?" he asked.

"he 'didn't want to be a part of this loser" Fwip snarled.

"aw, honey" Katherine growled at him, "you look as perfect as always"

"yes, always so concerned with your looks bro, never have time for us" Shrub hissed.

"what, but I'm here, I took time to visit you and-" Scott tried to grasp what they were saying.

"ha, like we want you to visit us" Joel spat.

"we just invited ya 'cause we had to Scoot, we ain't dealing with anymore more bloody wars" Pearl snarled.

"you're just a hazard with those powers frosty, Gem, the Blackstone" Fwip ordered. A heavy collar of Blackstone was clipped around his neck. All his energy was sucked into it, his magic too.

"what" Scott gasped.

"Look at that, the cute, perfect, kind, ice king, are you okay darl?" Lizzie teased.

"I always thought of you as a brother scoot, you know that, now I realise how stupid that was, you so, so, sweet and kind, and useless, you had all that power, and ran away when Gem got a little frostbite, like, seriously bro?" Shrub barked.

"you're so powerful scooter, I need to examine those antlers" Gem mused.

"we can help with that" Katherine laughed manically.

Someone grabbed his antlers from behind. "oh petal, your beautiful face is always blocked by these things" Jimmy gave his antlers a sharp jerk, then pressed something cold and metal into their base.

Then he started cutting, he sliced right through the base of Scott's antlers, one after the other.
Scott screamed, why were they doing this, what was jimmy doing this?!

"you look just as pretty without them"

"now we can see his pretty face" Pearl giggled.

"here ya go Gem, a fresh pair of antlers" Jimmy laughed throwing them to Gem.

Scott collapsed to the floor, his head was throbbing, the pain was worse than anything he had ever felt. Ever.

The only thing he could see was poppies, blood red poppies. The colour made him sick, the flower made him sick. The scent, the look, just everything about them was horrible.

"aw, petal, come on, let's do something" jimmy wined.

"those wings look incredible, they go great with my colour pallet" Joel admired.

"You want a pair? I'm sure my bro could spare them" Shrub asked before Katherine moved towards him. Maybe she was going to protect him from these people!

She pressed a knife to the base of his wings, and his screamed.

"Please, what did I do"' he begged.

"nothing petal" jimmy said, placing his hand on Scott's cheek as Katherine sawed his wings off.
"you didn't do anything, nothing is going to happen, you'll be okay" Gem said, but her tone of voice didn't match her insane smile, blood-soaked clothes, or the pair of golden deer antlers in her arms.

Everything hurt, his back, his head, his chest, his heart. All he could see was poppies.

"thanks honey" Kathrine said, her voice sickly sweet.

Katherine came into view, handing Joel a pair of blood stained, gold, white and cyan owl wings. His wings.

"Perfect" Joel laughed, holding his prized new decoration.

"can I have one, like a wedding gift" lizzie asked, and Joel handed her one.

"I wish I had something, I guess I can keep the memory if you have nothing to give me scoot" Pearl snickered horribly.

"You can have one of these antlers, I wonder where his went?" Gem joked sickly as she passed the blood-stained deer horn to pearl.

They all surround him, kicking and punching and slicing every inch of his body. Yelling insults, complimenting his 'new look.'

When they were done re-sculpting his body, they stood back to examine their work.

He was lying on his back, and everywhere on him that wasn't covered in bruises were open wounds, his glorious golden antlers were bloodstained in Gem & pearls arms, just bloody stumps were left on his head. His once cyan hair was a sick red purple, blood poured down his face. Where his wings used to be was a bloody mess, raw skin and bone dripping in blood was visible. There wasn't a spot of clean skin on him. He was hideous. It hurt like f@ck!ng hell.

"bye petal, I won't be far" The nick name Jimmy had given Scott made the elf feel sick.

"see ya Scoot, stay alive, we need you living to beat the cr@p outta you again" Pearl giggled, she was a maniac. Blood stained her cloths, and she had one of his antlers slung over her shoulder.
Everyone said their goodbyes and left. Gem & pearl with an antler each, and Lizzie & Joel sharing the wings. His wings, well, they were his wings, not anymore.

As he faded from consciousness all he could see was poppies. Dying red poppies.

Meanwhile, a small bit away in the forest.

Gem, Fwip, Shrub, Pearl, Katherine, Joel, Lizzie, and Jimmy were headed for the place Scott said to meet him.

It was meant to be a peaceful flower field somewhere in this forest, but it was not peaceful at all.
They reached the clearing and saw a crumpled and bleeding Scott lying unconscious. Half of them screamed, half of them gasped, half of them stared sobbing.

"Joel, pearl, you can fly fast, get Katherines healing stuff, Jimmy, get that Blackstone off him and text Pix, we need all the help we can get, then go help Joel and pearl, Lizzie, help Fwip carry Scott, be gentle, Katherine, Shrub, go ahead to my apothecary, get ready, I'll help Fwip and Lizzie" Gem ordered, and everyone hurried to do their jobs.

