Chapter 6

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Morgan was the only one not nervous for the dance. Ned was going crazing making sure he looked good for Mj. Peter wanted to look good for Flash. Mj wanted to look good for Ned. Flash wanted to look good for Peter. Harley wanted to look good for Morgan. So that evening the penthouse was a mess.(they invited everyone to get dressed in the penthouse. 

Harley and Flash's room:

Harley: I hope Morgan thinks I look good. Thank for helping Flash.

Flash: no problem. I hope Peter thinks I look good since he always looks good. 

Harley: I'm sure he will. 

Flash: thanks. I'm sure Morgan will think you look good. 

They finished helping each other get dressed

Mj and Morgan's room

Morgan: thanks for helping Wanda!! I'm sure Harley will think I look good.

Mj: yeah thanks for helping. I really hope I look good for Ned. 

Wanda: no problem girls your like my sisters. Harley and Ned better think you look good. 


Wanda: did you tell your dad your bi yet Morg??

Mj: good question 

Morgan: no but I will soon

Wanda and Mj: *sighs*

Morgan: *rolls eyes*

Morgan opened her email on her phone and saw one from Pepper. It said 

Morgan have a good time at the dance with Harley and make sure Peter has a good time. I love you and hope you have a good time with your friends. Also send me a picture of your outfits. 

Morgan started smiling and responded saying 

I will send some pics and have a good time. I love you so much. 

She closed her phone and finished getting ready. 

Peter and Ned's room 

Peter: thanks for helping us dad!! 

Ned: yeah thanks mr Stark!!

Tony: no problem and Ned you can call me Tony. 

Ned: oh my god I get to call iron man by his first name!!!

They all laugh and finish getting ready 

When everyone is out of their rooms they all complimented each other and Morgan took pictures of them. Then they got in the car. 




(With hair)




(Without the cape) 

When they got there it was decorated with hearts of pink and red and gold and white. It was so beautiful. They danced and talked and had a good time. After the dance they got McDonald's cause they didn't eat much food. All of there friends stayed over that night. 

A/n: sorry I haven't been updated I've been tired and haven't had any ideas. I promise next chapter she will come out to her dad. 

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