Eric Henderson-Jiper

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Hey wazzup, people! I'm Eric Henderson, and if you don't know who I am, you must be living under a rock. I'm Park Town High's (A/N: That's a made up name) resident quarterback and most popular guy. I'm a player, and proud! (I'm soooo gagging rn)

Anyway, my new goal was Piper McLean. She was a really hot girl with a Cherokee complexion and choppy brown hair, and amazing kaleidoscope eyes. She had muscles in the I-work-out-way.

So many people have asked her out, but she uses the classic excuse- 'I have a boyfriend'. I mean, she's waiting for me, duh! So I plan to ask her out today, and dump her after a few days. I just wanted to see her naked in my bed. (Excuse me, I'm gonna go puke)

After school, I was with my football teammates when I spotted Piper by the fountain, reading a book. My friends followed my eyes, and smiled.

"Go for it man."my bestfriend, Kile Mark, said. He was a player too.

"Well duh."I replied, and walked *cough*sauntered*cough* over to her.

"Hey baby. You, me, my house, 8. My parents aren't home, and we can play around in my bed."I whispered seductively, confident I had won her over.

She made a face. "Ew, no way, Henderson!"she said.

I chuckled. "No need to act hard to get, McLean. I know you want me."

"I don't want you even if you're the last man on Earth! Besides, I have a boyfriend."she growled.

"C'mon, babe, everyone knows that's fake."I laughed.

"So I'm fake?"I new voice asked. I turned to see a dude with shaggy blond hair and electric blue eyes. He had a chiseled face, and strong muscles. He radiated a 'don't mess with me' vibe. I felt all the girls currently at the parking lot get turned on. Heck, I might even go gay for him!

"Her Pipes."he said.

"Yo, Sparky!"she replied, smiling.

"Who's this?"he asked.

I spoke up. "I'm Eric Henderson, Piper's boyfriend."I smirked arrogantly, sure I could take him on.

"Oh, really? Last I checked I was her boyfriend."he replied casually.

"Henderson, I was never your girlfriend." Piper scoffed, standing up and walking over to the other dude's side.

"You and me, fight. Whoever wins gets Piper."I said.

He smiled. "Sure, why not?"he said.

"Hey! I wanna get a go at him!"whined Piper.

"Ok, fine."he said, shrugging.

Piper smiled wickedly, and handed her bag to him. She walked up to me and grabbed my wrist.

"I will, never, ever, be your girlfriend, you asshole."she growled.

Then she judo-flipped me.

She f*cking judo flipped me.

I sat up, groaning, spying Piper and 'Sparky' walk to his car, a wicked electric blue (insert fancy sports car name here). I heard a bit off their conversation.

"That was wicked!"said 'Sparky'. "Have you been getting lessons from Annabeth?"

"Shut up, Sparky."she said, playfully slapping him.

They got into the car and I never saw them again.

I rushed this chapter so yeah

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