Lizzie and Fwip carried Scott through the forest, Gem guiding them with her magic. It took a while, but eventually they reached the apothecary.

Pearl, Jimmy, and Joel had left some of Katherines equipment and gone to get more, Katherine and Shrub were preparing a spot to lay Scott.

The healers gasped and hurried to work, helping Shrub and Katherine.

"what happened to him, poor darl" One of the healers asked.

"we don't know, we found him like this at our meeting spot" Shrub explained a few more details.
Machines beeped and whirled, bags of red and clear liquids were hooked up to Scott. Bandages covered Scott, the worst ones were his back and head, they were already a horrible red.

Jimmy, Pearl, Joel, and Pix crashed through the doorway, arms full of medical devices Gem couldn't place. Jimmy was holding a single poppy in his hand.

"how is he?" Jimmy asked.

"better, barely stable, but better than when we found him, just" Shrub explained as Kathrine continued ordering people around.

"I swear, when I bloody found out who did this to him, I'm going to f@ck!ng murder them" Pearl hissed.

"I'll help, now, what can we do?" Pix asked.

"Gem, you help me and Shrub, Jimmy stay with Scott, Lizzie, Joel, comfort Jimmy, Pearl, Fwip, Pix, try and find out who did this to him" Katherine instructed, "well, what are you waiting for, chop chop"

Gem moved straight into helping heal Scott, fixing bandages, sticking his cuts, and cleaning his wounds. Jimmy stared at this all, that couldn't be his Scott, his Scott wouldn't have ended up like this.

He let out a choked sob and Lizzie & Joel hugged him tight.

*Time skip to three days later*

Scott's eyes fluttered open, and he shot up in bed. Bad decision, pain flooded his entire body and his vision blacked out for a minute.

He scanned the room, machines beeped and whirled, he was hooked up to some of them, bandages and stiches closed his wounds. Every inch of his skin stabbed and crawled with pain.
His vision cleared a bit more and he noticed who else was in the room.

Katherine, Gem, Jimmy, Pearl, Shrub, they were there. What did they want, they were going to do something to him again, he just knew it. There must be something in those machines.
A sob escaped his throat, he just wanted to be okay.

"he's awake" Shrub yelled.

They knew he was up, there was no escaping them now.

"who did this to you" Pearl asked. This must be some sort of mind games.

"Petal, you're up, I was so worried" jimmy moved to put his hand on Scott's cheek, but the elf shrunk back violently.

"n-n-no, you'll hurt m-m-me again" Scott tried to be harsh, but his voice quivered.

"Scott, we didn't hurt you" Shrub tried to explain.

"honey, it'll be okay" Katherine reassured.

"s-s-stay away mon-monster" Scott begged.

"nothing is going to happen, you'll be okay" Gem whispered.

"y-you took them, a-and Pearl, you t-t-took me antlers, i-I want, I want them b-b-back" Scott hissed.

"I didn't, what?" Gem asked.

"he thinks we did this" Shrub explained.

"YOU DID, all of you a-and Joel and L-l-lizzie and F-F-Fwip" Scott screamed.

"petal, calm down, we didn't do this" Jimmy said.

"NO NO NO, y-you, you're the worst o-of them, you t-t-took my, you, you took them" The elf yelled again.

"get Pix" Katherine ordered, "it'll be okay honey"

"You have anything that might calm him down?" Shrub asked.

"he likes poppies" Pearl remembered.

Even the name of poppies made him feel sick, all he could see was poppies.

"I have one" Jimmy said. He pulled one from a vase near them and approached Scott.

"hey, petal, it's okay, it's okay, I have a gift" Jimmy mumbled, brandishing the poppy.

"no, no, no, no, no, k-k-keep that thing away f-from me, I n-n-never-never want to s-s-see one of those, those, those THINGS e-ever again, they w-w-were there" the elf sobbed. He needed to get out and find someone he could trust.

Shrub walked forward, about to do something to the machines. What was she going to do? What was she going to do?

"stay b-b-back or I'll, I'll, just- JUST STAY BACK" he yelled, trying to stand. His legs buckled and he huddled against the wall, sobbing. It was happening again, what else could they take? They have everything.

"okay, okay, I think you should leave now" one of the healers said, giving them all death stares, "and come back when he's calmed down"

"But-" Jimmy protested.

"I wasn't asking, go" the healer demanded as she tentatively approached Scott. "hey sweetness, how are you going?"

"are-are they g-g-gone?" he asked quietly.

"yes sweetheart"

"t-t-they did this, t-them and everyone e-e-else, not Pix, he d-d-didn't want them to do it, they t-t-took my antlers, my wings, my wings, they took them" the elf sobbed.

"Pix wasn't there?" the lady clarified.


"ah, well, he'll be here soon, but until then, I'm Ophelia, the head healer here" she introduced herself.

"hi" Scott mumbled weakly.

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