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Peter Salty POV

   Hey I'm Peter Salty and no my family did not create salt. I am Frank Zhang's friend. I have seen him do some pretty crazy stuff. I mean he is like a child of Ares or Mars. Maybe even Aphordite. Whoa! I'm getting of topic.
   So as you can guess from the way Im talking the gods revealed themselves. And you probably could guess that I'm gay. Well I'm actually bi but no one kows that. I also have a cruch on Frank. I hide it well but I let a comment on how nice this guy looked once slip near Frank.
   I was surprised to hear him say that his girlfriend's brother was gay. So hearing that made me feel a little better. From the way her brother sounds he could be the son of Thantos. I met up with Frank and we started walking to the gym.
   "Oh look its the loser and the loser's boyfriend! Haha! Frank you know if you ditch this guy you can hang with the jocks and get to date me. Then you wont be know as this chump's boyfriend." The school bully said her name was Emma.
   "No Emma for the last time I am not into you and Peter is better company than you or the football team. So goodbye." He said as he walked off. I tried following him but Emma became a emposa(Is that how you spell it?). "Well styx!" I heard Frank's voice yell.
   Nex thing I know a arrow is flying to my left and hit Emma. I looked back to see Frank with a bow and arrow and now a girl of a horse with a gleaming sword. "Hey good to see you." The girls said. "Same but mind helping me?"
   He said notching another arrow. With in the blink of an eye the girl was in front of me. Her and the horse covered in gold monster dust. "Umm Frank who is that and how do you know her?" I asked hoping that wasn't his girlfriend he told me about.
   "Im Hazel daughter of Pluto and Frank's girlfriend." I instantly metally face plamed because of my stupidity. 'Of course she was! She was a cute and talented from what I have seen alone!' "Yeah Hazel this is Peter. Peter this is my girlfriend Hazel and because she said her godly parent I should probably say mine. Mars is my dad." He said as he walked up to me gave me a hug. "Because I'm probably not coming back see ya." He said pulling away and shape shifted into a horse like the one Hazel was on. And a couple years later I found out that I was a demigod the son of Athena. I saw Frank quite offten but he seemed so happy with Hazel that I never told him that I liked him at one point. I moved on and forgot about my crush on him.

Hey again! So I see a lot of people have seen this and I was just like 'what the heck I'll make to I one day because I have tp mich time on my hands!' And I was gonna do the hunters but decided not to. The word count is 549! See ya!

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